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Welcome MorningStar to the BT

Turin Turambar

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Weclonme to our tainty little corner of DM. Enjoy your descent into madness. Have a brownie or 7 and tell us a little about yourself.


Have you read all the books? Who would you like to live? who to die? will there be a party after? Will there be drinking?


I am the Shadow Faction Leader. If you should have any questions I will try to get them answered.


We will try to get you added to our private boards as soon as possible. Until then just explore around. Don't forget to sign ion on the Roll Call.

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Thanks very much everyone! The brownies look delicious, tainted or not.


I've been reading the books for 10+ years now, and have indeed finished all of them. I'm beyond psyched for aMoL, though a large part of me is also sad that the series will be concluding.


I've been a reader of Dragonmount for some time, though I abstained from joining until I was caught up on the books and ready to throw myself into the discussions. I may stay away from the aMoL spoiler board, but I fully expect to be active in all our facets of the site. :) Thanks again to all of you for the warm welcome!


Excllent that you have been checking DM out. And Always great to have someone else that has read the entire series so we don't have to worry about spoiling things for you.


Oh, I need to go and post your points for joining.


Welcome to the Black Tower, MorningStar. If you're mental, you'll fit right in here hehehe!

Have you read all the books? Who would you like to live? who to die? will there be a party after? Will there be drinking?

Any afterparty worth going to involves drinking. :biggrin:


We are not mental! We are just...




never mind.

Suuuuure. :tongue: By the way, my computer background is the original image of one of the rotating images in your sig!



A llama banana, perhaps? o_O




Thanks for everyone's kind welcomes. :)


Twinneh is teh nana...I is a llama. Ûnïcørn. Thing

>.> :unsure:




We lets teh twinnehosmosis deal with that >.> :biggrin:


*llamananapouncies teh twinny*


Actually all brand new members are classified as civilians. To be promoted to Soldier and then on to Dedicated and finally Asha'Man you need to earn points and perform certain tasks. a breakdown of those requirements can be found here.




you can also look around this site to get a bunch more info about the Black Tower and how to earn points, how to spend them and other things.


Actually all brand new members are classified as civilians. To be promoted to Soldier and then on to Dedicated and finally Asha'Man you need to earn points and perform certain tasks. a breakdown of those requirements can be found here.




you can also look around this site to get a bunch more info about the Black Tower and how to earn points, how to spend them and other things.

Umm.. to be totally honest, I do not get that chart at all. Nearly all the spaces have nothing in them. I see how to earn points, but the chart on how points correspond to leveling up in both levels and title is rather confusing.


Its like this: You earn points by doing stuff (mostly spamming) here in the BT. You spend those points to raise your One Power levels. The table for how much each level costs is here, and a calculator to help you figure out how much your stuff will cost is here. Once you get to a certain level in your OP stats, you can start to rise in rank. Thats what this chart is for. It lists the number of stats you need to get to that level to be eligible for that rank. For example, you will need to advance two elements to level five, one to level four, and the other two to level three to advance to Soldier. Got it?


Okay. I can break it down for you quickly.


Soldier: you must complete the Intro to Saidin class. I believe the next one will start next week sometime. Also you must have raised your element levels to at look something like this:

Fire: 5

Earth: 5

Air: 3

Water: 3

Spirit: 4


Dedicated: You must take part in at least 2 One Power Battles in the Battle grounds. (that is one of the hidden boards) in addition your levels should look something like:

Fire: 10

Earth: 10

Air: 8

Water: 5

Spirit: 8


Asha'Man: You must WIN at least 2 One Power Battles. And have the following levels.

Fire: 14

Earth: 14

Air: 8

Water: 8

Spirit: 12


The particular elements do not have to be that exact amount but you need two elements at level 14, one at level 12, and two at level 8. the same applies to the other levels. If you are active it is really pretty easy to get points and level up fairly quickly.


I hope this is helpful. There are pinned threads in the hidden boards that explain in more detail.


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