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Welcome El Barto 227 to the Black Tower!


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Welcome to The Black Tower Barto :)


We are not really RP, because that is a whole other world a little further down on the Boards, but we do like to have a lot of fun with our self given roles. I'm a Stormleader of the Shadow, and as such would like to point out that the exits are here, here and here - but not really because there are no exits.


We are the Hotel California, and we are very happy that you decided to check us out.



Of course if you like a little bit of fun RP, we do have our One Power Battle system, where we all have great fun blowing each other up and other such things. There is also Mafia - a fun game full of friendly people who definitely do not think you are a mafioso lying lyer who lies, and who do not want to kill or lynch you. If you have never played it before and would like to give it a try, feel free to ask for my Handy Tips for New Mafia Players so you do not end up curled up in a corner crying.


Also feel free to ask questions or PM and things: As I've mentioned to others - I don't do maths or geography - but general BT stuff and the Shadow is mostly ok.




Logain hmmmm ... interesting.


*Makes a note to advise the M'Hael of this later*




run out of brownies?


we lock the doors only to keep people out, and that not very often.


the brownies, and all food, drink, and.... entertainments.... have ever replenishing weaves on them, so we don't run out.


so you can check out.... but you can never leave.


and you won't want to once the taint settles firmly.




i know it's not full RP, but it does have some RP elements. i love RP. rifht now i'm leaning towards choosing Light, but i'm not sure yet

i haven't played Mafia before, but i've heard a little bit about it, so those tips would be appreciated. and i'm pretty good at maths stuff.



run out of brownies?


we lock the doors only to keep people out, and that not very often.


the brownies, and all food, drink, and.... entertainments.... have ever replenishing weaves on them, so we don't run out.


so you can check out.... but you can never leave.


and you won't want to once the taint settles firmly.




ever-replenishing pile of brownies? nom nom nom.

also, what kind of entertainment do you mean?

[grammarnazi] ps "entertainments" is not a word. Entertainment, yes, but not entertainments [/grammarnazi]


Oh silly Barto :tongue:


You'll learn that this board would be a grammar nazi's nightmare, whatwithall the babehspeak and whatnot flyin around.


Then again, you could fit right in with the Light, they already have Ley




Oh and by all means, we WANT you to join the Light, it only makes for moar opportunities to pick off our favorite targets! We sometimes run low on our lightie stock, and always look out for chances to fill up our store!




entertainments is the plural of the noun entertainment.


you are incorrect, grammar nazi, even by webster's standards.


as English is a living language, you are incorrect by life's standards.


and as this a grammar nazi free interwebz zone, you are incorrect by all that is good and right in the world. praise ceiling cat.


but still, very welcome and pleased to meet you :smile:


um, also.... nazis were really bad people and... well.


call yourself what you like, as you know... insanity is the preferred mode of behavior here.


edit for damn you, autocorrect!


you try typing with paws, go ahead, I dare you.


Welcomo to the Blacko Towero, Elo Barto! Great to see you here. I will soon send you the secrete PM that will let you know about all the BT secrets and then I will get you added to the secret BT boards. It´s all very secret. *locks the door* I´m sure you will feel like home. :baalzamon:


I would gladly answer all mafia related questions. If you want to know how to play good then you might need to ask someone else.


Belated welcome to the BT El Barto!! Ay Carumba!!


I am the M'Hael, leader of the shadow faction. As has been previously stated you can ask any staff member for assistance when needed. I recommend you sign in to our monthly roll call if you haven't already. Is an easy path to points.


I have seen you are leaning towards the light. That is all well and good but I understand part of their initiation is you must "have a cow, man".


Again welcome to the madness.


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