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Characters' Finest Moments

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So, what do you think are the finest moments for each of the major characters?


First up, I must make clear that I do not mean fighting or destroying the most Shadowspawn, nor most awesome in battle at all.


I am talking about morally, what moment shows the goodness of the Character?


Any idiot could kill Shadowspawn or lead and defeat armies if they have enough resources and power. Rand can blast anyone out of the sky when he wants to, his power is immense. But his power does not make him a Hero. It is not his strength in the OP that makes him the Dragon Reborn, saviour of the world. It is not ability in battle that makes a character worthy of praise.


To me, it is their morality, through their actions, when something of their true character, true Goodness shines through. What makes them oppose the Shadow. Where despite all odds and logic, they do something they think is right, not the most logical, or the most productive. From the goodness of their heart they do something, even if it puts them in danger.



Rand: For me it would have to be his defence of Maradon. Not that he has any shortage of moments. But Maradon tops it, for me. The fact that he risked everything and wore hismelf out to defy the Shadow, when it would have been more logical and safer and better strategically to avoid the confrontation.



"I must feel. I must hurt for the pains, the deaths, the losses of these people. I have to cling to these things so I know why I am fighting."




Mat: Another in ToM. His rescue of Moiraine. We as the reader know that Mat has to, to save the world. He, however, has no idea Moiraine is important. He goes to face the Finns, who he is almost sure will kill him, to have a chance to save someone who is not even that important to him. He sacrifices his eye to save her, for no ulterior motive.


Perrin: The defence of Two Rivers.

Many might think it is stupid, and in a way it is, since Perrin is important and can't die, but when he refuses to leave the Two Rivers to be overrun by Trollocs, almost certain that he will die, and sends Faile away was his finest moment morally. His defiance of the Shadow even in the face of death was touching.


Egwene: She has done many good things, but so much of it has unfortunately had to be twisted up in Aes Sedai politics. I don't doubt her intentions in regards to reunifying the White Tower and such, but it was tainted with politics and actions she had to take. Her staying in the White Tower when captured was brave, but it was logical. Her moment of real defining character was releasing Logain after he had been healed. THAT was her finest moment. In spite of everything, the taint, the opinions of the Aes Sedai or her safety as Amyrlin, she defied all that and did the right thing, letting Logain free to go to the Black Tower.


Nynaeve: Her Aes Sedai test. She defies everything because she can't sit by and watch people die, real or not. Perhaps not the greatest logic, but it shows her good heart. Screwing everyone else, she acts as she would do normally. Why wouldn't you run to help people in danger, just for the sake of it?


" I can still channel - I can still be me - if I never become Aes Sedai. But I would never be myself again if I abandoned him."


Added some more after thought.


Moiraine: Submitting herself to the Finns knowingly to save Rand.


Lan: Allow himself to be bonded by Moiraine, and not be selfish and run off to kill himself.


Elayne: Trying to save Rand from the Black Ajah in Tear, knowing she was up against 13 Black sisters with two other accepted to help. Stupid, and didn't end up doing much, but the thought was good.


Gawyn: Allowing Suian and Leane to escape with Min. It was actually quite a difficult choice, despite his annoying attitude.


Galad: Not trying to execute Perrin. That was good.


Min: Staying with Rand despite him nearly killing her. Good show.


Mat: freeing the Sea Folk windfinder that triggered the Great Escape

Rand: "Tears of the Dragon" in Rhuidean

Perrin: going back to save Galad and the WC's (pun intentional)

Egwene: hugging Rand in TEotW after he learns that he can channel

Nynaeve: healing Naeff, then Flinn and Narishma


Just in case, this is for any main character.


It includes like Elayne, Avi, Min, Moiraine, Lan, Gawyn, Galad, Loial, Logain, Narshima, Flinn, etc... not necessarily just the 5 two rivers bunch,


I was just lazy and don't have time to do all of them :tongue:

Her moment of real defining character was releasing Logain after he had been healed. THAT was her finest moment. In spite of everything, the taint, the opinions of the Aes Sedai or her safety as Amyrlin, she defied all that and did the right thing, letting Logain free to go to the Black Tower.

Logain was responsible for thousands of deaths caused by his claim to be the DR, a lot of which he most likely caused directly. Ethically Egwene's action was really questionable if not downright wrong.


Anyway, for other characters:


Elayne - first that comes to mind is bonding Birgitte. Birgitte was dying, and Elayne knew very well how traumatic is to have your Warder die, yet did it anyway.


Going to Falme to save Egwene and staying there for weeks to achieve this goal was impressive too, given that she and Nynaeve were barely able to control their channelling at this point


For Min - freeing Suian and Leane. Big risk and they weren't exactly friends at the time.


Thom charging a fade to give Mat and Rand a chance to run. That was basically suicide, he just got lucky.


Indirect, but when Tuon is talking to Rand and Nynaeve about Mat and they stick up for him so vehemently against her.. I think it showed a bit about Mat. Really, the loyalty he has earned from just about everyone shows a lot about him.


