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Questions on the end of the first book.


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When Rand fights Ishamael (Ba'azolmon) torwards the end of the book, he hears a voice yelling at him, who's voice was it?


Agreed. The Creations seems to me the most likely. Plus all the capital letters seems to be similar to how the words from the Dark One look. With the Creator and the Dark One on sorta the same level, it appears to make the most sense.


The early books have a great deal of unanswered material and the later books more answers. I am re-examining the early books because i believe many answers are to be found there. Jordan puts the future out in such a non-descript way that i missed it several times. Things in the latest book seem to be more intense and even more cryptic but in a different way than the series first began, with Moraine in a different plain the character that began with the answers has left a spot open that Jordan is using multi. people to fill, i wonder what awaits us.


Wouldn't Rand make the connection between the two voices if they were LTT? It's been a while since I've read The Eye, but Rand is in a position to remeber the voice, right? He's not knocked out or anything.


I think the fact that the voice is in all caps clearly suggests that it is either the Creator or the Dark One, since the Dark One is always portrayed with capital letters. And it would make sense if the Creator "spoke" that way as well. LTT has never been in caps, so I don't see why he would be here.


The "Voice" is in all capitals, like the voice of the Dark One during the Shayol Ghul interviews. Given the "Voice's" expression of non-involvement, it seems more likely that it is the Creator than the Dark One.


It hasn't been specified anywhere, but I agree with the people who think it is the Creator.


Capitals aside, Lews Therin doesn't start speaking to Rand for quite awhile, I'm not familiar with the number of books, but I'd imagine not for 3 or 4 books at least, so, while it is a good idea, Jordan wouldn't put in Lews Therin in the first book, then not introduce him again for 3 or 4 books. So I agree with it being the Creator speaking to him.




The theory of which I mostly buy is that Lew Therin doesn't start talking till after Rand's battle with Ishamael in The Dragon Reborn. During the battle while Rand jumps to grab Callendor, he feels a ripping inside his brain, as though his soul is ripped or something (sorry I loaned the book to a friend so I don't have the quote), but anyway something inside him rips as Ishamael is attacking him. My belief is that it's because of this rip that Lews Therin is set free as almost a seperate intity inside Rand. Since this doesn't happen till the end of The Dragon Reborn, we don't get Lews Therin before that, so this must be either The Creator, or The Dark One. My money's on The Creator.


Sidenote: During the last Podcast they argued that The Creator or the Dark One was goading Rand by saying "if he will." That this was ment to force Rand to make the choice of fighting in the Last Battle. I don't buy that. If it is the Creator (which to me makes the most sense), I believe the Creator takes no part in trying to force the Dragon to save the world. That's not what a Creator does. A Creator allows the Wheel to spin the Pattern as the Wheel can. He takes no hand in the weave of the Pattern. The Dark One is the one who wants to minipulate the Pattern, and dissolve free will. When the voice speaks and says "if he will" I believe it is the Creator saying that it's up to the Dragon whether he wants to save the Pattern or not, the Creator will only "help" if the Dragon makes that choice. And even then, I wouldn't expect much help at all.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have the book in front of me, but doesn't The Voice says something to the effect of, "I WILL NOT GET INVOLVED..." Obviously, the Dark One is getting involved, as is Lews Therin. So I'd say that leaves The Creator.


And since RJ loves cycles, we probably won't hear The Creator again until Rand goes to the Blight again in the final book.


the voice also refers to him as "the chosen one" somthing a creator would say. if you take everything the voice says into consideration all at once, all evidence points and the creator, and not really at anyone else. i really dont see why this is a debate *shrug*


side note: i think the next time we hear the voice will be at the very end when the creator congradulate rand on a job well done, but reminds him that this is not the end...just an end.

  • 1 month later...

I believe it was the creator for this reason.







What do you think.


you're right. the DO wouldnt call him the chosen one, and the DO has had a hand in things. its very similar to how "god" is with our world. he has no hand in what happens, but chose one boy to be the savior of humanity. (sorry for the christian refrence, but a lot of theology from many religions, including christianity since RJ is christian it makes sense, is used throughout the entire series.


the LTT theory is debunked by the fact that LTT never talks in all caps.

I thought it wqas the Creator because LTT doesn't TALK IN ALL CAPS.


You make it sound as if the creator is a kid who left his cap lock on. :lol:


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