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Bloody Kiwis!


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O_o Who the hell bonded you?




The ceremony was archived a long time ago. I have no idea where the WT keeps its archives, but you might be able to find it if you look.


I just noticed this. I would too echo the plea not to fret yourself too much. It would be terrible if you were to turn into a fingerboard. Your mother might fret.


Ba-dum pssh!

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At least we write 'colour' right :tongue:




English spelling was not standardized for a long time. It wasn't until the 18th century or so that that changed with the advent of large, influential dictionaries -- in the US, Webster's and in Britain, Samuel Johnson's dictionary.


The specific spelling of the unstressed -our in Britain came about simply from the Norman conquest. Words in English were either spelled with -or or -ur until the Norman conquest when they were generally spelled -our.


What I'm getting at is that there are very few instances of "right" or "wrong" in language.


Of course, I'm really just bored and I know you were being silly. Haha. :-p


I AM PARTLY OF NORMAN DESCENT >.> So it's right :tongue:

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And teh English language comes from England, so there! :P


It's a rather general thing. What's referred to as an American accent here is a rather umbrella term for the northern accents, which I guess would be hard to distinguish for non Americans. Anyway, it makes sense that you sound similar, because you are as geographically close as Aus and NZ. Another valid point may be that I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Nyanna: And honour as well, that annoys me when reading American authors.

Yarr! Colour, honour and flavour and so much else.

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Also... as teh Nyan, I officially approve of cosmicpanda's new avatar!






>.> ...oops?? *peers down at trolloc-stamped cosmicpancake*




Correction, rainbow trolloc-stamped cosmicpancake.



Yesyes, claro que sí. I thought that goes without saying...rainbow bamboo-filled trolloc-stamped cosmicpancake.




I wonder if one canz eat it. :narg:

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Fragen Sie Nya. Sie macht der Kosmicpandapfannkuchen.


(I just like to use the word Kosmicpandapfannkuchen.) :laugh:



Ist'n klasse Wort! XD


*wendet den Kosmicpandapfannkuchen so hart dass er gegen die Decke fliegt und kleben bleibt* >.>


*flips the cosmicpancake so hard it sticks to the ceiling*



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.... I'm in a place of evil and you've all started speaking German...


is it time to claim my right of return to the holy land?


I'm not letting this beautiful joke go unnoticed. If I had points to give (and you could accept them) you'd have 10 shiny new ones.

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