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Join me as we celebrate.....


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St. Patrick's day?




















No? How about leap year?

















Ok ok then... my evil little minions. I have the perfect celebration. We got rid of Verbal and have replaced him with........





Congrats Rey. Welcome to the staff of Shayol Ghul. I hope Verbal didn't leave to much of a mess for you. You may also now choose your new chosen. Run auditions or however you'd like to do it.


Congrats Rey. Welcome to the staff of Shayol Ghul. I hope Verbal didn't leave to much of a mess for you. You may also now choose your new chosen. Run auditions or however you'd like to do it.


Thanks Nae. I'm fully expecting to find unspeakable things in Verbal's old crib; old stained magazines covers of Angelina Jolie being the least repulsive. Maybe the new panda is feeling hungry? :baalzamon:


Ah, the chosen. I shall contemplate a suitable selection procedure.



Ew. I should have killed him twice.


Grats Rey! *stabs*


I believe you already did :myrddraal:


Thank you nonetheless *stabs*


Oh gods. And I thought this place would stay awesome forever... Now it's just going to the Trollocs >.>


If I recall correctly, you're a Trolloc yourself >.>


Visit the Shadowspawn boards minion :baalzamon:


If I recall correctly, I was having a b****fit and resigned from everything but they thought I fit in so well with their hideous decor that they didn't want to remove me :sad: or maybe they were just lazy *mutters*

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Wait, I'm not SH anymore?


Let's face it, I do look better in robes.


Amen, brutha.




If I recall correctly, I was having a b****fit and resigned from everything but they thought I fit in so well with their hideous decor that they didn't want to remove me :sad: or maybe they were just lazy *mutters*


You might be onto something there....




You could have told them no.



I would have told Verbal no.



Actually, I wish Verbal had asked me, so that I could tell his scummy face no.


I still wouldn't have listened. It's part of my charm.


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