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Halloween mafia game


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TG - why do you suspect Snow?


Well, under the assumption that the 1-10 (group A) should have more scum than 11-20, there are still at least 2 scum lurking between Kathleen, me, Basel, Nolder, JohnSnow, and Player. Assuming Moon hasn't been turned (more on that later) then that rules out Basel, and I am taking myself off the list so we then have:

Kathleen, Nolder, JohnSnow, and Player


Now, Misheru was mafia and quickly voted for by Tina and then Nolder, with all his poking on Day 1, turned the tide to voting for Mish. His argument not only took the train off himself but put it on her, so to me that makes it seem like Nol would be clean. That gives us Kathleen, Snow, and Player left.


As for Kathleen I have no idea. I reread some of her earlier posts but she was going to be away from the internet for a bit and then I don't remember hearing much from her recently...so...I dunno.


Anyways, no idea about Kathleen then leaves me with JohnSnow and Player. We know there have to be 2 more mafia in group A so I figure this, combined with feeling like some of the Day 1 comments were a little scummy makes me suspicious.


As for Moon, can cops be turned in general? I don't know, can someone clarify what the normal rules are here for me. Also, she said Verb was clean and he was so I don't think she has been turned if that was possible.

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Previous post edit : Oh, one final thought...would it be worth it for Moon to investigate whoever it was (peace?) who said they asked the question about which group of players had more mafia, just to make sure they are clean and we aren't operating under false assumptions?

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She beat me to it, but Sakaea is replacing Kat.


The door of the Brown house is opened by a pair of people dressed as Mario and Luigi. You can't tell if they are male or female, until they speak. "Oh, look at the costumes!" says Mario in a female voice.


"They are inventive," Luigi responds in a male voice.


You all say "Trick or treat" and Mario and Luigi hand out candy. You turn to leave and begin discussing who will go home next.


By the way, scenes are just flavor. The costumes mean nothing game related. I'm just having some fun with them.

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Welcome back, Kae.


Moon got lucky in the beginning of the game and that has made it difficult to see any voting patterns. Everyone just voted who she said was scum.


I agree that we should look at the 1 - 10 group. Nolder looks like town. Nolder - I know you have been sick but could you tell us about your ideas. They are usually good. I need to take a look at the rest. I also had a feeling that TG was acting scummy but I´m not sure I can back it up. It´s just the way that he sometimes talk like someone that has been playing a lot and sometimes asks those newbie questions.


About this house: Luigi asked me if I wanted to come inside and I said yes. He gave me bad candy. :( From now on it will take one less vote to lynch me.

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Nolder - I know you have been sick but could you tell us about your ideas.

Sure but I'm going to need some help

We apparently have a number of people who are clear by virtue of either Peace or Moon right?

Can someone tell me who each of these people are and which person has cleared them

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Ok so going off that and who's dead so far


1. Darthe, Pirate, mafia, lynched day 2

2. Kathleen

3. Verbal, Scooby Doo, roleless townie, sent home night 4

4. Random/TGlems

5. Basel Gill

6. Nolder

7. John Snow

8. Barm, whoopie cushion, roleless townie, lynched day 4

9. Player

10. LedZepMan/Sakaea, giraffe, roleless townie, sent home night 2

11. Moon

12. Mish, Pocahontas, mafia, lynched day 1

13. Sakaea, gypsy, roleless townie, went home day 1

14. Rand

15. Lolguy/Peace

16. Christine, mad scientist, roleless townie, sent home night 1

17. Tina

18. Lenlo/JLM, cactus, roleless townie, sent home night 3

19. Despothera, werewolf, roleless townie turned mafia, lynched day 2

20. Krak


1. Darthe, Pirate, mafia, lynched day 2

2. Kathleen

3. Verbal, Scooby Doo, roleless townie, sent home night 4

4. Random/TGlems

5. Basel Gill

6. Nolder

7. John Snow

8. Barm, whoopie cushion, roleless townie, lynched day 4

9. Player

10. LedZepMan/Sakaea, giraffe, roleless townie, sent home night 2


There must be at least 2 scum here for this to make sense because 2 is not more than 2

There must be a total of at least 3


2. Kathleen Sakaea

4. Random TGlems

7. John Snow

9. Player


I'd guess we should lynch one of these four


Taking another look at the Mish lynch I notice Player was late middleish

Based on all of this I'd say he's a decent bet for scum


Vote Player

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Nolder, Peace asked a question that related to the setup to the beginning, which means that Despo doesn't count, since he was turned. Which means that all we know is that there is one more. However, Player has been scummy and we know that one of them is scum, so I'm good with a Player lynch. Moon if you could keep knocking some people off that list it would be great.

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  • Club Leader

I forgot to add the # to lynch and the deadline to the last count.





TG (1) – Sakaea

Player (2) – Nolder, Rand


Not Voting – TG, Basel, John, Moon, Peace, Tina, Krak, Player


With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch. Deadline Friday 5PM MST

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Self preservation is something I can accept but we still have time to choose a different lynch

It can go any way still

I want to know why you're choosing TG over anyone else besides self preservation

Can you highlight a specific thing that seems off to you?

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Welcome back, Kae.


Moon got lucky in the beginning of the game and that has made it difficult to see any voting patterns. Everyone just voted who she said was scum.


I agree that we should look at the 1 - 10 group. Nolder looks like town. Nolder - I know you have been sick but could you tell us about your ideas. They are usually good. I need to take a look at the rest. I also had a feeling that TG was acting scummy but I´m not sure I can back it up. It´s just the way that he sometimes talk like someone that has been playing a lot and sometimes asks those newbie questions.


About this house: Luigi asked me if I wanted to come inside and I said yes. He gave me bad candy. :( From now on it will take one less vote to lynch me.



I've played in person games with a deck of cards and 8 people or so before, but this is my first online game. I have a little in person experience but maybe it doesn't translate perfectly?

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