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How will Rand deal with the Seanchan?

Dagon Thyne

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I always had a feeling that Rand would end up in front of the Crystal Throne at some time in the last 2 books. I always though he would use balefire to melt the throne and free the Seanchan from being controlled by the whoever sits on it.


That doesn't seem likely. If I remember correctly, RJ has said that the story won't move in to Seanchan lands and that's where the throne is kept. From what we've read in the last book it appears that Fortuona wants to finish up things on this side of the Aryth Ocean before moving back to Seanchan to reclaim the lands that are now in the hands of the rebels. The other reason why I don't think this will happen is Rand's latest character switch. I doubt he'll be using Balefire as nonchalantly as he has so far. It doesn't fit with his current state of mind.


I think a lot of different things will culminate in to a cooperation between Rand and the Seanchan. These are my thoughts on it.


Tuon resisted Rand's previous attempt to force her to his will using his Taveren nature because she noticed a darkness about him that terrified her and the idea of putting the empire in such a dark person's hands scared her enough to resist him.


Current state as per the last book:


  • Rand has had a character switch and his previous darkness is now overwritten with light.
  • The majority of the Light forces are gathering in the FoM, answering the Amyrlin's call.
  • Caemlyn is under attack from the Shadow
  • Fortuona has ordered the full force of her army to attack the White Tower. They are on route.



I'm thinking that the Seanchan will become involved in the battle in Caemlyn. This will force them to accept the reality of something they've always dismissed as superstition, namely the existence of the Shadowspawn army. Even with the trolloc heads, the Seanchan were kind of dismissive of the notion. This will drive the message home. They will end up fighting alongside the White Tower, the Black Tower and the other forces of the Light and afterwards Fortuona will be confronted with the new, Light version of Rand's Taveren. Where she noticed the darkness in him before, she will now notice the Light in him and from that an uneasy truce will be made.



At least, that's what I believe. :tongue:


I agree with Mystica and I also hope a situation like that comes about. I just want to add that Rand will no longer have to deal with the Seanchan alone, he has Mat who has become among the highest of Seanchan loyalty and is indeed married to the Seanchan Empress. Due to Rand's mindset during the first real meeting with Tuon he wasn't thinking clearly or approaching the situation in a very intelligent manner.


Rand knows from his visions of Mat that there is some sort of relationship between Mat and Tuon although I'm not sure if he realizes they are married. Even so, when we leave Mat he is with Moiraine who will be seeking out Rand and hopefully they will find him before another meeting with Tuon. That way Tuon will see a new Rand, a better Rand and Mat will be with him to ease her even more to the side of the Dragon Reborn. Plus the Seanchan will have a chance to see their new Prince of the Ravens and Mat will have to deal with the uncomfortable and humorous feelings that come with people treating him as a lord.


The Seanchan are going to do their full scale invasion of TV with gateways, I don't think they will be able to help at Caemlyn. If they did how will the dragons be kept secret?


Fortuona may just send an expedition to Travel to Seandar to fetch the CT since it is of such massive symbolic importance in the Seanchan prophesies?

She has referenced that "DR will kneel---" thought several times in her PoV. If she interprets it as literally kneel before the physical object, she could easily decide to bring it to Ebou Dar.

I assume she's more than aware of the shock and awe effect of the ter'angreal and she might decide she needs that edge the next time she meets Rand.


The Seanchan are going to do their full scale invasion of TV with gateways, I don't think they will be able to help at Caemlyn. If they did how will the dragons be kept secret?


I was thinking the same thing. The Seanchan are going for Tar Valon.


Fortuona may just send an expedition to Travel to Seandar to fetch the CT since it is of such massive symbolic importance in the Seanchan prophesies?

She has referenced that "DR will kneel---" thought several times in her PoV. If she interprets it as literally kneel before the physical object, she could easily decide to bring it to Ebou Dar.

I assume she's more than aware of the shock and awe effect of the ter'angreal and she might decide she needs that edge the next time she meets Rand.



She can take the thing to Ebou Dar if she wants it, but it can be dangerous.

If someone is seated on the chair when they go to take it, maybe they can sway the retrieval team to their side.

