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Basel Gill

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Discussing gameplay at night usually favors the mafia imo.


Why do you think I am not yet telling who I gave my power-up, or what that power-up was?




I just realized something.


If I say


I am not town.


Then won't the LD check this statement, see its false, and then know I am town? 


no Rand, no. You've gotten confuzzled somewhere



why not?  Because supposing someone is not town and says they are town, LD gets a false reading.  Then if I say I am not town, then the LD should also get a false reading, right?



That depends. If you're mafia, the LD would get a true reading. :smile:



lol true if I was mafia. 



Also, Rand epic new avatar.





Rand just wants to say he is mafia again.

Sounds about right.




And for the record, I am town.



So true.  I am mafia!!!  (btw, this statement is not really true. :tongue:)

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Discussing gameplay at night usually favors the mafia imo.


Why do you think I am not yet telling who I gave my power-up, or what that power-up was?




I just realized something.


If I say


I am not town.


Then won't the LD check this statement, see its false, and then know I am town? 


no Rand, no. You've gotten confuzzled somewhere



why not?  Because supposing someone is not town and says they are town, LD gets a false reading.  Then if I say I am not town, then the LD should also get a false reading, right?



That depends. If you're mafia, the LD would get a true reading. :smile:



lol true if I was mafia. 



Also, Rand epic new avatar.





Rand just wants to say he is mafia again.

Sounds about right.




And for the record, I am town.



So true.  I am mafia!!!  (btw, this statement is not really true. :tongue:)



This answers that whole post:



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I am town. I am not town. I am not not town. I may be town. I am not mafia. I am not cult. I am not third-party. I am not of the Republican party. I am not of the Democratic Party. I may be human. I am evil. I am not evil. I like cookies.

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Discussing gameplay at night usually favors the mafia imo.


Why do you think I am not yet telling who I gave my power-up, or what that power-up was?




I just realized something.


If I say


I am not town.


Then won't the LD check this statement, see its false, and then know I am town? 


no Rand, no. You've gotten confuzzled somewhere



why not?  Because supposing someone is not town and says they are town, LD gets a false reading.  Then if I say I am not town, then the LD should also get a false reading, right?



That depends. If you're mafia, the LD would get a true reading. :smile:



lol true if I was mafia. 



Also, Rand epic new avatar.





Rand just wants to say he is mafia again.

Sounds about right.




And for the record, I am town.



So true.  I am mafia!!!  (btw, this statement is not really true. :tongue:)



This post would come back as either false or inconclusive regardless of Rand's alignment.  FoS Rand.

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I am town. I am not town. I am not not town. I may be town. I am not mafia. I am not cult. I am not third-party. I am not of the Republican party. I am not of the Democratic Party. I may be human. I am evil. I am not evil. I like cookies.


The mod is hopelessly drunk abd laughing hysterically. If he had any BT points left to give, you would get some.

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I am town. I am not town. I am not not town. I may be town. I am not mafia. I am not cult. I am not third-party. I am not of the Republican party. I am not of the Democratic Party. I may be human. I am evil. I am not evil. I like cookies.


Hi Maw.





Discussing gameplay at night usually favors the mafia imo.


Why do you think I am not yet telling who I gave my power-up, or what that power-up was?




I just realized something.


If I say


I am not town.


Then won't the LD check this statement, see its false, and then know I am town? 


no Rand, no. You've gotten confuzzled somewhere



why not?  Because supposing someone is not town and says they are town, LD gets a false reading.  Then if I say I am not town, then the LD should also get a false reading, right?



That depends. If you're mafia, the LD would get a true reading. :smile:



lol true if I was mafia. 



Also, Rand epic new avatar.





Rand just wants to say he is mafia again.

Sounds about right.




And for the record, I am town.



So true.  I am mafia!!!  (btw, this statement is not really true. :tongue:)



This post would come back as either false or inconclusive regardless of Rand's alignment.  FoS Rand.



Didn't he already say that he was town?

