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I hate this week

Moon Sedai

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Yeah, commission is truly a double-edged sword. If you work in a high-volume environment, then commission is only beneficial to you because you never have to worry about making your quota. But if you work anywhere else, it's constant pressure and stress to make sure that you get your quota. If you don't get your quota, you may lose your job.

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check out your state, county, township civil service website, and federal tho they're not hiring ATM. take every test you're eligible for, even if you don't want the job. the tests are all the same, it's practice. takes a long time to get hired but once you do... even if the salary is meh, the benefits make up for it. that's changing but still true. and still more stable than most jobs, though that's also changing.


once you're in you can climb or test up to better jobs, but your hire date will always stay the same, which is important... cause once you're in all you'll want is out...


I used to go from job to job looking for something better but... you can still switch jobs in public work, and not lose your time or anything... never had any time or pension or benefits to care about before.


and... no more Black Friday.

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You mean Black Thanksgiving Thursday Evening?




I used to work at Circuit City back in the day. My whole day consisted of standing at a register ringing people up over and over on a machine with a broken card reader so I had to input the numbers manually...

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