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Grave News, Happy News, Stabby News


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Well, ok, she didn't die. But Adella has stepped down as as DL Chosen, for alas, real life has dragged her away from us.



A moment of silence please...





And now, to announce the new DL Chosen. :laugh:


Amadine has kindly dealt with the body stepped up.





Stab them both. :mad:

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Thanks all, i will endevour to create as much havoc as possible mwahaha


*slashes wrists*


Amadines, not mine.


*shivers* oh yeah... do that again...


Adelle(a)!!!! Come back and visit! Good luck with real life!


And congrats Ama!! All of the chosen meet every Friday for strip poker - ill send you the invite!! :D


awesome - count me in...




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*Looks around at the carnage*


Wow, both Adella and Amadine were sufficiently *stabbed* before I could get here. . .


Amadine, you are awesome, for a Dreadie.*stabs*


Adella, we miss you already. *stabs what's left of the corpse*


Because a new Chosen, even in an inferior faction, needs to be celebrated properly, and yesterday was Black Ajah Friday, let me give Amadine the gifts she deserves. ..

*stabs everyone in the room*

Oh, and because he teased us. . . .

*slashes Drekka's wrists*


and for the masterpiece of stabbing...


*stabs herself*

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