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seriously HBO, WTF. having Tyrion be a SHOULDE TO CRY ON for Cersie?!?!?! have you NOT read the flamming series. they HATE eachother. i mean, Cersie wouldn't even show that sort of weakness to Jamie! the ONLY reason Cersie woud be acting this way around the Imp is to better gauge where to shove a dagger in his back, not because she's needs soemthing to pat her on the knee and tell her it's gonna be alright.


get off the flamming sympathetic Cersie angle! she doesn't diserves every bit of strife she's put HERSELF through. shes an evil villianis character and the character building you've done on her so far is gonna come and bit you lot in the but once the events of FoC's happens you jerk wads! i mean, they even sort of redeemed themselves with the whole talk between her and Sansa, with the whole "only love your children and that becuase a mother is forced to" bit. but then you squander it all away with the stupid Tyrion scene

I seem to recall parts of that scene happening though, maybe not her to tyrion, but her saying the words she did. And she 'was' concerned about joffrey, mostly becasue she COULDN'T control him.



Ican' recall, was joffrey's wedding actually perpetuated by little finger, or cersie?


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I think the Cersei in the show is a lot more interesting than the one in the books. Also, the guy who told Theon to send the Maester back was not the Bolton bastard, it was Theon's first mate who he met on Pyke. I don't know why they've chosen to do it this way.

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I seem to recall parts of that scene happening though, maybe not her to tyrion, but her saying the words she did. And she 'was' concerned about joffrey, mostly becasue she COULDN'T control him.



Ican' recall, was joffrey's wedding actually perpetuated by little finger, or cersie?




yes she did express concern over the lack of how much of a puppet Joff turned out to be and how much like Robert he was in reguards to his treatment of women; but i'm talking about the overall character building for Cersie they've done.


in the show she's become more of a woman who is sturggling to keep her head above water in a tide she can't conrol, rather than laying in bed she made herself and having to eat the =rotten fruit that grew from her own efforts. they've down played so much on how manipulative and such on her in an effort to make her more sympathetic. not only with leavign out the fact that she pruposefully aborted Roberts kid and making it appear as if she had a miscarriage, to downplaying the fact that she's the reason Robert's dead in the first place and her utter enjoyment in the fact that Robert did die. least we forget her role in the manipulation of the kings gaurd, the sleeping around to get her way and to get alleys as well as her iron fist control of the board of governors (for lack of a better word)




Joff's death was perpetrated by Loras and Margerys Grandmother and Littlefinger; Cersie and the Imp had nothing to do with it.


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Yeah, I am wondering why the show is making such an attempt to soften Cersei. Maybe to set up her ruthlessness later but it seems odd that they are trying to make her much more gray while they have pretty much commited themselves to making Joffery as despicable as possible. Not that I mind that, just an interesting device they are using.


Also, on Ygritte, perfect casting. Almost exactly as I pictured her, if a bit more of sailor's mouth on her, haha.

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Theon's scene was good, i especially loved the look of shame at the end. i'm guessing that the guy who told Theon to sen the Master back to Winterfell was the Bastard of Bolton correct, cause thats who it was in the books *nods*



the reaosn i love the lok of shame on Theons face is because people who haven't read the books are probablythinking thats cause he just killed two kids he grew up with and feels bad about it; when in reality we all know he's more concerned abotu the fact that those aren't the two stark children :happy:


good job HBO!




I think this is one point at which those of us who have read the books and know what's going on are at a disadavantage, because we "read" that scene the way we know it goes. Those who haven't read the books...



well, I know of at least one person who saw the bodies and immediately knew they weren't Bran and Rickon, and interpreted the look on Theon's face much differently. One of the episode reviews I've read points out that the bodies being burned makes it pretty clear to the viewer that he's trying to pass them off as Bran and Rickon and they're really not. The viewers aren't left with the horror that Theon's actually killed the boys he grew up with, they're left wondering what other kids he actually did kill and why the people of Winterfell are falling for the ruse.




I think the Cersei in the show is a lot more interesting than the one in the books. Also, the guy who told Theon to send the Maester back was not the Bolton bastard, it was Theon's first mate who he met on Pyke. I don't know why they've chosen to do it this way.


