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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Official Vote Count


Arez(10): David, Turin, Despo, Tress, Dice, Ironeyes, Peace, Moon, Andrew, Darthe

John(2): Lily, Wombat



Not Voting(6): Nyanna, JohnSnow, Arez, Razen, Tiinker,Lenlo,



With 18 alive and active it takes 10 to Lynch.




Deadline Tuesday @ Noon CT



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Arez spinned into a ball and bounced around the level. Nobody could ever catch the blue blur. He had come here because of a chance to take on one of his oldest rivals Mario, but then this business with the Bad Guys started. He couldn't wait to get out of there. Luckily he was soo fast, nobody would ever catch him.


As he was running down the path a faster than sound speeds, he Mario standing in the middle of the road at the crest of a hill. Sonic snickered at him. He must know Arez didn't belong here, but none of them would be able to slow him down. He just needed to wait until the extract that was promised got here. Keep on movin. Keep in movin.


As he neared Mario, ready to plow right by him to the other side of the hill. He saw Mario waving a finger at him back and forth, taunting him. How could Mario ever stop him now? Just then, a whole row of the other fighters appeared from over the crest of the hill. They were all holding hands blocking the entire road... Arez was too close now and couldn't come to a complete stop smashing right into Donkey Kong's chest. The fighters closed in on Arez, thrashing him over and over.


Mario, stepped in last and said, "Thank you so much-a for playin' my game... See you next time!" And threw a Fireball at Arez that sent him sailing off into the distance never to be heard from again.






The Blue Blur has been defeated. Who invited that guy? Eh, he didn't really belong in the land of Nintendo anyway. And so goes another day in the tournament here at Smash Stadium. You guys seem to work together pretty well it seems. You don't seem to be fighting amongst each other but uniting in purpose. Interesting. Well, get some rest. I sure will, I've got a sore wrist and talking is tough. So I'm going back to sleep.




Arez - Sonic the Hedgehog - Neutral Commuter has been lynched.



It is now night.


Deadline Tues. 9 AM CT.

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I agree wholeheartedly. How has John stayed alive this long anyhow?

We found the sure mafia and dealt with them first. John will be next I think.

I went away overnight and came back to a lynch. Wish it had been John.

If he doesn't get killed tonight then we can lynch him tomorrow.

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you were already a big question mark due to Basel. Now it appears that Lily absorbed something N3 and sent it into you N4. No one from the town admitted to targeting her. The third party team didn't target her. That leaves the mafia. The mafia power was recruit so logic would say you were recruited. I am advocating using the vig shot on you cause Razen will commute himself in order to survive another night. If you are town then it shouldn't matter if you die to help the town. We all win by killing the threats to town. If we die in the process so be it.

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I'll be honest here, I do find it annoying that you guys think that John is mafia. Let's first consider Lily's story about her absorber role. Is the reason that she doesn't know what power she absorbs because EP is dead? Was this how her power has been affected negatively? If so then I can believe that.

Even if John does flip mafia, I'll say this he has been playing as if he was town, so that's to his credit. But I also want to ask let's there was no mafia left but just town and any 3rd party players, does town win, or do we have to get rid the 3rd party players as well?

If so, we should lynch Razen tomorrow, as he is survivor, and 3rd party.

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A survivor can typically win with the town. So long as Razen plays with us I say keep him around so long as we keep hitting mafioso. He is sort of relegated to low priority at this point. John and Lily are the two best choices (IMO) because of the unknown aspects surrounding them. Besides, with both a cop and dr still alive we have low risk unless there is another recruiter (which would be rediculous).

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David. You just admitted that what Lily said about her power made sense. She stated she absorbed something N3. Everyone except the mafia has stated they did not visit Lily. Logic says Mafia visited her. The mafia power was Recruit. Lily sent that action on into John N4. At that point he would be recruited. So he has only been mafia D4 which was a semi speed lynch on Arez. Not hard to look town there.


I am by no means advocating letting Razen go but I don't think a vig kill will work against his commute ability.

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I think that their recruiting power was limited to symps, because nothing happened to me last night.

As far as I know, and my knowledge is very limited, I thought anyone could be recruited not just symps. And btw symps are actually already mafia so there is no need to recruit them, as they are part of the mafia's numbers. We would need to kill all the symps also to win.

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David. You just admitted that what Lily said about her power made sense. She stated she absorbed something N3. Everyone except the mafia has stated they did not visit Lily. Logic says Mafia visited her. The mafia power was Recruit. Lily sent that action on into John N4. At that point he would be recruited. So he has only been mafia D4 which was a semi speed lynch on Arez. Not hard to look town there.


I am by no means advocating letting Razen go but I don't think a vig kill will work against his commute ability.

Yes I realised that what Lily said actually made sense while I was writing that post, so I reflected that.

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I think that their recruiting power was limited to symps, because nothing happened to me last night.

As far as I know, and my knowledge is very limited, I thought anyone could be recruited not just symps. And btw symps are actually already mafia so there is no need to recruit them, as they are part of the mafia's numbers. We would need to kill all the symps also to win.


From what the mafiascum wiki says on symps, they usually have to be recruited to have access to the QT

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I see, but they are still mafia though whether or not they can see the mafia qt.


*Nods* so we'll probably have to lynch them.

I'm saying that their recruiting ability was likely limited to symps, but it would be odd for them to think Lily was a symp...

So I'm not sure.

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  • Club Leader

I'll be honest here, I do find it annoying that you guys think that John is mafia. Let's first consider Lily's story about her absorber role. Is the reason that she doesn't know what power she absorbs because EP is dead? Was this how her power has been affected negatively? If so then I can believe that.



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I'll be honest here, I do find it annoying that you guys think that John is mafia. Let's first consider Lily's story about her absorber role. Is the reason that she doesn't know what power she absorbs because EP is dead? Was this how her power has been affected negatively? If so then I can believe that.



Fair enough, as I said, it came to me while I was writing that post. Glad I have a level head. :wink:

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