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Halloween mafia game


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I'm realizing that with a game that has a successful cop that there is very little voting info we can gather. Once Moon states she found scum, then even scum are likely not to waste time voting for that person. So, really, all we have are our first days votes.


John (1) – Darthe

Mish (10) – Tina, Nolder, Despo, Rand, Christine, Player, Sakaea 2.0, Krak, Peace, Moon

Nolder (3) – John, Mish, Basel


Not voting – Kat/Sakaea 3.0, Verb, Lenlo, Barm, Random/TGlems


Those who didn't vote for Mish are:


John - Group 1

Mish - Scum dead

Basel - Group 1

Kat - Group 1

Verb - Town dead

Lenlo - Town dead

Barm - Town dead

Darthe - Scum dead

Random/TGlems - Group 1


I also doubt that the scum team would completely stay off that train. Remember Despo was town day 1 so he doesn't count.


Group 1 players on the train:





I think focusing on Nolder and Player will provide the best results (assuming scum didn't completely avoid the mish lynch) and since Nolder seems more town to me I'll VOTE PLAYER.


Ok, I've updated my little analysis here. I had to add Random/TGlems as I didn't catch it originally that Lily left Random off cause he asked for replacement just before the day 1 deadline.


I still think that there had to be at least 1 scum on Mish's train. I don't think I've ever seen complete avoidance this early in a game. So VOTE PLAYER.

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You weren’t sure who you wanted to send home today. All you knew is you wanted to send home a person who had a knife. But who was that? Some of you thought it was TG, and some of you thought it was Player. Some of you couldn’t decide. In the end, the majority of you chose Player to send home. Player’s only response was to grab a handful of his candy before tossing the bag to the ground.




Player, Fred Flinstone, roleless townie, was sent home


It is now night 5. Please send in your night actions by Saturday 5PM MST. You may now choose a house to go to next. Your choices are Light Blue, White, Red, Tan, and Grey.

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You stand at the curb talking about which house to go to next. After some discussion, it was decided to try the Grey house. You all turn toward it, and Moon remarks “Isn’t it odd? Nobody got their candy bag cut.”


It is now day 6. With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch. Deadline Tuesday 5 PM MST.

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