I was trying to describe to a non-book-reader how the scene actually went in the books... and realized they probably did need to simplify things, especially since they didn't cast Ramsay Snow for this season.

Remember in the book, there was this whole other side bit going on with Lady Hornwood and the Bastard of Bolton, and Ramsay and Reek being caught by the men of Winterfell in the midst of some unspeakable perversion... they assume they've killed Ramsay and brought Reek back to Winterfell, when it was Ramsay in disguise as Reek all along... and Reek befriends Theon... he's the one who goes on the hunt and flays the faces, etc.


And then Reek goes to try to raise an army to help Theon hold Winterfell... and when the other Northern lords have him under siege, Reek betrays him, kills his men, and takes Theon prisoner.



That's all going to take a heck of a lot of extra screen time to tell that story and it's a bit confusing and not 100% essential to the plot.


Looks like they've chosen to simplify it greatly

by having Dagmer be the conspirator on the hunt, and have Roose send Ramsay with an army to take back Winterfell directly instead of having him betray Theon.


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re: Red's Posts


Too lazy to quote stuff but I just want to say, again, that I hated Dany in the books and I think they're doing a wonderful job of portraying her

The "good" decisions she makes in the books are few and far between

I don't really know why she's as popular as she is

I think it's 'cause she's a "badass" chick with dragons? Maybe?

I dunno, if you're looking for a badass chick look to Brienne or the Sand Snakes or even Arya in her own way

Daenerys is not a character worth idolizing


As for Cersei being a sympathetic character

Uhhhh if you're sympathizing with her that's pretty strange

We already know she's got a screw loose (re: Jaime, Lancel) and that she arranged to kill Robert

She obviously has no idea how to run a kingdom beyond beating down the lower class

And on top of it all she's nearly as cruel as any other character in her own way ("Mother gone, for the sake of you. There's no bigger joke in the world than that.")


The scene where she was crying did in fact happen in the books and if I recall correctly Tyrion even gave her a kiss on the cheek because he felt bad for her. Instead the show has him just kind of stare at her and awkwardly walk close like he's going to hug her but doesn't.


But anyway I think it's time we all put aside the characters we love or hate for now and prepare for some war

The Battle of the Blackwater looms and I'm ready to see some wild fire in action!

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Too lazy to quote stuff but I just want to say, again, that I hated Dany in the books and I think they're doing a wonderful job of portraying her

The "good" decisions she makes in the books are few and far between

I don't really know why she's as popular as she is

I think it's 'cause she's a "badass" chick with dragons? Maybe?

I dunno, if you're looking for a badass chick look to Brienne or the Sand Snakes or even Arya in her own way

Daenerys is not a character worth idolizing


no one here is idolizing Danny, we're just tiered of her being potrayed as a sulky little two year old and forgoing the correct character development she needs for later plot points. no one said that she was badass either, she's an ice queen, theres a difference.



As for Cersei being a sympathetic character

Uhhhh if you're sympathizing with her that's pretty strange

We already know she's got a screw loose (re: Jaime, Lancel) and that she arranged to kill Robert

She obviously has no idea how to run a kingdom beyond beating down the lower class

And on top of it all she's nearly as cruel as any other character in her own way ("Mother gone, for the sake of you. There's no bigger joke in the world than that.")


they are potraying her on screen as sympathetic, rather than as the grade A narcassitic bitch who thinks more of herselfworth than is humanly possible she is in the books. as i said, HBO has her repersented as a woman who is doing what she can to survive the lot she's been thrown into; when in reality, if she had left well enough alone and hadn't tried to be the first female ruler of westeros and realized she's not Tywin Lannister with breasts, then she woudln't be in the trouble she is now.


when the crap hits the fan with Cersie, imo people watchign the show only are gonna feel sorry for her, rather than feeling the satisfaction of her roosters comming home to roost.

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Too lazy to quote stuff but I just want to say, again, that I hated Dany in the books and I think they're doing a wonderful job of portraying her

The "good" decisions she makes in the books are few and far between

I don't really know why she's as popular as she is

I think it's 'cause she's a "badass" chick with dragons? Maybe?

