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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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I had just been looking up the characters and thought Valerie would make a good cop if Max was the Doc...weird, I had you, John or Tina down as cop. (the lists you and Tina gave I thought was there in case you were night killed..) John I thought he might be because when Nyn said she agreed I was town, then another scenerio was that she was cop and had viewed me.


I know I'm town. If mafia had been given fake claims, why haven't others done so! They haven't Tina, nor Kae nor Smiley have come up with a claim. I agree Smiley and Kae are definitely the way to go. you could always try viewing Tina again, she should come up as mafia the second time if she is the godfather. However you may feel you want to check either me or John...which ever one is the other is going to be the opposite. I know I'm not Mafia, so I know John would come up mafia. I can't believe there wouldn't be. and I'm not directing you, as someone is bound to say, as I'm sure you know what you are going to do. It's more just thoughts or ideas, in case you aren't sure. To take as you will.


scummy scummy adivce..


Ithi.. please investigate who you want in thread and do not indicate who you will investigate. Remember the possibility of a redirecter on the scum team please!!

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The red bit you quoted...I have only played where the godfather only gets one go at being viewed as town...the second time they are viewed as mafia...so quite true as far as I am concerned. See I know you are Mafia John...you play changed when you came back on here as Nyn. It was also another reason I had you down as Cop...you seemed to have more of a purpose that before when you were town, so I figured it was either cop or town...now I know you are not cop, it leaves mafia...


What ever happens, the next two days we need to go for Smiley and Sak. Lets hope Ithi and Sol survive the night and Ithi gets another shot after this...that would bring down the odds and we can afford then to choose between the two of us in the lynching stakes...because I know if I'm first then they will have found another mafia in you and if you are first....it will be another mafia down!

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Nah - there is no re-director or blocker or anything as when I do send my view requests in I get the response back before night ends. If there was any possible interference that wouldn't be able to happen as Leelou would have to wait for all Night Actions to come in first. So - none of that fibbing rubbish eh Mafia Team.


I haven't decided who to view yet though ... So actually we do have a bit of time to discuss stuff - as she will have to wait for that from me. I'm such an idiot sometimes lol.


Time for more spam


Me and the hubby



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1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)(Cop says: TOWN)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D2 lynch - Queen Bella, vanilla town)(D1 - claimed vanilla town)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet/Ithi (D5 uncountered Cop)

10. BG (N3 killed - Westly, town guard of the Princess)

11. CTM (D2 - claimed King, says roleless on D5)(Cop says: TOWN)

12. Locke (N4 killed - Buttercup, town princess)

13. Player (D3 lynch - townsolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn/Ape (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (N2 killed - Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat (D4 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla)

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina (Cop says: TOWN)

21. Verbal (N2 killed - Vizzini, serial killer)




Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, Heart

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet/Ithi


Not voting: Ithi




D1 Vote Count on Solimind at its longest point that I could find (Note: not long after this, I think it was BG that placed the first vote for No Lynch)



Solimind (9): Des, Locke, Rhea, Turin, Player, wombat, Nyn, Smiley, Heart

Turin (2): Paet/Ithi, Meesh

Des (1): Verbal

Rhea (1): Song

Smiley (1): Solimind

Talya (5): Bg, Tina, CTM, Talya, Ape,


Not voting: Kae, Ithi




D2 - Final Vote Count



Rhea (10): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

Player (5): Tina, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet/Ithi, Locke, Solimind




People who voted Rhea both days: BG, Turin, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

People who only voted her on D1: Song, Meesh, Verbal, Solimind, Locke

People only voting Rhea on D2: Sakea, Nyn, Heart, Talya




D3 - Final Vote Count


Player (8): CTM, Turin, Des, Smiley, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Tina


Not voting: Heart, Paet/Ithi, BG, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind




D4 - Final Vote Count



Wombat (7): CTM, Turin, Heart, Ape, Ithi, Kae, Talya

CTM (2): Wombat, Des

Locke (1): Tina


Not voting: Smiley, Locke, Kae, Solimind

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The red bit you quoted...I have only played where the godfather only gets one go at being viewed as town...the second time they are viewed as mafia...so quite true as far as I am concerned. See I know you are Mafia John...you play changed when you came back on here as Nyn. It was also another reason I had you down as Cop...you seemed to have more of a purpose that before when you were town, so I figured it was either cop or town...now I know you are not cop, it leaves mafia...


What ever happens, the next two days we need to go for Smiley and Sak. Lets hope Ithi and Sol survive the night and Ithi gets another shot after this...that would bring down the odds and we can afford then to choose between the two of us in the lynching stakes...because I know if I'm first then they will have found another mafia in you and if you are first....it will be another mafia down!


The play you are making is transparent.


