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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Official Sign Up Thread - Urgent!! Back Up Required!!

Ithillian Turambar

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I'm excited!!


Ooo...Basel snuggles! Me likes! He's fuzzy and warm like a Ewok!






And seriously, Roo and Nya have told me they are new to Mafia, if there is anyone else who has signed up that has not played before, please let me know. Send me a PM if you don't want it to be common knowledge mmmkay :)


She didn't. She ALWAYs wants number 21 lol


*twirls hair and whispers* I'll never tell...


will be getting lots of extra help in forming more than one word posts




Well, I figured he'd WANT to play. He just told me yesterday that he wasn't going to *laughs*.



Everyone reserves the right to change their mind though *g* and it'll be more fun this way anyway.


And seriously, Roo and Nya have told me they are new to Mafia, if there is anyone else who has signed up that has not played before, please let me know. Send me a PM if you don't want it to be common knowledge mmmkay :)


Hey wait a minute... I played against you in my first game, Nya.


Oh erm ... Possibly. I will check with the Pirate. I don't want to upset the balance.


If he says ok I will let you know.




I can't believe it filled up so fast.


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