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The Assassin in the Camp Game


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This is a very easy game, that won't hopefully take too much time to complete. Yes, I have borrowed it from the White Tower, but it is a common forum game anyway, normally called “Wink Murderâ€. Depending on how successful it is, we will increase in size over time, and I read somewhere that the White Tower were interested in spreading the game amongst other ORGs.


Of course, it has been twisted slightly to suit the Band!


The first seven people to sign up get to play. One of you will be chosen to be the Assassin in the Camp. Another person will be chosen to be the Truth Seeker. This will be done via PM.


Each "night" in game time, the Assassin will choose a victim to murder. The next day, the surviving members will get together and try to decide who the murderer is. The Truth Seeker will be able to PM me once per "day" asking me a yes or no question about another player. Everyone will be able to post their chores, but only the Truth Seeker will be true. The Truth Seeker may not reveal they are the Truth Seeker.


The players must compare their chores around the Camp each day, as well as any other evidence they might find (feel free to make things up!) to discover who the Assassin is. At sunset of each day, the players will vote on who they think the Assassin is, with the player with the most votes being put to death immediately (i.e. out of the Game).


The game ends when you either discover who is the Assassin, or the number of Assassins equals the number of other players. All murders are communicated to me via PM and I post them.


Get signing up! Only the 1st seven can vote, and do so in BOLD TEXT. Other non-playing Banders can spread gossip, but if you do, do so in RED TEXT so I know not to include you!


Signed Up


1. DirewolfJon

2. Vorkia

3. Angyl

4. Froix

5. Chaelca (replaced goldeneys)

6. Taymist

7. Katiora

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Katiora is the last person. PMs will be sent out tonight about this, once I get in from rugby. Then the fun and games begin.


As for you others who missed out, feel free to join in when it starts, making up random facts! Make sure you post in RED though!

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Tiren, feel free to make stuff up! ;) But put your text in RED to mark you out as a non-voting player!


One morning, with Taimon Gaidon approaching, and all the forces of the Light needed for The Last Battle, the Band of the Red Hand woke up to find one of their members have been savaged killed during the night. The corpse had a knife dug deep into the rib cage. The knife looked familar to every Bander who saw it. It pointed to the fact that the Assassin had come from within the Camp of the Band of the Red Hand.


With great sadness, a selct group of Banders decide they must work out who the Assassin is, yet they don't know that the Assassin is within those judging. They also don't know one of them is able to seek the Truth. As a result, the seven Banders chosen decde to execute whoever they believe the chief suspect is amongst them (just go with it). Each night at sunset they will gather together and vote on which person to execute. If the murders stop, they know they chose the right person. If they continue, they will try again the next night. (Again, just go with it. I'm adapting a game about vampires.)


Alright Banders, go wild. Feel free to roleplay a bit and throw around wild accusations. Please bold the names of whomever you chose for execution. After a decent amount of time has passed (i.e. all players playing and still alive have voted), I'll tally the votes and let you know the results.


Assassin, please send me the name of your first and second victims. Truth Seeker, feel free to ask me your one question.






Please Note: Not too sure what to do? Just click here to get an idea of how to play!!

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*gets into angry mob character*


See I knew something was going to happen! *looks around at everyone suspeciously, stops at Dire and glares*


You know everything was fine untill you showed up! The band had never experienced a murder before and all of a sudden you are here and we have a dead bander. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were the culprit. You did it I know it, come on and confess already!

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*listens to Vorkia and looks at Dire*


Only one person could accuse such an innocent looking man of such an evil deed!


It is you Vorkia. Did you use the lead pipe? the candlestick? the revolver?

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Corki walked around the camp, looking at everyone suspiciously. Anyone of these 7 Banders could be the Assassin. Corki's blood chilled, and a shiver ran up his spine. Nowhere was safe now...


Please Note: I should have said this earlier! You don't have to make your accusation straight away! You can do a bit of Role Play to help you find out who you think the Assassin is and then make your accusation.

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*Tay wanders around looking very disturbed by the recent murder, eyeing everyone suspisciously.*


So we're slinging accusations aroun' wildly noo are we? C'mon folks, this is the Band !! We can be more organised than this.... where were ye all when this happened? Hmmm?


*eyeballs each person in turn*

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Mystica sits on a log to the side of the gathered group, sharpening Little Woody, while observing the assembled 'detectives'. She especially focussed on the body language as that says more than anything else usually.


Seeing Vorkia stamp around like a mare with a sour tooth and Tay assuming a Sherlock Holmes posture, she shakes her head. Are they trying to avert attention from themselves? Or are they being genuinly shocked? Both are known to be great character players.


Sweeping her eye across the others she notices a few things she notices Angyl shifting on her seat nervously, looking at every one with obvious unease. Direwolfjon, standing against a tree, struggled visibly to fence off V's attack, red coloring his cheeks.


Goldeneyes, feeding his horse bit of carrots and apparently not paying much attention. Though Myst had seen him tence his shoulders and he carefully avoided looking at anyone.


Looking at Froix as he speaks, Myst's instincts tell her he's hiding something. Good in masking his face, though unable to keep his hands still, she notices how he constantly whipes them on his coat. She wonders... Does he have a sweat problem or is there something more?


Casting her eyes on the last in the group, Myst notices Katiora sitting quietly in front of her horse. Clasping her drinking cup with both hands, she takes more sips from her brew than would be necessary to drain the cup. Obviously, to Myst at least, there's unease there. Though of what, she could not say, yet.

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Froix looks over the dead Banders and notices dents of spork scepter marks on their heads. "Elementary!"


Froix wipes his hands on his coat wet from all that brew sponging.

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Hmmmm.....I know it was one of you, but I am not sure which one at the moment. *takes a look at each person*

*something that was said earlier comes to him*

Wait a second... You're pinning this on me Vorkia. There has been a lot of new RR's coming into the band and it could have been anyone. Well, in that case I think you are trying to pass the blame to me. Therefore it is you, Vorkia , that I think is guilty.

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