I dunno, if you're looking for a badass chick look to Brienne or the Sand Snakes or even Arya in her own way

Daenerys is not a character worth idolizing


no one here is idolizing Danny, we're just tiered of her being potrayed as a sulky little two year old and forgoing the correct character development she needs for later plot points. no one said that she was badass either, she's an ice queen, theres a difference.

but that's how she is...

she had one moment where she burned the witch, hatched her dragons, and claimed her own khalassar

but from that point on all she does is sulk, pout, and generally act like a spoiled brat



I know I'm in a minority here since most people like Dany but I can't see her as anything other than a failure



As for Cersei being a sympathetic character

Uhhhh if you're sympathizing with her that's pretty strange

We already know she's got a screw loose (re: Jaime, Lancel) and that she arranged to kill Robert

She obviously has no idea how to run a kingdom beyond beating down the lower class

And on top of it all she's nearly as cruel as any other character in her own way ("Mother gone, for the sake of you. There's no bigger joke in the world than that.")


they are potraying her on screen as sympathetic, rather than as the grade A narcassitic bitch who thinks more of herselfworth than is humanly possible she is in the books. as i said, HBO has her repersented as a woman who is doing what she can to survive the lot she's been thrown into; when in reality, if she had left well enough alone and hadn't tried to be the first female ruler of westeros and realized she's not Tywin Lannister with breasts, then she woudln't be in the trouble she is now.


when the crap hits the fan with Cersie, imo people watchign the show only are gonna feel sorry for her, rather than feeling the satisfaction of her roosters comming home to roost.

I don't think Cersei thought of herself as some kind of goddess in the books

She did think she was more capable than the men around her and should have had more power


I think you're not giving the fans enough credit

They wont forget what she's done and what she's still going to do

If anything she's more sympathetic in the books because

during her walk of shame we're inside her head and we know how beaten and miserable she is while still clinging to her dreams of power



Cersei will do far too much damage for anyone to sympathize with her

After how she

treats Tommen and Tyrion, after burning the tower of the Hand of the King, after employing that sicko who does weird experiments on people and brings the Mountain back to life

there is no way it will happen

just give them time

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but that's how she is...

she had one moment where she burned the witch, hatched her dragons, and claimed her own khalassar

but from that point on all she does is sulk, pout, and generally act like a spoiled brat



I know I'm in a minority here since most people like Dany but I can't see her as anything other than a failure


see i precieved her differently in the books. i never saw her as a sulky little brat but as a woman whose been beaten into submission thats finally given a chance to blossom into her own. once i finish WoK's though i'm planning to re-read the series; so i'll let you know if my opinion changes *nods*






I don't think Cersei thought of herself as some kind of goddess in the books


and i quote. she believed herself to be Tywin Lannister with breasts and a ... we'll i'll leave that last bit blank. she did think of herself as a supreme goddess of Kingslanding, and anyone who wasn't a tool to be used culd have been burned with dragons fire for all she cared, even her own family.


my point is, they've majorly down played Cersie as the ultra bitch villan that i detested by book one on many levels. including her manipulation of Sansa. on screen shes seen as tryign to step in as a motherly figure for Sansa and seems fond of her and wants to school her in how to survive. in the books, Sansa's lucky Cersie didn't giver her to littlefinger for one of the brothels; and that only didn't happen after Ned was killed because she had worth as a hostage.



She did think she was more capable than the men around her and should have had more power


thats putting it lightly :laugh:



I think you're not giving the fans enough credit

They wont forget what she's done and what she's still going to do

If anything she's more sympathetic in the books because

during her walk of shame we're inside her head and we know how beaten and miserable she is while still clinging to her dreams of power


its nothing against the fans, if you haven't read the books the truely you dont' understand the lengths at which Cersie goes to keep power in Kingslanding. this is totally HBO's fault, becuase they've foregone the character developement on her that needs to be done in favor for trumping up that little pissant Joff. the fans literally don't knwo half of the crap Cersie has done, for instance that mess up season 1 about the abortion. on screen she goes to Cat and uses it as a way to gain sympathy; yet HBO leaves out the subsequent scene where she talks with great disgust how she torn the creature from her womb becuase she didn't want Roberts seed defiling her body.


