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Basel Gill

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Nope... I'm the Lie Detector... and when I checked Maw's town statement last night it came back as being honest... when I checked BB's statement the first night about being cop that was also honest... the third night I checked Ithi's statement and it said that it contained a lie, and she was mafia... I checked BG's statement the second night and that post also contained a lie.... therefore, he is mafia...

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Well this does many things... Well there has to be a LD in the game, Darthe's role just about confirmed it. As to whether I believe WOT's claim, I say yes, it's late game and faking this claim now would leave quite a large opportunity for someone to counter-claim which would wrap up another mafia member really. I only want to know whether WOT voted BG at all on day 3, since she would have known his mafianess by then, or at the very least tried to further some arguments on him, hiding your claim is all well and good but not doing anything on the info you get is another thing


navigating to posts is messed up right now, so a link to said post might be nice?

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She did vote both Ithi and BG on D3, although without providing much in the way of reasoning for either (and drew some suspicion for the BG vote).


That said, if she's fake claiming, we'll find out about it soon enough.  Unvote.


There's always the possibility of a silvertongue, so Maw's not off my radar completely.  However, I should have learned by now when BG isn't doing anything to make me suspicious he's probably up to something.  Tricksy, that one is.


Vote BG

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unvote vote BG.


I think Smiley is a good person to lynch still.


Kinda wish the LD had come out yesterday so we could have skipped alot of that BS surrounding Ithi, but I guess it was for the best that they didnt since we ended up getting Ithi in the end anyways.

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I don't think I did that: I am town.

I did try to set up a case against him, but too many questions would have been asked and it was too early in the game, so I didn't want to reveal... and I did vote BG on day 3...



tis good enough for me, whether or not WOT's claim is true we catch someone on the mafia team very soon



Vote BG

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Sorry to have been a bit absent. Okay so WoT is claiming LD and that BG lied in his statement. Was it the entire statement or did you just submit the I am town line? I'm not sure how the first sentence could be read as a lie as it looks like it is just a thought. Just in the interest of clarity.


I agree that it is unliekly that it is a fake claim and if she has a guilty then I am willing to see if she is correct.


Vote BG

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what did you mean by "I don't think I did that?" BG? if you meant that you didn't think you'd posted that you're town, then that part was true because I looked at all the posts before that and not once  before that did you say you were town, and when I received "This post contains a lie." then it looks from there that the part "I am town." would be a lie because the other part was true.... unless I completely missed something when I reread 31 pages to see if he said that...

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Wow... Full case on Maw destroyed by a reveal... Will still post it, just in case, but I guess it holds no power anymore. You could've saved me a lot of searching by revealing this morning, WoT...


But this is the case:



It'd be impossible to quote everything Maw said, so I'll sum it up.


At first, I saw several (two or three) posts where Maw was defending Ley 1.0, while everyone was finding my past self very scummy. Then, you get this post, where Ley 1.0 is at once all scummy and should be lynched, even with that big slip BB made.


And here as much WIFOM as Ley 1.0 had with his first case on Darthe (one of the reasons he got nearly lynched), yet somehow Maw managed to stay under the radar.


And this is the first post that people really started looking at Maw. "Everyone has a good claim" my ass.


Random Ithi post I liked. (not sure why this belongs to the case, tbh :wink: )


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/77243-advanced-world-war-ii-mafia-night-4/?p=2708129 Agree with what exactly? There isn't really a case, as far as I have seen... Might've missed it on rereading D2 though.


http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/77243-advanced-world-war-ii-mafia-night-4/?p=2711030 You're good at filler up posts to look active, right?


And yet another apologize for not being really active. We know by now that you're using "sorry for not being more active"-posts to hide your inactiveness.

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