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Weekend Plans


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Sorry I haven't been around much. This weekend has been a bit of a roller coaster. I am glad Pinterest has an app I can surf from my phone!


I was just walking out the door from school after a crazy fun day of pumpkins with my class (I was rewarding them and kept them engrossed in everything we were doing all day! I was rather impressed!) when I got a call that Peanut was complaining of a headache again. Before I could get everything loaded in my car, they were calling to tell me she was throwing up. In the thirty minutes it took me to drive over there, she threw up 3 or 4 times. This put a screeching halt on our weekend plans, of course. She threw up again when we got home. :(


She felt better yesterday, so we did some shopping (we all needed new shoes) , then went out to a local Haunted Hike, which was a lot of fun! We got home late last night and we were all bushed (I'd been up since 5:30 with a Tadpole who refused to go to sleep).


As for today, Tadpole's been a bit fussy, Dana's repaired our bathroom (mostly), Peanut and I have been hanging out (she with her Legoes and Barbies and me with Pinterest) handling the baby and trying to get her to take naps when she is obviously tired. :(


Now it's 9:30 and I feel like CRAP! I want to sleep, but my stomach isn't agreeing with something I ate. Joy.

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My stomach is still queasy but I still had friends over for a pot luck and they brought me chicken soup! My son went with his friends to the corn maze and then over to their house for the spa and some ice cream.

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Staples and stitches are out. I took a long shower. Now I am going to pick up a friend and we are going walking at the park and will stop by the store to get some things for a friend in the hospital.

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Sounds like fun!


So, they cleared you to drive, too?


Yes. Make no mistake it still hurts but they want me moving. I drove to the park and walked a mile with my friend. She suffers from clinical depression and the exercise helps. They told me to take a muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory before I go. It does not make me drowsy. At home at night, I take one prescribed pain pill. I just feel so much better than a week ago when I needed lots of help. My friends are amazed!! They cut bone off the back of my lower spine and fixed a disc. The pain I'm having now is different from before. He fixed the injuries so its surgical pain that will be gone when it heals. I do sleep more right now as I don't have all my energy back yet,

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Sleep is always the best thing to help the recovery process! I'm impressed you're healing so quickly, too! Just be careful not to get ahead of yourself and cause more damage. That's a lot of upset for your body at once!


*sounds like an old mother hen*

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Yes, I am sleeping a lot and they want me to walk up to two miles a day. I'm relaxing and healing well. My neighbor is such a help. My 15 year old son gets ready for school and goes next door. Shelby takes him to school everyday so I can sleep late. I love my job but due to budget cutbacks, our caseloads have gone way up. People are saying I look better. I may need to take a medical retirement in a few years.

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I bet it's relaxing not worrying about case loads for a while. I know my husband swears I'm a different person during the summers when I'm off...


Yes. I have a client whose mother is a teacher. She is so much different when we meet in the summer. I wish there wasn't so much stress in our jobs.

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Alas, that's not likely to happen any time soon. I sometimes wish I had been a teacher twenty years ago, but then I think "Nah, it probably was just as frustrating then!" lol, there's always something in education making it difficult. I'd imagine the same is true for your job, too.

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Well Friday night wasn't fun. We spent part of the night in the ER. My husband accidentally ran over my son's foot. We took separate cars to synagogue. When we came home, our housekeeper was still cleaning (it was a late day for her.) My husband suggested we go out for dessert and stay out of her way. My son got out of the front seat and was getting in the back. I got in the front. My husband thought our son was in but he wasn't. Now my son will not be able to play in his last baseball game of the season. Luckily, the X-rays did not look as if anything was broken or cracked. The radiologist will look at it tomorrow and call if there is anything. It looks like it is just sprained. This morning he felt good enough to go to the game to support his teammates. I did not go as it is an hour drive each way plus a couple hours for the game and that would not be good for my back.

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We didn't do much today. The funeral was this morning at 11, so my mother in law came over to watch the girls while we went. The church was PACKED! Standing room only! It was an awesome sight to behold. It's sad that a person who touched that many people had to be taken away so early. Think of the work she could've done if she'd been given more time! Her husband looks like he's taking it pretty well. Just in case this wasn't horrible enough, she died two days before their 9th anniversary. Two days! He seems tired, but not like he hasn't been sleeping. I think it's just a lot going on for him. It also probably means he's been handling the business portion of arranging funerals, cremation, relatives and friends coming into town... all that stuff, and hasn't had a chance to let it really sink in that she's gone. I'm sure that'll hit him like a freight train in the next few days when these distractions are out of the way. I told Dana to call him in the next few weeks and we'll go over for a play date. The girls can play with his girls, and he and Ricky can go out to the garage and work on the Camaro he's been restoring. I'll even spring for the 6 pack.


