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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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As "revenge" for basel's death


Could'a told us that earlier... especially because now it looks like you opportunistically tried to take credit for AJ's death. Also, a "revenge kill" is never something I'd put as town. I've seen similar things given to mafia teams before, however...

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I've actually never seen an RB as a scum role. Every game I've played with one, he/she has been town. And it's a powerful role in the hands of the right person. So is bus driver, for those of you who remember EP in the Pokemon game.

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And despo if you are not lying about being town(I'm confident that you are the mirror, but not as confident of your alignment), I commend you on your fantastic tactic to get the mafia targetting you, it was brilliant. but I've become highly suspicious of Snow.


I also want to confirm the result from the previous night, which was that Songstress is a good guy. This is important as it means tress hasn't been recruited, and to confirm I am also still town.

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Blah, I am dead. Go scum!


And btw, I was not lying about the typo thing, that actually happened because I do that in real life as well.


And he DOES do that in nearly every game somehow.

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Don't worry John I think the town are on to the right people.


*Eyes John suspiciously, with psychic power poised, ready to use in an instant's notice*


Hint at extra powers? Do you have something to tell us?

Rememeber that I am Lucas; Ness(Songstress) and I have strong psychic powers. So that was some minor role-play, just for fun.

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