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Ok well Time was the first that I noticed that actually said she was on the Allies. I know what you're thinking, of course it would seem obvious that the Allies would be town in this game, Hitler and co. will be mafia, but still, a mafioso might not really think about that much when "claiming". It's a lot easier to just say "I am town", taking the time to put the "Allies" part in would take a lot more deliberate thought. No offense to Time, but being a newer player I don't see her thinking of that on her own, and since she wasn't really receiving that much attention I don't see a mafia team feeding that to her to say

That particular comment actually reads as town to me. Give me a second to explain why. First of all, I find a multiple-mafia game unlikely, because that would imply the Axis powers working against each other, which they really didn't in the war. But if it's one mafia team, one would naturally think of the game as "mafia" vs. "town" as is normal. So if Time were mafia, she would have said "I am Town." Then flip it around and assume Time were town. Personally, my (town) role PM specifically refers to me as "Allied," so I think Time would probably have the same wording in her PM and therefore use it in the game. 


Sorry if that's kind of round-a-bout, but it's the best way I could think of saying it. Up to page 21 right now. 

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Ok well Time was the first that I noticed that actually said she was on the Allies. I know what you're thinking, of course it would seem obvious that the Allies would be town in this game, Hitler and co. will be mafia, but still, a mafioso might not really think about that much when "claiming". It's a lot easier to just say "I am town", taking the time to put the "Allies" part in would take a lot more deliberate thought. No offense to Time, but being a newer player I don't see her thinking of that on her own, and since she wasn't really receiving that much attention I don't see a mafia team feeding that to her to say

That particular comment actually reads as town to me. Give me a second to explain why. First of all, I find a multiple-mafia game unlikely, because that would imply the Axis powers working against each other, which they really didn't in the war. But if it's one mafia team, one would naturally think of the game as "mafia" vs. "town" as is normal. So if Time were mafia, she would have said "I am Town." Then flip it around and assume Time were town. Personally, my (town) role PM specifically refers to me as "Allied," so I think Time would probably have the same wording in her PM and therefore use it in the game. 


Sorry if that's kind of round-a-bout, but it's the best way I could think of saying it. Up to page 21 right now. 



Yep the same insight Des uses, and I think it holds up

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Cool. That's one town read for my list, and Ley is another. I'm on page 22 and I believe the role/character claim so far. Looked up Oppenheimer on Wikipedia; he was one of the main creators of the Atom Bomb (along with Fermi). It makes sense. But I won't solidify that until after the big reveal in the morning. 

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I said that you could be diabolical, not that you were, and that I was going to say the word anyway! If I still had plans to say the word, then obviously I wasn't making too much a of a deal out of your potential diabolic...ness? Diabolicility...Whatever.




Yeah, I can top Ley. 


I'm Winston Churchill, town cop.


Nice to meet you. :p

Wuuuuut? Cop, Inventor, and (sort of) LD out on the same day? I don't believe it. One of these claims is shady...

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From Des on page 27

I see Wombat as pretty much confirmed innocent because of the context of the word itself. It would be one thing if he was trying to get everyone to say "abracadabra" or some other mumbo jumbo. But Scheveningen was used to ferret out German spies. Just doesn't make any sense thematically to have that word be used in an antitown sense.

Just as a failsafe, I considered the possibility of the mafia using a word that would be seen as pro-town for evil purposes, but I think that "scheveningen" is a little too obscure for that. Basel probably did some serious research to come up with it. If I were a mafioso looking for a town word to use, I'd have used "Victory!" because it (along with the attendant hand signal) was a very popular catch phrase among the Allies. 

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[Des' case about Thorum]



I find this the best case in the game so far, and I'm going to put my vote on Thorum for now. I am, however, also willing to switch to Darthe, as I'm not sure he's indeed speaking the truth. unvote vote Thorum


^Bandwaggon. Probably out of relief due to getting removed from general suspicion. 


I don't get why Darthe would hold back on a rubbertongue claim. I think we should lynch him. Also, I have a confession to make. I am not an investigative role. The shibboleth was a ploy to get people to demonstrate towniness and nothing more. So yeah, the doc should not protect me tonight.

Can I just say WOW? That's Mynd-status grass beating. And I think it definitely startled a few snakes. 

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Just to tell you all, I'm reading this all as if I were in the game at the time. So sorry if I sound behind by not knowing something that was revealed in the pages after the one I'm reading. 'Cause I really am behind. Just ten pages left, though. I'm getting there. 

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I think he is a scheming mafia plotter and that's why I voted him way, way, way back and that's why I'm voting him now.


If he turns out to be Town, I shall eat my hat!

You ARE a hat. Don't you remember the Labyrinth game? 


As soon as I get up to speed I'm gonna turn Heart-ish and post a list of the people in the game and my reads on them. Most of the you I'm not sure, but I'm getting several strong town reads and a few pings worth mentioning. 

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