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The Interesting Thing About Me You Didn't Know Thread

Tyler Glembo

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I just found out the horse I've been riding was ridden by Viggo Mortensen on Rings as well.... :O

I lurve Viggo!!!  :) 


Yup, monkeys.  :)  They rock.  ;0)

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I am a licensed horseback riding instructor


Monkeys?? O.o




I just found out the horse I've been riding was ridden by Viggo Mortensen on Rings as well.... :O



I started horse-back riding and fencing in 8th grade because I read a biography of George Patton.


I went to my first horse race on Saturday. Wow. I need to go to more!





I would be going to a fitness convention in Vegas (where only one private cocktail party would be involved) and will be staying with some close friends of mine that live near Boston. I'm also the one that it took several years before I would even think of drinking alcohol - and when I did, I took two sips of that first drink because it was a dry and disgusting white wine lol


Well Boston is a fun town, and has plenty of places for both good beer and good cocktails. I know that there are wine-bars in town, but I haven't been to any of them so I can't give advice.


*hides Viggo*


Nuffin to be seen here peeps, move along... :myrddraal:



Hmmms I've been thinking about my drastic moodswings and concluded I'm one of those people that can be having the time of their life at one moment and down in the dumps the next. I like being bubbly and cheery though, naturally, so optimism is my face most of the time, I rarely let people know I'm upset. But rest assured, I usually am this hyper in rl. Unfortunately, because I knock lots of stuff over.

Well, it makes for a varied lifestyle at the least :P


Only two people have ever seen be angry

(my bro and my mom)

, im usually known as the guy who's lazy and pretty much spends all day joking around, and my smile has gotten me into a lot of trouble :dry: 


Only two people have ever seen be angry

(my bro and my mom)

, im usually known as the guy who's lazy and pretty much spends all day joking around, and my smile has gotten me into a lot of trouble :dry:



Sounds like Mat :-)

  • 4 weeks later...

I wish I could grow a beard. Not that I'm incapable, my job requires me to be clean shaven when in uniform. I take advantage on the weekends though and let the scruff come in :laugh:


*fires a suction cup arrow at Sid's mustache*


*nods in satisfaction*



When I was a kid I couldn't stand the taste of broccoli. Now I love it!


Hun ok well when I was 16 it was around Halloween time I was with a friend on our way to meet other friends! We had just crossed the field at the top of my street when I felt something hit off my shoulder I looked around but couldn't see any thing so we kept walking. A few seconds later there was a Big Bang I couldn't see anything or hear anything. My friend who was in forint if me turned around to see what had happened but when she looked at me she start screaming. I looked down and it all hit me at once I was in dhock so i couldn't feel anything initially, there was blood everywhen and a horrible smears of burnt clothing and skin... What happened a cuppel of young fellas had thrown a firework at us to scare us but it hit me and got stuck between my jacket and my boobs and exploded luckily we where close to home and my parents and sister who is a nurse where home. My mum says he's could hear me screaming all the way down the street and just knew it was me! The by lance came and took me to hospital not befor my sister threw me into a cold shower to stop the shock and burning. I was really luckey the doctors thought I would have to get plastic surgery but I was young and healed really well I don't even have a scar well except for when I get a tan lol the guy who done it I knew for years he never me t to hurt me and he ran straight over to me when it happened, he was a goid kid from a bad family I dident press charges but he did pay my hospital bill and gave me a card with cash to replace my clothes and done some work around the house for my mum, he went on to get his batch lots the first in his family. And I still see him to this day and have a little chat!! Lol. So there you go something you all dident know!!!!


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