even the threat to Tyrion about ripping away the thing he loves when Marcillia is shipped off to dorne was done in a beaten down fashion rather than with the vendictive over tone that it had in the books.



bah you give her too much credit! the "walk of shame" was a rouse. that witch hasn't learned ehr lesson and she was just placcating the religous nuts to bide her time until she can get their heads chopped off. we know this by the internale thoughts and actions want she gets back to the castle. even her uncle wasn't fooled. i'll take great pleasure when Jamie shoves a cross bolt into her stomach *nods*




Cersei will do far too much damage for anyone to sympathize with her

After how she

treats Tommen and Tyrion, after burning the tower of the Hand of the King, after employing that sicko who does weird experiments on people and brings the Mountain back to life

there is no way it will happen

just give them time



she doens't really treat Tommen bad imo, the boy is dull and has no interest in ruling. the treatment of Tyrion, that was mostly done by Joff and Twyin. it was Joff that hiered penny and her brother for the wedding feast. and Twyin was responsable to Shay, the marriage to Sansa, the attempt on his life and the Dwarfs Penny tax. Cersie tried to trump Tyrion and mess with him in kinsglanding, but the imp always outsmarted her so she came out with egg on her face.


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I cannot get over how extremely perfect Ygritte is. Even her voice, just like it's been in my head. Amazing.


Also, Brienne, j'adore. What an AMAZING actor! (although I do think her a bit too beautiful, possibly because she reminds me of Tilda Swinton).


In general, the casting for this show...


I don't think the frog eaters will show up. Martin loves the actress who plays Osha so much, he allowed the script writers to give her a bigger role. I think she will be the one teaching Bran what he needs.

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I think Cersei is a little more sympathetic in the books that people typically credit her. She's definitely less sympathetic in the books than she is in the show (especially season two), I agree, but she has a lot of resentment and anger over the sexist values of the society she lives in and the treatment that affords her; the book just isn't as upfront about highlighting this for her development until later, when:

she's gone off the deep end into paranoia.

I think the show directors are very aware of the complaints of sexism in the show and didn't want to be seen as being misogynist by having this uber-***** of a character. There are counter-examples to Cersei in the books, but I think in the more condensed plot of the show they felt they wouldn't have had time to go that direction with Cersei. I don't mind the changes to her character.


And I agree with Red2111 that Dany never came across as a sulky brat. There are a few times where her youth leads her to make a couple of bad decisions, but I certainly wouldn't apply the word "sulky" to that.


EDIT: I don't like the "spoiler" formatting on this board but I'm just going to leave it as is.

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I don't understand why they made Asha so much more of...well a bitch than she was in the books

She was mean to Theon yeah but in the show she's just constantly cutting him down in front of everyone


Not that I care overmuch if Theon is embarrassed but I liked Asha in the books and the person they've made her in the show is less likable to me


anyway still watching the episode so I may edit in more thoughts here later


Edit1: Ok this feels like an episode where I'm going to comment on every scene. I really liked how they played up Jon Snows failure here. IIRC the rangers that were with the Halfhand didn't die because of him in the books but in the show they changed it so it was all a result of Jons actions. Makes it more dramatic I guess. Even better because I know what's coming for the Halfhand...


Edit2: HOTPIE!!!!


Edit3: Cersei has Shae? I don't like where this is going...


Edit4: Wait I'm confused. Did this happen in the books? I don't think it did but...I don't know.


Edit5: Oooohhhhh right right this did happen in the books but it wasn't Shae. I should probably finish a scene before asking questions huh?


Edit6: "What kind of king do you want to be?" "I don't know, the good kind?" Oh Rob. If there's one thing I can say about the show is they make Rob a lot more interesting.


Edit7: Annnd end of episode.

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Awesome episode! I really liked the scene with Robb and the doctor woman (I can't remember her name!). The whole ep was done really well, Cersei is coming off as more of a bitch now, and Dany is becoming a queen. Arya is still my favorite character^_^


"A girl will obey."

