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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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The damage has been done.


For someone who threw out numerous accusations which resulted in the large amount of reveals today which now seems to be something everyone is so strongly against.. this seems like a pretty innocent post.

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The damage has been done.


For someone who threw out numerous accusations which resulted in the large amount of reveals today which now seems to be something everyone is so strongly against.. this seems like a pretty innocent post.


My point was no use sweating it now. The damage is done, continue with the reveals. The scum can reason out 1 of 2 players to be the cop.

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Arez, Nyanna, Songstress


I could post the characters as well, but I think this is unnecessary.


2 Partners yet to claim. From list of Arez, Nyanna and Songtress





1 Partner to match up with this list:






2 of these three are scum.



Consolidating the lists for ease of use.

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2 Partners yet to claim. From list of Arez, Nyanna and Songtress





1 Partner to match up with this list:






2 of these three are scum.


It's late, I'm tired. Could you explain this bit again?

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Until these guys speak up it's not really in my interests to lynch one over the other. I suppose if we come up with nothing we could always lynch Darthe and have him come back "invincible". If he's town then he's vetted and protected and if he's mafia then that's fine too. Off now since it's pretty late here. Be back if I can't sleep.

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Until these guys speak up it's not really in my interests to lynch one over the other. I suppose if we come up with nothing we could always lynch Darthe and have him come back "invincible". If he's town then he's vetted and protected and if he's mafia then that's fine too. Off now since it's pretty late here. Be back if I can't sleep.


If he's maf, we re-lynch him. He's only safe from NKs, not lyching.

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Neil is vetted per being dead. He takes up 1 unclaimed player.


David is vetted as uncontested cop. He takes up 1 unclaimed player.


That leaves 1 unclaimed player left.


There are 5 single players mason teams claimed. 2 are vetted.


That leaves 3 teams to claim 1 unclaimed player. Therefore 2 of those teams are bogus.

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Very true unless Andrew Saves it for himself. At least one of those people must be scum because they have all named different teams. Hence..--> baguette.







... Yupp still love it :)

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As if those three wouldn't immediately become the focus of Mafia night kills, and die tonight!


Despo and Nol seem to have conveniently overlooked this aspect. (Most likely on purpose.) But Iron, are you saying that scum could NK three people in one night? Watching me flip town means that AJ, Rand, and Jon would die over the next three nights, I think you mean.

I've obviously missed a lot and am catching up now


I think you and Ironeyes both conveniently overlooked the fact that the mafia doesn't have 3 kills per night

And of course that's just assuming you're all town in the first place which I highly doubt

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Until these guys speak up it's not really in my interests to lynch one over the other. I suppose if we come up with nothing we could always lynch Darthe and have him come back "invincible". If he's town then he's vetted and protected and if he's mafia then that's fine too. Off now since it's pretty late here. Be back if I can't sleep.


If he's maf, we re-lynch him. He's only safe from NKs, not lyching.


Well that was a given.. If he comes back having flipped mafia then we'll just lynch them both. What kind of town would bring back a mafia?

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Not sure how you can deduce that 2 of those 3 names are scum. There are an even number of players. I have a feeling if we mass reveal everyone will be vouched for by someone else.


You are very wrong. I'm more sure you are scum now.

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Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & Arez - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Songstress


I could post the characters as well, but I think this is unnecessary.


2 Partners yet to claim. From list of Nyanna and Songtress





1 Partner to match up with this list:




(Razen) - Arez is my partner.


2 of these three are scum.

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Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.


So Arez is not Yoshi, correct?

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Arez is my partner, and I believe that he has not been silenced. He hasn't been posting very much in our mason QT either, and when he has, it's been light hearted and not really related to the game much. Just a random thought here and a random thought there, but nothing solid as to why he felt that way. I almost get the feeling that he was being quiet to protect something because of it, but because he hasn't been posting much anywhere recently, it sounds to me like he's busy with RL, but I don't want to rule out the possibility of his being silenced.


So Arez is not Yoshi, correct?


Correct. I stated earlier that I was Solid Snake and that Arez (at that time my unrevealed partner) was Sonic. That's why I was asking John that question about why he thought Arez was Yoshi.

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