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Facebook games

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Anyone here play games on Facebook? I usually always have one game or another Im playing. I'll be superhooked on a game for a while, everything from 1 to 4 month, then I'll tire of it and move on. My record is actually one game I was playing for over a year (Happy Pets), but that's mostly because I got into a good little community and that was nice.


Right now Im playing Casteville, actually played that for almost four months now and not sick of it yet, wow! I also play Draw Something on my husbands iPad with alot of my facebook friends.


You guys play anything?

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Nowadays, I mostly stick with:


Zuma Blitz

Solitaire Blitz

Monster World

Bubble Witch Saga


Other games I used to play include Zoo World, Farmville, Farm Town, and Petville but they got to be too much like work! LOL! I also used to play Castle Age. I was in a nice community, and all, but there were some people outside that community that spoiled the fun for me. They were way above me in levels and such and would target anyone significantly lower than them that was still in the same general "bracket." Every kill they got, increased their level and decreased mine. For myself, I found it more fun to defeat people that were roughly the same level as me, not the ones several levels lower but to some people, the win was so important they targeted the ones they knew they could kill. *shrugs* When a game ceases being fun, I stop playing it . . . CA stopped being fun, so I stopped playing it. The experience with CA kept me from getting into Mafia Wars because people I know that play that would complain about the same thing.

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Misheru! I play Castelville too! I am absolutely the same way as you. I get hooked for a while and then start a new one. I've been really happy with Castelville though.


Are we friends on there? We should be!

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>.> <.< I'm also not sick of castleville yet.... >.> <.< Mills plays it too!!!


I played Gardens of Time for a long while but then I got distracted by school and just couldn't get back into it. I also played Farmville for a very long time--with that one we went on a trip for a couple of weeks and I just got used to not playing it. Played Cafeworld and Sims for a little while but couldn't get into either.


I play Bananagrams sometimes. I LOOOOOOOVE that game in real life :D




Rhea, how do you get so much cool stuff on castleville? Do you buy the crowns?!?!?

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I admit it, I have bough crowns a time or two, but I try not to do that too often or my hubby yells at me! LOL


Mostly I just do the quests and a lot of crafting.

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I'd love to be FB friends and castleville neighbours, just PM me your profile links! ^^


Raena if you'd like to play Draw Something with me, add me at Michellem87 :) just be warned that Im playing on my husbands account, so it will be a mans name and picture ingame.


Dar I used to play Monster World, it was cool, but I didn't have any neighbours so I never got anything done :/

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I used to play Castleville all the time. I would play more but my computer is slow and tends to shut down when I play it. When I was working at the school I played there, but I can't log on there anymore because my account has been closed, I don't know why, so I don't play anymore. :(

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I played Gardens of Time, but then it started loading extremely slowly. I switched to Sims, but now that's doing the same thing. It's gotten to the point where I can't send or request anything, so I've basically just given up. I have very little free time in in that I just want to relax for 5 minutes, not struggle to get something done.

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I am hooked on Castleville right now. I used to be the same way over cityville but that one went NUTS with goals. They started to become unattainable. I think why I like the Castle game is because the goals are fun. Never did Sims. The GF told me abotu the bugginess and she stopped playing so I never started. My computer is terrible enough as it is without adding a buggy game. I am more than happy to take on neighbors if you're comfortable with that. The whole me being some "weird old dude from the inter-webs that you don't really know" lol. Hit me up with a PM. Or friend me. I accept just about every friend request for gits and shiggles if you have at least one friend in common. Stupid I know. I like to CHAT! Don't judge me!

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