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which character did you go from hating or at least disliking thier POV chapters into enjoying alot

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mine has to be Egwene. her chapters were really boring, even in Salidar. But once she got held captive I started craving her chapters. Each time I got to one I got excited because I knew this chapter was going to be incredibly interesting. Is it just me or are these some of the best chapters in the whole series?


To me, Perrin started out as a very sensible, quiet young man who did not shirk his duty. But his obsession with Faile and his willingness to do practically anything (including a deal with the DO) turned me off. That kind of singular obsession at the cost of all is something I didn't enjoy reading. To counter that, I enjoyed reading Mat telling the woman he loved and is married to:


Tuon: "You could return to Ebou Dar with me. You have an honored place in the Empire, now."


He did not hesitate before shaking his head. There was no honored place waiting for Leilwin or Domon. no place at all for the Aes Sedai or the Band. "The next time I see Seanchan. I expect it will be on the field somewhere. Tuon." Burn him, it would be. His life seemed to run that way no matter what he did. "You're not my enemy, but your Empire is."


"Nor are you my enemy, husband." she said coolly, "but I live to serve the Empire."


And it was great seeing him stand up to Elayne and insist that the Band of the Red Hand are free men who decide if and when to fight. He insists on their choice of freedom and spurns Elayne's offer of a commission and probably titles in Andor as well.


It's just you :)


I like Mat's progression.


There's an ebb and flow to this. Probably my favorite character is Nynaeve, who I liked a lot from the beginnning, quickly began to irritate me, and has gotten much better since breaking her block.


For me, Elayne I found kind of boring at first, but she got interesting once she was back in Caemlyn.

Also Morgase was just plain boring until she met with Perrin and gang.


To me, Perrin started out as a very sensible, quiet young man who did not shirk his duty. But his obsession with Faile and his willingness to do practically anything (including a deal with the DO) turned me off. That kind of singular obsession at the cost of all is something I didn't enjoy reading. To counter that, I enjoyed reading Mat telling the woman he loved and is married to:


I agree on Perrin, i loved his chapters in 1-4, 6, but his faile obession was really annoying. I liked him post-rescue in TGS and ToM.


Basically, I didn't like the faile abduction plot at all.


I loved Perrin's chapters, I'd get so bored reading through any other chapters waiting for the trolloc attack in Two Rivers. Then he start turning into a whiny, spineless little girl, to be honest!


Of the five two rivers' characters I liked then all at first accept Egween. I didn't start to like her until she paid her toh to the wise ones, she grew up at that point and stopped being an adventure seeking, spoiled brat. She has become one of my favorite characters since that point.


Another character whom I've come to like more and more as the books progressed is Siuan Sanche. She started out as the most powerful woman in the world, then escaped a death sentence by a whisker; and had the strength of character to overcome the effect of severing.


Through it all, she stayed focused on her life's goal: help the Dragon Reborn reach and win the Last Battle. And she adapts to her stations adequately from Amyrlin, to runaway, to severed AS in Salidar, to weakened AS, to teacher and confidante, to a confidante who lost trust, etc.


She did not lose herself totally in that goal. She let herself love a man, but not at the expense of her life's purpose.


She is wonderful to read. And I would take her and trust her above almost all female characters in the books. A very capable and strong woman. If more AS were like Siuan Sanche, the WT would be fearsome indeed.


I can't say that my impression of many characters have changed to a great degree, certainly not from hate to enjoying.


The only ones I can think of that I enjoy more, but who I also liked to begin with, are Siuan and Min.


Is it just me or are these some of the best chapters in the whole series?

No, Honey in the Tea is one of my favorite chapters as well. And, I too warmed up to Egwene when she got captured. She's more of a grown-up, now, I guess.


Nynaeve--and it wasn't so much that I came to like her as the series progressed, I think it's more that I myself grew up a bit and began to understand her more.


Mat too. In the early books Mat's can be a dick. It wasn't really until book three and you get inside his head that I began to like him.


Nynaeve: With her constant grouchiness, I didn't understand what she was about really, then she started to get better after marrying Lan. Then, going back and re-reading, and actually looking at her side, I started to like her in the earlier books aswell.


Mat: As Luckers said, the first two books he was possessed and annoying, with no PoV until the third, when he becomes himself again, then gets awesome.


Faile: I thought her silly, which she was in DR and tSR and it is funny, but while Perrin got annoying after her kidnapping, she actually started to get better.


Cadsuane: I couldn't place her. I never disliked her, but I mistrusted her, and thought maybe she was just another Aes Sedai manipulator, however, when it became clear that she was genuine, I started to warm up to her.


Galad: This is not to do with him as a "person" but rather the story. I didn't like reading about him, because it was annoying and boring and I wanted to know more about the other characters, not some stupid side character Whitecloak. When we actually got a Galad PoV in KoD, I started to enjoy reading about him, because it actually got interesting.


Aviendha: She pissed me off the whole time she was sulking about being an apprentice wise one and telling Rand he couldn't look at anyone because she was "watching" him for Elyane, while getting angry at things that he clearly had no idea about just because of what she saw (her falling in love with him etc.) after she got over her denial and stopped being angry all the time, she was awesome.


Mat. In the first two book, he is so annoying that I was hoping he would die. Then he wakes up healed in TDR a new character.


Nynaeve. Had a really hard time with her in the beginning. But rereading the books after she maed it to salidar, i started to see the inner journey she makes, and that changed my perspective on her a lot.


Thom (a very short dislike). First i saw him as the oh so typical old wise guy just happening to be around in order to give the young brats some advice. That changed rather quickly, with his story in Cairhien in TGH.


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