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*whines* crap keeps comming up preventing us from getting home at a decent hour to watch this episode, and its the one show that bubba and i watch together.


i'm glad to hear their making Cersie a bithc, maybe someone from HBO is reading our forum :laugh:



and yet again i get goosebumps from wathcing a teaster for this show. HBO you are doing epically great with this series and i can't thank you enough as a fan of the books for respecting it so :smile:



though that guy on fire, it wasn't green so i hope that oesn't mean they cut the CGI for the Dragons Fire :sad:


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so i finally got to watch the episode!! LOVED the entire thing :happy:



Nol, i disagree, Ahsa came off as a callous bitch to Theon in the books too, in fact i think that was spot on for her except in her carying whether Theon died or not. imo the her cutting down Theon every chance she gets makes sense considering



she wants to be the heir and take over the Iron Islands when their father dies. its to help assert herself in the eyes of the Iron Islanders that she is better off ruling them than Theon because Theon has been weakened by his upbringing in the Stark Family.



Winterfell scene as a whole was excellent, including Bran overhearing that convo. but we all know whats abotu to happen :sad:



and i TOLD you lot they were merging story lines with Rob and that woman :happy: i'm acutlaly glad that we get to see it rather than it being in the background like it was in the books *nods* very nice addition imo



the scene between Cersie and Tyrion was great. now THATS the Cersie we've all grown to hate so much :happy: about flamming time too *nods* that scene was pretty much by the book as well, loved every minute of it tbh, especially the expressions on Tyrions face when he saw it wasn't Shae. speaking of Shae



again, HBO is using foreshadowing!! excellent!! event he mention of the Lion Necklace is foreshadowing, i love seeing these literary devices come to the screen :happy: also, Bubba thinks Tyrion is already wearing a fake nose in prep for the upcomming battle scene, i didn't think that but who nose *giggles at the pun*




the added scene between the Spider and Tyrion was great, and showcasing Joff's arrogace and ignorance of battle was good as well. loved the play on words with "the game" and all that inuindo. i do wish they'd give the spider more scenes *nods*



Ayra was excellent, i loved the entire bit. true to character as always but i did miss the internal dialouge that led up to her deciding on namming Jaquen and how she came to that great and smart conclusion.



the discovery of the Dragon Glass was also great, though i rememebr them doing so in a different place and Ghost being the one to discover it. Sams excitement over it and the inclusion of the Night Watches cloak were outstanding. i never paid much attention to the inclusion of that cloak in the books, so i'm guesing theres something more too it *nods*



perhaps Cold Hands isn't Benjan Stark after all and thats his cloak and goes to show exactly how old Cold Hands really is?? i dunno



and Jons scene was pretty much by the book. though i'm feeling hurt that their leaving Ghost out so much :sad:



Danny's scene was even excellent. i agree with Kae that she's finally starting to look less of a sulky brat and more of a fledgling queen with a mission. i'm looking forward to her up comming scenes



and last but certaintly not least. Jameis scene was BY FAR my fav *grins* those two are gonna be the highlight of Season 3 *giggles*


<3 Jamie

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hope you enjoyed it Kae, cuz that episodes was flamming outstanding. best episode in the entire show!!! i woudl say everything was spot on, but i expected nothign less as this episode was written by Martin himself.



<3 and thanks you so much GRRM for finally showing Cersie to be the 100% bitch we all love to hate. for those of you who haven't read the books, THAT is the true Cersie, that is what she's liek in the books from the start; and that is exactly why i keep complainaing about HBO doing what they have to her character. thnak you Martin for finally righting the one wrong in the entire series, whcih is not showing Cersie for the straight up utter biatch that she is.



i have to wonder if the Spider telling Tyrion "you're the only one who can stop Stennis" is foreshadowing for books 6 and 7




the Hound was outstanding :happy: i loved the little GFY part to Joff when he finally ran from the battlefield. the actor did great wiht that and showing his utter fear of fire.



i still don't believe the Hound is dead though




and my god the green fire was OUTSTANDING!!! that entire scene on Blackwater bay was exactly how i'd pictured it!! LOVED it.



seriously, can't say enough good things about this episode.

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