*sighs* It kinda overshadows a day, though, so we stopped and had lunch, then came home and didn't move again. He got my shower doors back up, but the rest of the bathroom is still a disaster area (he decided about 3 weekends ago to repair a boo-boo in the ceiling). He didn't get any further before he conked out on the couch. I honestly think that's his body's way of dealing with this. He's been sleeping a lot the last few days, and I mean even more than normal.


Anyway. We're taking his mother out for HER birthday luncheon tomorrow, then doing grocery shopping and coming home. I'll start washing and packing tomorrow, too. Then I'll probably stay at work until they kick me out on Monday getting everything in the computer for report cards. I need a time turner to get all of this done!!! *sighs*

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What you really need is your own personal assistant. I think it can really hit later, what it means to lose a spouse. After you get home, the funeral and all the frantic activity is gone, the world continues on and you are left alone with your loss.


Well, my son was better today. My husband took him to the baseball game to cheer for his teammates. They both went out to lunch and then dropped by the large fire house there to take a tour. His ankle is wrapped and he's taking Motrin.


I still tire easily so I slept in and then went to the movies with a friend, then lunch at a hot dog place. After that, it was to the park to walk a mile. Great day but I need to sleep. Hope Sunday is more relaxing for you, Lor.

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Sunday was a hair more relaxing, but it was still a bit wacko. Lunch with mother in law broke the routine, so we played catch up all afternoon. I did manage to squeeze in a nap, but woke up from that with a headache. Dana let me sleep for another thirty minutes after bringing me ibuprofen, but then it was get up and make dinner time. *sighs* Throw in laundry and bleh.


Anyway, this weekend I'm headed to the NSTA Conference in Atlanta, which means I've only got two more days of work this week! YAY!

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My husband woke up nauseated and stayed home with a stomach virus. We got a call around 12 saying that Peanut had a headache (and since she threw up the last time she had a headache, they won't take any chances). We had to get my mother in law to go pick her up and bring her home to Dana. I stayed at school with no voice and a migraine from #%!! only to pick up Tadpole and be told she was running a little fever, too. The only reason why they didn't call me about her was because I was about to be there to pick her up, anyway.




And we're going out of town the day after tomorrow.



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My husband woke up nauseated and stayed home with a stomach virus. We got a call around 12 saying that Peanut had a headache (and since she threw up the last time she had a headache, they won't take any chances). We had to get my mother in law to go pick her up and bring her home to Dana. I stayed at school with no voice and a migraine from #%!! only to pick up Tadpole and be told she was running a little fever, too. The only reason why they didn't call me about her was because I was about to be there to pick her up, anyway.




And we're going out of town the day after tomorrow.




When we all get sick we use gallows humor and say that someone needs to paint a black cross on our door for the plague. I'm so sorry that everyone is sick at your house and you are the care giver and need care yourself.


When my oldest son was an infant, we had a friend come visit from NJ. We went to an Oakland A's game. I got so sick and started vomiting right where I was. Security thought I was drunk. We decided we had to leave the game because I was so sick. On the way home our friend started vomiting in the rental car and once we got home, my husband and son started in. We knew it wasn't food poisoning because the baby was drinking formula and not eating food. Our friend from NJ remained sick his whole vacation.


Can you cancel going out of town?

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Sucks when illness rolls through a household. Lor, sorry for the loss. The whirlwind surrounding the funeral.....the arrangements, the family and friends visiting, you hardly have time to grieve. It can catch up with a vengeance later.


Good observation. When illness strikes and there is a constant blur of activity, grieving can be pushed aside until there is time to slow down and breathe. Then it hits.

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Sucks when illness rolls through a household. Lor, sorry for the loss. The whirlwind surrounding the funeral.....the arrangements, the family and friends visiting, you hardly have time to grieve. It can catch up with a vengeance later.


Good observation. When illness strikes and there is a constant blur of activity, grieving can be pushed aside until there is time to slow down and breathe. Then it hits.

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It's all good, now, I guess. It took two days for it to get out of Dana's system, so he was fine to go out of town. Peanut was fine in time for Halloween, so all was good there, too. Tadpole is teething, so nothing out of the ordinary there.


I'd actually already paid for the hotel room and the convention, so cancelling wasn't an option, at least not for me.


On the coat tails of a funeral didn't help, either, no.



I've decided that my life is just a constant state of running from one place to another and it's never going to settle down again. Therefore, I am forcing myself out of the "gotta go" tenseness and trying to just relax and let things flow a little easier. Until the last hour or so, it's worked pretty well. I'm not even sure why I started tensing up an hour ago, but my shoulders are aching from it.


bah, I'm not going to whine, anymore.


Happy thoughts...


This weekend is the Children's Book Festival and I will have the girls to myself so we're going to go hang out in Forsyth Park with the books this weekend. :)

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getting colder kind of change?


The temps are sinking here. It always catches me when I'm not expecting it (so far, the whole month of November has caught me when I'm not expecting it, though...) so Peanut is getting close to desperate need for warmer clothes. *sighs* Finding them to fit her tall skinny self isn't as easy as it should be.

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