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Weekend Plans


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It was.   :biggrin:


I'm going to read and then go to a surprise birthday party tonight.  I want to get into RP here too.  Lor gave me some info but I ned to spend time on it.

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What game are you playing Lady?


We were at Fool's War this weekend, which is a small little War that usually pits Meridies against Trimaris and friends, unofficially. But is really just a reason to get together and hit friends with sticks. At Court, my wife was elevated to the Order of the Pelican, which will mean much to some here. I am very proud.

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Kynwric, my most heartfelt congratulations to your wife! 



We play using D&D 3.5 rules for the most part (with a few tweaks for the sake of realism and 'oh, that makes a lot of sense when you do that'), but we're playing in an original fantasy world designed by our DM. She's got two, and we've played several campaigns in both. We tend to have a very active amount of actual role play. :biggrin: 

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Brief practice with a newcomer; showed him the ropes of armor standards, defense and shieldwork basics and let him swing at me to get a feel for using a stick.


Just finished up at the thrift store - I've been in a glass breaking mood all week so I went out and found some old wine goblets and other stuff that should explode nicely. I have strange passions.


A paper is also in the works.

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So far Saturday has consisted of hand-hemming a dress for a friend who has a college choir concert tomorrow and doesn't want to trip and die when they make them walk through the audience and up steep stairs on to  the stage, and spending 3.5 hours standing in front of a Photocopier making new Master sets of our Kingdom illumination charter pre-prints for the lower level awards so that we can have really nice copies on the good paper instead of copies made from 15-year-old Masters that are starting to wear out from use. 


I think it's time to do something that is not nearly as time consuming!

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You should ask come to Jordan Con next year! You're so quiet!



I got to talk about once upon a time yesterday and Arthur (I even talked Kyn onto this panel!) today! I have been up until 2 am for the last two days and it's been fun!


Better still, I have met EP, Tinahael, Basil. I have seen Eddie, Kyn, Sabergirl, Kia... seriously, I've lost track of everyone I've hugged this weekend!


Can you tell I'm happy and excited? Hehehe

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Today was awesome. Went by the local Library Book sale (it's $1 a BAG day. Love the last day. :wink: ) Walked out with six BAGS of books for $6. Got my son signed up for summer Art Camp at the MultiArts Center, then wandered through the booths at the city's annual Arts Festival that takes up all of the main street in downtown. So fun! Then went to Historian's and Bardic meeting (SCA). Got home late. Showered the boy, got him in bed. :smile:


And Lor, I have to ask, who are you calling quiet? (I am curious) Cause I hadn't seen anyone post anything I would have called 'quiet' on here of late. *chuckles* 

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Well I probably should have done more packing tonight, but it can happen tomorrow in last-minute-panic-mode after work right?


This weekend is our annual end-of-year Cub Scout Pack campout. Which means that after camping out Friday night (hopefully NOT in the forecasted rain) and doing fun stuff outdoors all of Saturday, and camp-cooking dinner, we will have a big bonfire and our end of year ceremony, during which our boys will receive the awards they have earned this year, and advance to the next rank of scouting. 


Which means Saturday night my son will receive his Wolf Scout rank and advance on to Bear Scout, which we will work on next year. :biggrin: Though I plan to pull several activities out of the book to keep him occupied over the summer. 


I am just grateful to have survived my first year as a Den Leader! I was 'not' eaten by Wolves! (I.E. Seven 2nd Grade Boys) Next year I hope to avoid being eaten by Bears. :wink: 

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lol, congrats to him (and you!!)!


i'm home with a sick Peanut this weekend. Her fever keeps shooting up and calming down, which is freaking me out! I was out of work with her yesterday. I took her to the doctor today and she's showing signs of improvement. I'm just hoping they stay there. Her temp went all the way up to 105 this afternoon, though. SCARY STUFF! 

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Good news, she does! :) Her fever was still very scary! 


I haven't been around too much because I pinched a nerve in my back this weekend and I've been flat on my back for the last few days. Fun stuff. I'm heading to school tomorrow for the beginning of our state testing. yay. 

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