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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Great job Ishy. You played great. You need to take a break so that your legnd can grow. Able to keep people believing you were still a true jedi in a game set in a film where you joined the Sith.


@ Basel, Ishy speaks the truth in that even tho you try to separate the game from the bond or the bond from the game but it is easier said than done. The game is a game but the bond signifies something very real. I was lucky in that I didn't have to worry about her gtting lynched or killed or stuff. And I did get a great scene when I died.


You got my best :wub: although Padme's was also very sad.


Wombat's first kill on the first day really helped get the game going. It geared it up straight away. You can see how truly vicious marsupials can be. And then he killed Obiwan! Which could have been a good or bad thing. Had Obiwan been left alive, he would have supported Ishy's Town claim even after he had been turned, unless he started to get suspicious of course. Wombat really held the team together though, as Dice was in another dimension, kate had died and iron kept trying to get killed lol. Womby was a godsend. Iron had me pulling my hair out often, but managed to not get lynched ...


Key nearly stopped 3 deaths - she was really on the ball. She stopped Mynd's, then I think they were going to go for Kae on another night - but changed their mind at the last minute - and of course she would have protected Kae if she hadn't been killed herself.


That why I wrote that Yoda always knew where he needed to be. It was like Key was reading their minds lol.


Loke made me laugh. Did anyone seriously not crack up laughing when he used the breakfast analogy on Mynd. And he read stupidly fast to catch up with the game to come in as back up also.


Him and Kae were great for stepping in like that. Losing players is really stressful.


After Soy's game, I'm going to have to break out the sig you made for me Ithi. I'm retiring for a good long while now. Best to do it on a high note I guess.

just fyi I'll probably be bringing you out of retirement later this year

enjoy it while you can


@ Basel, Ishy speaks the truth in that even tho you try to separate the game from the bond or the bond from the game but it is easier said than done. The game is a game but the bond signifies something very real. I was lucky in that I didn't have to worry about her gtting lynched or killed or stuff. And I did get a grat scene when I died.


Maybe I'll figure this out for myself someday when if I get a bond. I'm not holding my breath.


Oh - and the Power Roles really went to Town, seeing as the Mafia Team lost their only Power Roll on Day 2


Kae viewed 2 Mafia and helped keep Mynd in the game

Loke LDd Ishy and would have totally blown his cover had he not been killed.


It was only because their roles were outed that they got deaded.


FUDGE!!! I wrote something nice and then I accidently pressed the back button... FUDDGEDUGDUDUDEUFUGEUDUUGEUDEU!!!


Attempting to rewrite it..




I had a really fun time participating in your game Ithi ^^ It was very nicely handled!

I was crossing my fingers that I'd live to see the day!! We were SO CLOSE TO WINNING XD!!

And I got a tad sad that Mynd was lynched even though he was vetted by Kae..


Anyway, Fun game, Glad I could join =)!


FUDGE!!! I wrote something nice and then I accidently pressed the back button... FUDDGEDUGDUDUDEUFUGEUDUUGEUDEU!!!


:laugh: Oh, I do hate it when that happens.


Len and Darthe had no choice Loke, Dice was controlling their votes and the Jedi had no powers left to counter it.


Town was really, really close at times.


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