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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Okay, I am here to reply to the issues Dap brought up.  Some were valid in my opinion, and others were not.  First and foremost lets talk about this whole trap thing.  To clarify, when I hopped into the game I read the page that I was on and saw someone mention a trap mechanic.  My statement was in regards to that when I said that I needed to catch up.  I had not read Ithi's mention of taking hats etc and my readthrough was done when you all saw my contributions to the game as I commented on things (from joke votes onwards) as I saw them.  That should have been clear from the fact that I was replying to spam posts from the first three pages and I am loathe to think of any of you as too dense to recognize that.  As such, I'll assume that it being ignored was gameplay.


Thus, if you want my timeline you have to actually treat things as if I went backwards, starting in the middle and going to the end then returning to the beginning, or it will make no sense.  


Len's statement doesn't make sense as mafia because it has no potential of an ulterior motive, is clarifying, questioning, and generally helpful.  While he is good as mafia that is just not the sort of thing that one says when they are anti-town and I see it as a major town tell.  Doubly so combined with his other play here.  Need I more reasoning?


I don't get your point about yourself?  I already stated I thought you town (maybe you're questioning something I said elsewhere that differs?) at the time and still pretty much do this game (again, if I have said differently elsewhere apologies, I don't remember).  Highlighting it with a thrown in comment that I should clear you using the same logic seems overplayed.


I haven't changed my mind about Ed.  The fact of the matter is that I have a damn good gut and going against it has cost me a lot of wins around here.  My logic sucks comparatively.  Thus, I used what little info I had to see if I could rile him.  It didn't do much besides make him so cautious that he has backed off the thread but I don't need more.  I have my eye on him and can wait for him to make a bigger slip, something to bury him with.  


Talya just strikes me as town and I am honestly not a big fan of the trains around at the moment.  Cloud I have no clue on, honestly.  I don't mean that I can't tell, simply that I have forgotten my read on him entirely like three times this game.  Apparently what I get is different :laugh: after a reread.


And yes, I often stay away from big trains.  People case them all to hell and nothing more needs to be said once the spark is there.  I would rather cull those who aren't on everyones radar, they are the really dangerous ones.  


Feel free to go after Rand, or Ed.  However, I think that if we get Ed we get Rand, not the other way around.  One way linking is a lot smoother for mafia and not a bad play..--> Hence Ed Imo.


That cloud vote man.. Odd.  Well, despite my best attempts I suppose we aren't going to lynch Ed today.  And Cloud read bad that time.



This should about do it for Peace's case.  Take things as you all will.  I will try to respond to anything else that I see in a timely manner.

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Talking about that, I'm willing to switch my vote to anyone of Darthe, Dice, Talya, Peace and maybe some that I am forgetting in order to get a majority. Not everyone, only those whose plays have been slightly or more than slightly scummy. Ed is #1 at my list though.


How can Ed be #1 on your list and you be willing to vote me?  Glad to see you're vote is no lady though.  Toss it anywhere!





I would be willing to switch my vote to Darthe.

your a happy litte follower arent you?

I'd say Darthe is begging for it




Lol that is SO awesome, Hallia!! :D Ithi better give you extra points for that!


I'm still waiting for Darthe's case..


Btw Maw said that he was 'undecided' about Talya. 


I am seeing my name a lot lately, seeing a lot of people willing to vote but not doing it.  I never like that, it sounds like consolidation which is scummy in nature.  Have reads or don't folks (not specifically directed at you Cloud).




I could bloody vote for bloody Song (seriously..get your bloody butt in here), bloody chuckles, bloody Darthe..and bloody Time.


Chuckles for bloody hypocrisy.


Time for Chuckles bloody pathetic distancing attempt from her.


Darthe for bloody buddying up to me.


When was this again?  I barely like you.


Is Darthe dead yet?


<3 you too.


Hey Mafia. Yea, you guys. If you have a one-time recruit, can you recruit me? I wanna be scum. :sad:


Oh my god, hey everyone!  Just so you know, I am not scum so remember that I am clearly not okay?  I wanna be cause it's fun and if I look scummy it's cause I wanna be but I'm not, okay?


Just so you knew.



Translated that for you all. - Darthe


I didn't have everything clear yesterday evening. For some reasong I was confusing Time's and Ed's scummyness when I posted that... Which is also why I talked like my vote was on Ed (it was on Time). If it had been on Ed I'd most likely have said "unvote vote Ed", becuase I'd have thought it was on one of the less scummy people...


Wait. RTE is in this game too?


I totally missed you, I think...


How about we end with you, another town and a mafia or third party this game?


Wait. RTE is in this game too?


I totally missed you, I think...


How about we end with you, another town and a mafia or third party this game?


So much for being thorough :rolleyes:


Arez, you're only proving my point. Up through that reread, I didn't see much of anything from you scum-hunting. So no, not omitting any of your posts.

How exactly have I backed off the game? Do tell.

Also, your translation is so, so, completely wrong.


Official Vote Count:


Eddie - 1 (Rey)

Ley - 1 (Time)

Talya - 5 (Dice, Rand, Arez, Maw, Player)

Dice - 4 (RTE, Len, Cloud, Basel)

Cloud - 1 (Darthe)

Time - 5 (Chuckles, Ley, Talya, Peace, Mish)

Darthe - 1 (Ishy)

Lenlo - 1 (Eddie)


Currently not voting - 5 (Roo, Hallia, Song, Kae, Cyan)


With 24 alive it takes 10 to Lynch


The current Deadline is 9pm GMT Monday 4th March


Countdown Timer to the end of Day 1

Just to let you know, between 4.30 pm and 8.00pm ish GMT it is unlikely that I will be able to give a Vote Count, as I need to collect my boys from nursery, make their evening meal and get them put to bed. Turin will be about possibly, but Cindy has very kindly offered to post Vote Counts if everything goes mental - which it probably will - so be nice to her if she does, mmmkay?

UNOfficial Vote Count:


Eddie - 1 (Rey)

Ley - 1 (Time)

Talya - 5 (Dice, Rand, Arez, Maw, Player)

Dice - 4 (RTE, Len, Cloud, Basel)

Time - 7 (Chuckles, Ley, Talya, Peace, Mish, Ed, Darthe)

Darthe - 1 (Ishy)


Currently not voting - 5 (Roo, Hallia, Song, Kae, Cyan)


With 24 alive it takes 10 to Lynch


The current Deadline is 9pm GMT Monday 4th March


* please feel free to correct me


Unvote, Vote Time


Her (and Ed's) case on Ley is weak and she also didn't comment on any other player when she came back online. Mish also mentioned that she has a mafia meta read on Time. I also find Chuckles scummy, almost every single post of him has been null and yet he votes other players for their inactivity. Start posting your thoughts dude.


UNOfficial Vote Count:


Eddie - 1 (Rey)

Ley - 1 (Time)

Talya - 5 (Dice, Rand, Arez, Maw, Player)

Dice - 3 (RTE, Len, Basel)

Time - 8 (Chuckles, Ley, Talya, Peace, Mish, Ed, Darthe, Cloud)

Darthe - 1 (Ishy)


Currently not voting - 5 (Roo, Hallia, Song, Kae, Cyan)


With 24 alive it takes 10 to Lynch


The current Deadline is 9pm GMT Monday 4th March


* please feel free to correct me


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