We get one additional viewing out of the Cop tonight, assuming she's protected by the Doc. You shoot the Doc, we get no more viewings. You are essentially trying to force Ithi to view either myself, or you. I'm town. Your probably a Godfather like I stated in my earlier post. Then based on the numbers it might be only 3 scum left with you, Sakea and Smiley.


In a character reveal game its pretty commonplace for there to be a safe claim, and it makes far more sense that you as scum would spit the safe claim out as soon as you got pressure, and get someone to vouch for you early and coast until endgame - even if you've been pushing on all the scummiest points made in this game.


I go back to when you revealed... and note the way you specifically made your safe claim, it was like you were looking for other townies to vouch for you. You knew you had a safe claim, and went fishing for someone to temporarily vet you.

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I'm not revealing at night, since the general consensus seems to be that you all think I'm scummy. You all will just have to wait for day to break. At least do me the favor of waiting for my reveal before y'all do anything rash.

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Updated with assumptions that Des/Heart are legit, as is Solimind:


Suspects in BLACK.


Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, Heart

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet/Ithi


Not voting: Ithi




D1 Vote Count on Solimind at its longest point that I could find (Note: not long after this, I think it was BG that placed the first vote for No Lynch)



Solimind (9): Des, Locke, Rhea, Turin, Player, wombat, Nyn, Smiley, Heart

Turin (2): Paet/Ithi, Meesh

Des (1): Verbal

Rhea (1): Song

Smiley (1): Solimind

Talya (5): Bg, Tina, CTM, Talya, Ape,


Not voting: Kae, Ithi




D2 - Final Vote Count



Rhea (10): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

Player (5): Tina, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet/Ithi, Locke, Solimind




People who voted Rhea both days: BG, Turin, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

People who only voted her on D1: Song, Meesh, Verbal, Solimind, Locke

People only voting Rhea on D2: Sakea, Nyn, Heart, Talya




D3 - Final Vote Count


Player (8): CTM, Turin, Des, Smiley, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Tina


Not voting: Heart, Paet/Ithi, BG, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind




D4 - Final Vote Count



Wombat (7): CTM, Turin, Heart, Ape, Ithi, Kae, Talya

CTM (2): Wombat, Des

Locke (1): Tina


Not voting: Smiley, Locke, Kae, Solimind





Based on what I'm seeing here, if every reveal we've got up until now is legit - then I look at Sakea, Smiley and Talya as GF...


If any of you are thinking Talya might actually be town for even a moment, go back and re-read her play. Then consider what her supposed case is on me. Nyn started out in this role with very logical, pro-town play. Vouching for Talya almost instantly when Talya made her reveal of being a townsfolk. Which I believe is exactly why Talya revealed the way she did. Think about it, if you were a townie and given that role originally you probably would have just said "I'm roleless", but Talya purposefully put that "townsfolk of Florin" bit out there in order to be vouched for. Something I'd only know to do, if I was given that information as a means of surviving as scum.


Now, I've taken over the role from Nyn, and I don't believe I'm playing any differently than how I played as Clergyman, other thna the PR is gone. Doesn't anyone see the flaw in Talya now turning on Nyn, who vouched for her almost immediately, and saying that she now knows Nyn's alignment to be scum - because I took over and I'm supposedly playing different. She doesn't have a case. She's grasping at straws here.


If Talya isn't scum, and is just being stupid... which I doubt.


Then I think we have to assume that Smiley, Sakea and a GF elsewhere - OR possibly the pair of masons, aren't what they seem.

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I'm not revealing at night, since the general consensus seems to be that you all think I'm scummy. You all will just have to wait for day to break. At least do me the favor of waiting for my reveal before y'all do anything rash.



This makes no sense... if you reveal now, and the cop can vet you with what might be her last investigation... it'd be huge for the town. Not a town play at all here.

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That's silly. It's more likely to be Tina who hasn't claimed a role yet. And Kae is clutching at straws. She was all - 'in the morning' yesterday as well, because she KNOWS she won't die.


It's just too easy.


Sakea just made a similar slip, didn't he?


Well, I'm trying to make sense of Talya's play here. Nyn/Ape's role is "townsfolk" and she was legit in vouching for Talya's reveal when she did it. So why do you think Talya is now making this push on me here? The case is crap about me playing different... it feels like she's trying to influence how you use your viewing.

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Interestingly, when I was looking at the characters of Princess Bride, I found this wiki site and a separate category for the villians:




Funny that the old woman is mentioned there. I can't really see her as Mafia per se but maybe not a town role..*shrugs* it was just a thought. Especially as we have two people with PR's.


Also I'm not liking Verbal's play. I don't think he has given a decent post with some actual content in the whole game. Locke as well, something he said earlier sounded off, I will have to find the post and read it again to see if I can see what it was.



Good research, turin's not going anywhere she'll either be investigated or swinging from a tree branch before this game is over


turin isn't bad just because a website says so, use your heads to decide who is bad and who is good



This is an interesting set of quotes.

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