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I will Balefire this dog if I don't get more points

Turin Turambar

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Do not deign to try to make the cat's words conform to your logic. Or do, it'll be amusing to watch your brain twist itself inside out.



mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah! my dearest shadow brother.


yes yes asleep.


come to the light, dear one. these puppy games are not for one such as you.



Personally, i'm not sure why you left. You seemed to fit in so well. And i'd much rather be a kitten than a puppy.


I love the light, and let's leave it at that.


we are many of us kittehs in the light, and you would be very happy here.

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A dog looking worriedly at a revolver pressed to its head, with the famous caption "If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill This Dog" (January 1973). The cover was conceived by writer Ed Bluestone.[4] Photographer Ronald G. Harris initially had a hard time making the dog's plight appear humorous instead of pathetic. The solution was to cock the revolver; the clicking sound caused the dog's eyes to shift into the position shown. The most famous Lampoon cover gag, this was also selected as the seventh-greatest magazine cover of the last 40 years.[5][6][7] This issue is the most coveted and collectible of all the National Lampoon's issues.







.... dang, I shoulda kept it... but I had to hide them at that age and the cover made me sad anyway.

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Ahhhh ... Yes. I little bit before my time. I have found it now though :smile:



Warning! Warning! Image of dog and gun within! Do not click and open if you are likely to be upset or offended by that type of an image. Image has been posted due to historical context of Thread Title. Thankyou.







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I was around 8 when it came out, and I didn't understand any of it but it was forbidden and mom laughed her butt off so I had to have it. when I started buying comics a few years later you could still get the back issues, and they made more sense. guessing this ones a bit pricey now.


kind of where SNL was coming from, and I didn't get that either but was compelled to watch until I did.

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I think the M'Hael will edit it to 'I will Balefire young Title Editing Stormleaders just because I can' if you do lol.


Despo wouldn't let him use his Angreals anyways ...


Well, I gotta win ONE DS match at some point, don't I?


Ahhhh ... Yes. I little bit before my time. I have found it now though :smile:



Warning! Warning! Image of dog and gun within! Do not click and open if you are likely to be upset or offended by that type of an image. Image has been posted due to historical context of Thread Title. Thankyou.








You'd think they'd find a cuter dog to do that to!


Also love the little anecdotes about the story that Cindy provided us :biggrin:

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Why does John Snow know nothing btw? Is it something from the later books of aSoIaF? What is it in reference to? I hate not understanding a joke reference.


Yes. It's something that is said to him quite often (in the books at least, the TV show has barely used it so far) by Ygritte.

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Yup, I'm not fat but I'm not fit that's for sure .... Just kidding I did like a total of 60 + 10 tongue pushups!!

you will make someone a wonderful husband some day.

you will make someone a wonderful husband some day.


Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.


What?! A wonderful husband someday ... Thanks :blush: I'm 13 ....

What do pushups have to do with being a husband ??? Goodnight Cindy :confused:


This made me lol so hard!

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