Lan providing Rand with some last minute mentoring before he is to face Siuane for the first time, even though he is really stepping out of his place.


Every time Rand is bonded and the woman is pretty much brought to her knees by his pain, which he has lived with constantly without letting it entirely consume him.


Tam calling Cadsuane out as the bully she is, even as she has him wrapped up in the power.


Galad and Perrin both recognizing the good in the other and allying themselves regardless of how contrary their individual views are.


And Bornhald saving Perrin

Her moment of real defining character was releasing Logain after he had been healed. THAT was her finest moment. In spite of everything, the taint, the opinions of the Aes Sedai or her safety as Amyrlin, she defied all that and did the right thing, letting Logain free to go to the Black Tower.

Logain was responsible for thousands of deaths caused by his claim to be the DR, a lot of which he most likely caused directly. Ethically Egwene's action was really questionable if not downright wrong.



Rand is responsible for thousands more deaths, many which he caused directly. Should Rand also be held prisoner and threatened with Stilling? It was not Logain's fault. He thought he was the Dragon Reborn. He didn't go round murdering people. Those that were against him he opposed. He opposed the sisters trying to effectively kill him. I don't see how this makes him a criminal, nor how he deserved to be stilled again and die soon after.


I don't see how saving Logain's life was wrong here.

Her moment of real defining character was releasing Logain after he had been healed. THAT was her finest moment. In spite of everything, the taint, the opinions of the Aes Sedai or her safety as Amyrlin, she defied all that and did the right thing, letting Logain free to go to the Black Tower.

Logain was responsible for thousands of deaths caused by his claim to be the DR, a lot of which he most likely caused directly. Ethically Egwene's action was really questionable if not downright wrong.



Rand is responsible for thousands more deaths, many which he caused directly. Should Rand also be held prisoner and threatened with Stilling? It was not Logain's fault. He thought he was the Dragon Reborn. He didn't go round murdering people. Those that were against him he opposed. He opposed the sisters trying to effectively kill him. I don't see how this makes him a criminal, nor how he deserved to be stilled again and die soon after.


I don't see how saving Logain's life was wrong here.

Rand had many real proofs he's the Dragon Reborn. Getting Callandor, Hawkwing and the Heroes acknowledging him, an Aes Sedai telling him he's the DR and explaining how she knew it. What did Logain have? Nothing apart from being able to channel as far as we know.


Logain started a war by proclaiming himself the DR, with no proof at all. His forces attacked and destroyed towns.


“He deserves no pity,” Galad pronounced. “Have you forgotten what he was, what he did? How many thousands died before he was taken? How many towns were burned? Let him live on as a warning to others.

Gawyn nodded, but reluctantly. “Yet men followed him. Some of those towns were burned after they declared for him.”

Note the last sentence. Some towns were buned after declaring for him, with the clear implication that others were burned by Logain's forces which attacked them.


Rand - refusing to release Lan's hand, when they were on the rooftop in Far Madding;

Mat - rescuing Jolene and the others, despite his feelings about Aes Sedai. Followed closely by the thing with the Sea Folk, which I still think will turn out to be very important. Also followed closely by going into the Stone after the Wondergirls. Also followed closely by bowing to the obnoxious Amyrlin to ensure she is taken seriously. Also followed closely by going after Moiraine. Also followed closely by his initial charge against the Shaido;

Perrin - Dumai's Wells;

Elayne - Bonding Birgitte;

Egwene - the fight outside Cairhein;

Nynaeve - following after these idiot kids, through all of this.


The Dragonsworn and Masema did the exact same thing.


However, it is beside the point really.


To her mind, Egwene was not freeing a criminal, she was freeing a captive.


She did it for good reasons, even if they may or may not have been the wisest. That is the whole point of the thread. She did something kind because she felt it was the right thing to do, in spite of the danger and logic against it.


@ Randsc, nice ones, I like the Rand/Lan one.


Rand when he puts his hand in balefire to protect Min.

Mat when he goes to give the medallion to Elayne to protect her from Moghedien.

Perrin when he agreed to submit to Galad's punishment.

Egwene when she told the wise ones shes was not an AS.



Rand when he puts his hand in balefire to protect Min.


It was a regular fireball that blew his hand off. If he had touched balefire, Rand would be dead.


Edit: He also didn't do it explicitly to protect Min. He didn't move out of the way of the fireball because he knew Min would die if he did. He raised his hand to protect the rest of his body (you know, reflex).


Rand when he puts his hand in balefire to protect Min.


It was a regular fireball that blew his hand off. If he had touched balefire, Rand would be dead.


Edit: He also didn't do it explicitly to protect Min. He didn't move out of the way of the fireball because he knew Min would die if he did. He raised his hand to protect the rest of his body (you know, reflex).


Sorry about the balefire, fire thing. He still protected Min though.


