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Basel Gill

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oh ok thanks smiley 


well he said he was going to do it and unless he thinks he can pull something like that and woudnt be CC'd i doubt anyone would claim that if they were mafia !

Could easily be Serial killer though.


Day time serial killer?

Not impossible especially in an advanced game. I've played two different variants of SK who could shoot during the day.

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BG, what I meant is that it was slickly written just like a BG fake claim. Every counter considered and accounted for in advance. That makes me nervous. Then agreement in the vig/sk question. More nervous.


Smiley, I am always highly suspicious of anyone with a kill. Back in smash bros I was advocating for most of the game for the cop to check Wombat and Nya. It is always good to know the people doing the killing are on the side they say they are.


LOL @ Wombat

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Everytime I go to re-read this dang thread, DM craps on me. Never when I'm doing anything else. I can read and post other places fine, but whenever I come over here... "The Site is Offline", "Your post no longer exists", "I ate your soul!"




At this point I'd prefer to vote the inactives. I'm starting to think our mafia is laying back and trying to let the actives/semi-actives pick each other off and just posting enough to get by. So long as you aren't posing the least, you are posting enough. So with that,


So with that.... a severely low poster and the posts made haven't been beneficial.Vote Lolguy.



BG, what I meant is that it was slickly written just like a BG fake claim. Every counter considered and accounted for in advance. That makes me nervous. Then agreement in the vig/sk question. More nervous.


Smiley, I am always highly suspicious of anyone with a kill. Back in smash bros I was advocating for most of the game for the cop to check Wombat and Nya. It is always good to know the people doing the killing are on the side they say they are.


LOL @ Wombat



If you say so.

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Smiley, you'rr right, its been a while, anf i have nothing to plead other than i am sick anf my time on the computer is up, so im on my moms first generation nook. Whivh is veeery slow, buti will say that bg is pinging me, more on that around 11 tomorrow...

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Okay I have read up and I disagree with the Marsh lynch.  He is earnest, yes, but still seems town.  Also.. Chuckles gotta go.


Vote Lolguy


Agreed.  He is either scum or extremely disinterested town (probably scum imo).  Needs to go, especially given the crappy activity in this game.

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Well, whatever got chuckles posting again, his activity sure pings me too. As I said before Darthe, the Marsh train seemed way off to me. I think lolguy's has been earned however, and I have no interest in a random lynch. 


unvote, vote lolguy


Darthe's play so far, coupled with Thorum's group-decided shot at Tina earlier makes me think he was being truthful, so i've got a town read on Darthe for now. Maw's jump on Marsh's train is starting to make me agree with those who are suspicious of him. Will be watching...

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1. Ithi
2. Turin
3. RTE
4. Darthe William Joseph Slim, Allied Rubber Tongue, lynched Day 1
5. Falcon Ironeyes
6. Smiley
7. Rand Georgy Zhukov, Allied Mason, lynched Day 2
8. Ley J. Robert Oppenheimer, Allied Inventor, killed Night 2

9. Random
10. BG
11. Maw
12. Tress
13. Kaylee
14. Bard Babe
15. lolguy
16. Len
17. Womby
18. Despo Henry Stimson, Vanilla Ally, killed Night 1
19. WoT13
20. Starrik
21. Snowy
22. Tina Vasily Chuikov, Vanilla Ally, killed Day 2
23. Thorum Darthe



Okay, here is a quick recap list.  Would anyone who has been active the whole time mind helping get a recap of all the claims and etc so far?  

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@Turin - My DM is evil post was expressing frustration I had in the past. When I wrote that post, it worked fine as I was at home on my computer using Chrome. When I'm at work it's utter crap because I have to use IE8, which apparently allows for no formatting options currently. Plus, it tends to strip out any extra whitespace I put in when I'm posting unless I hit "More Reply Options" then preview my post twice.


what manner of evil forces you to work on IE?

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One last VC for the night:


Iron (4): Ithi, Maw, Smiley, Len

Ithi (1): Starry

Chuckles (5): Turin, Womby, Darthe 2.0, Random, BG


Not voting (8): RTE, Iron, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Time, Snow


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.




John Snow and BB have until day's end.

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@Turin - My DM is evil post was expressing frustration I had in the past. When I wrote that post, it worked fine as I was at home on my computer using Chrome. When I'm at work it's utter crap because I have to use IE8, which apparently allows for no formatting options currently. Plus, it tends to strip out any extra whitespace I put in when I'm posting unless I hit "More Reply Options" then preview my post twice.


what manner of evil forces you to work on IE?


It is a horror.

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Wombat,  Tress, mine's lower than normal, Despo.

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Hard to catch up when you've had connection problems early on.  Work's a bit overwhelming this week since I've had to take on quite a bit of scheduled tasks for some coworkers who are in training.  I've been home for about half an hour and am half tempted to go to bed before much longer.  :tongue:


Wombat's definitely chattier than usual, and is concerning me a bit with how he's moved his vote around today.


I was leaning toward voting Marsh today, but I must confess Lolguy has me baffled.  It's like he's not even attempting to form an opinion. 


Vote Lolguy

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@Turin - My DM is evil post was expressing frustration I had in the past. When I wrote that post, it worked fine as I was at home on my computer using Chrome. When I'm at work it's utter crap because I have to use IE8, which apparently allows for no formatting options currently. Plus, it tends to strip out any extra whitespace I put in when I'm posting unless I hit "More Reply Options" then preview my post twice.


what manner of evil forces you to work on IE?


It is a horror.


You have my condolences, BG. IE is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of browsers.

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