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Basel Gill

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I would prefer not to reveal character names. I think the mafia might be able to guess power roles from them.


Also, I don't see public knowledge of the exact details of Darthe's role as being that important.


You have a point with the first sentence.


as for the second I agree, if you knew it was one-shot or needed a recharge or whatever, you still wouldn't know whether it was a day vig or SK etc.

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Iron (8): Ithi, Maw, Smiley, Len, BG, Womby, Tress, Turin

Chuckles (3): Darthe 2.0, Random, Kaylee


Not voting (7): RTE, Iron, BB, Chuckles, Time, Snow, Des 2.0


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.




Iron is at L -2.

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RTE pings with that one.  I will say now that I feel that I was wrong about Ithi.  



Definitely want to look at Turin more.  Considering killing him tomorrow if he doesn't claim by then.  If you didn't figure out, I have held today as I get back into the game and figure things out.

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RTE pings with that one.  I will say now that I feel that I was wrong about Ithi.  



Definitely want to look at Turin more.  Considering killing him tomorrow if he doesn't claim by then.  If you didn't figure out, I have held today as I get back into the game and figure things out.

My mistake Darthe, thought we were supposed to be scum hunting and avoiding random lynches.

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We are.  But your weak ass hammer vote is self contradictory.  If you "smelled scum" in him you would vote before and not at the very freaking end.  Yet you did so as a hammer.  Which means you wanted to look to be a blameless consolidation.  You haven't posted much so you're contributing to the inactivity through your few weak plays.  You thus needed a reason to add your vote.  So you said 'I smell scum".  In the process revealing yourself.  



Consolidation doesn't match up with your statement.  Thus, we can assume you are mafia.  Thus we can assume iron is town.  



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1. I am town. For the upteenth time.


2. So if he's mafia, what will you say then?


3. If he's town, and I was wrong, so were 9 other people.


4. I'm new. All I mostly see unfortunately is a lot of bandwagon voting which everyone follows after one person makes a decent case. The inactivity makes it near possible to get reads on anyone. Then, people role reveal so that kinda ruins the game a bit and makes a target on their backs. Then we can't tell if role reveals are real or not so we spend time just having discussions on who were influential people and if they would be included in the game at all and what side they'd pick. Scumhunting is going nowhere due to lack of posts and people just quote not-so-influential posts to get people on their side to vote. I don't know if every mafia game is like this, but inactivity makes scum hunting kind of a sad affair. Then again we lost so many town that at some point we are going to start getting Mafia. I hope that time is now.


You wanted my insights and involvements? There. This game needs more action. But why would the mafia draw attention to themselves? If there isn't much activity in the first place, then they don't look odd by staying inactive. We've lynched active players and that did us no good. I say look at the quiet ones. Low post counts = scum. If they aren't posting here doesn't mean they aren't in a QT thread when they need to. They are on the outside looking in. We are the fish in the bowl and they are the cat at this point. Town is on limited resources but if we push to be more active to draw them out we have a better chance.

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Ironeyes had a difficult mission ahead of him. The plan was to take off a squad of B-25 bombers from an aircraft carrier and conduct a bombing attack on Japan itself. The was no way they could make it home on this flight, so landing in China would have to be made. His planes approached Tokyo, ready to drop their bombs. But somehow, the Japanese knew they were coming and had prepared themselves. Enemy anti-aircraft fire was much heavier than expected. Ironeyes saw several of his planes take hits. Suddenly, his right wing came off when when a shell hit it. He made to drop his bombs right away, but it was too late. Another shell hit the fuel tank, and the plane blew up.


Ironeyes, Jimmy Doolittle, Allied Cop/Doctor Backup, has been lynched.


It is now Night 3. Deadline for night actions is Friday, Dec. 21, at 9 PM EST.



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Yes, people vote dumbly at times.  You do not have to follow suit.  


If marsh is mafia then I will look dumb.  That is okay, I have looked dumb before and likely will again.  However, I currently doubt that that is the case and his train seems contrived to me, no only because of your vote but for others as well.  I intend to test some of you, perhaps shoot one of you, and do whatever else I can to find and eliminate mafia.  Zero tolerance.


61 pages is not inactive, regardless of the slow week that this has been.  That is somewhat expected during the Holidays.  


Question.  Do you honestly think Marsh is mafia or did you vote to avoid a random?


Here is another question.  If you want activity, why are you not actively pursuing it.  The cry for activity here and your post in general is the most legitimate activity that I have seen from you and none of it is original, but rather builds on things other players have said which is a good way to fit in.  We don't have the luxury of eliminating every quiet soul anymore and we do not need to.  We need to kill mafia.  You have just eliminated one of the most active players in the game.  How do you defend the contradictive nature of your own statements with your vote and actions?

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