Nynaeves finest moment for me was when Rand balefired Graendals palace. She didnt turn her back on him even after the monstrous thing he had just done, and she tried to put herself in his shoes afterwards and came up with "maybe hes supposed to be this hard." Which is exactly what Rands been thinking. Still acting the Wisdom after all this time. If she grew to be as old as Cadsuane she'd probably still be the Wisdom at heart.


Also, a similar moment was when Rand and Nynaeve defended Mat when Tuon told them he kidnapped her.


rand : crying and hugging Tam

min: getting cadsuane to see her worth when she figured out what callandor is

egwene: the seanchan attack and her organising the resistance

mat: bloody tuon is my wife !

perrin: saving emond's field and the two rivers and dumai's wells

nynaeve: her aes sedai test and the healing of madness and her detective work in TGS :p


Rand al Thor


tPoD "A Cup of Sleep"

I haven’t seen any of the men I left with you." For an instant, his gaze flickered to Fedwin. For no more than an instant. "There were... other... casualties? I will take this one with me, if you wish."

"I told them to stay out of sight," Rand said in a harsh voice. "And I’ll take care of Fedwin. Fedwin Morr, Taim; not ‘this one.’" He actually backed to the small table to pick up the silver cup sitting among the lamps. Min’s breath caught.

"The Wisdom in my village could cure anything," Rand said as he knelt beside Fedwin. Somehow, he managed to smile at the boy without taking his eyes from Taim. Fedwin smiled back happily and tried to take the cup, but Rand held it for him to drink. "She knows more about herbs than anybody I’ve ever met. I learned a little from her, which are safe, which not." Fedwin sighed as Rand took the cup away and held the boy to his chest. "Sleep, Fedwin," Rand murmured.

It did seem that the boy was going to sleep. His eyes closed. His chest rose and fell more slowly. Slower. Until it stopped. The smile never left his lips.

"A little something in the wine," Rand said softly as he laid Fedwin down. Min’s eyes burned, but she would not cry. She would not!

"You are harder than I thought," Taim muttered.


This next one is somehwat obscure but how about Rashima Kerenmosa at the Battle of Maighande". After she inititated a number of military and diplomatic overtures, her body was found after the decisive victory of the Trolloc Wars surrounded by a "vast wall" of trolloc and mydraal corpses along with 10 dreadlords. BAD ASS.


One of my favorite scenes of the series is when Elayne tries to unravel a gateway to make sure the Seanchan don't discover Traveling. She sends everyone else away, but Aviendha and Birgette stay with her knowing how dangerous it was. They barely make it out alive while taking out hundreds of Seanchan (even if accidentally). At the end Elayne thinks: "She hoped she could be a queen to make her mother proud, but it was clear that she would never make a hero." I beg to differ.


rand : crying and hugging Tam


THIS! As far as emotional awesome goes, this wins the series. Better than Nyn and Lan in aCoS, better than the tri-bonding, better than anything. He realizes just how wrong he was, just how f-ed up he was, and breaks down in his father's arms. Amazing.


What about Loial and Galad when they went off and destroyed the waygate 1st off there were thousands of dark friends roaming around the two rivers at the time 2nd you can't hide a 8ft+ Ogere in the Forrest so they most likely had to fight most of the way there 3rd Loial was going to destroy one of the Ogeres most prized and treasured things (the waygates ) and 4th if they hadn't the two rivers would have been destroied no if or buts about it


Mat: he's a funny character and has lots of cool moments but for me it has got to be in (KoD?) the chapter from Tuon's PoV when she realises that this trickster/gambler is a lot more than he appears. This is also the time you as a reader see Mat truely take charge; rather than just being forced into it. BS took a lot of flack for his changing of Mat's character... but this was the moment he changed for me when he finally stepped up to his potential and showed the world what he was made of.


Rand - When he puts something in the wine to kill the one Asha'man (Fedwin?). To me this was the last "caring" Rand until recently.

Perrin - The defense of Two Rivers

Mat - When he turned around to lead the Tarien and Carhiens (sp?) from slaughter against the Shadio.

Egwene - Her defense of the White Tower during the Seanchan attack. Up front and taking charge like a good Armylin.

Nynaeve - Hoping along the Borderlands rallying support for Lan.

Galad - Agreeing to the trial for Perrin

Gawyn - The fight with the Bloodknives.

Avienda - When in the Waste, trying to teach Rand about the Aeil. Hating him so much, hating the situation so much, but sticking with the duty.

Morianne - A couple different instances. When she says she will kill Rand rather than letting the DO get him, and when she would have slept with Rand if that would have helped in advising him. Dedication to the cause above all else.


Padan Fain: killing the renegade Ashaman in Far Madding


Aginor/Osan'gar/Corlan Dashiva: getting Flinn to heal Rand after Fain stabs him.


Semirhage: sending the Trollocs to save Rand in the Stone of Tear


Lanfear: binding Asmodean to teach Rand how to channel properly


Asmodean: hiding the gateway that Aviendha made to escape to Seanchan


Moridin: helping Rand defeat Sammael in Shadar Logoth


Moghedian: teaching Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene lost talents and weaves


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