And the chair doesn't have 100% success rate. I think that someone mentioned in PoD(the Seachan captains' pov) that few can withstand the effect of the throne, so even if she gets it, Zen Rand will probably pay it no mind.

Or maybe Fortuona will just pull pull an Egwene and declare something like "I am the Crystal Throne".


Kneeling to the Crystal Throne; I interpreted that as kneeling to the person that sits on it.

The other prophecy (he binding the nine moons to serve him); that also might become fulfilled.


One way for both might be through the male adam (Sad Braclets, Dominion Band). Toun would snap it onto Rand, then after a while he would gain control.


Making gateways takes a certain amount of strength and is quite exhausting and the Seanchan don't allow their damane to link, so they are limited in the number and size of gateways they can make. I always had the impression the Seanchan army was quite extensive, too extensive to move them all by gateways in a timely manner to wage a battle. That makes me hesitant to believe that they will use gateways for this particular assault. They only just learned about gateways and they need time to teach it to their damane and their Sul'dam. While the attack is already underway. It is possible that a part of the army will be moved like that, but I don't think all of it will be. Even with gateways it's still prudent to send out scouts or they may very well gateway themselves in to a trap.


As for Rand kneeling before the Crystal throne. What I remember from the last book is that Fortuona's thoughts were about him kneeling to 'her' or all would be lost. That implies that she's interpreting the prophecy the way mb said. And if I remember correctly, she also said that they will reclaim Seanchan after they have dealt with this side of the Aryth Ocean.


The prophecy about Rand binding the nine moons to him, I interpret that as fullfilled already through her marriage to Mat.


This is my theory the Seanchan will attack the WT via gateway (a sneak attack by basement as already hinted). The attack will only partly work the seanchan will gain control of Tar Valon. However most AS will escape to the FoM. Egwene will respond by kidknapping fortuana forcing Mat to go see his old friend to release her they will both (eggy an tuon) have so much fun telling mat how foolish and woolheaded he is they will then decide there now the best of friends. Rand will play lip service to the Seanchan prophercies by inclining his head a bit lower than he normally would, then they'll all set of and whip the DO's butt. The end.


The prophecy declares that the Dragon must kneel to the Crystal Throne. As in the case of Eliada's Foreatelling, it does NOT mention who will be occupying said throne when the prophecy is fulfilled!

That said, Fortuona is no longer the only member of the imperial family east of the ocean any more... there's now another candidate.


It is only wishful thinking, but I would be very disappointed if Tuon is not humbled at least a bit in the last book.

We learned from the Black Ajah that a channeler CAN be forced into a circle. it is the "manual weave" version of the a'dam. In essence, it means forcing a woman to channel AGAINST her will!!

Since the a'dam works on potential channelers, you can probably force one also into a regular circle and teach her to channel against her will.


This is my theory the Seanchan will attack the WT via gateway (a sneak attack by basement as already hinted). The attack will only partly work the seanchan will gain control of Tar Valon. However most AS will escape to the FoM. Egwene will respond by kidknapping fortuana forcing Mat to go see his old friend to release her they will both (eggy an tuon) have so much fun telling mat how foolish and woolheaded he is they will then decide there now the best of friends. Rand will play lip service to the Seanchan prophercies by inclining his head a bit lower than he normally would, then they'll all set of and whip the DO's butt. The end.


Mat will be heading for TV anyway, he wants to collect the Horn.


The prophecy declares that the Dragon must kneel to the Crystal Throne. As in the case of Eliada's Foreatelling, it does NOT mention who will be occupying said throne when the prophecy is fulfilled(!!)

That said, Fortuona is no longer the only member of the imperial family east of the ocean any more... there's now another candidate.


Ah yes, the Prince of the Ravens himself..


Quite honestly? I'm rooting for Rand to balefire the entire Seanchan continent out of existence. I find them interesting, but I simply can no longer tolerate their utter and abject stupidity. World clearly ending? Ancient prophecies of the lord of all evil rising being fulfilled? Yup, sounds like a good time to attack the other humans. Bleh.


I strongly, strongly hope Rand humbles Tuon in some way in the next book. If she gets her way and retains the upper hand 100% of the way I might throw aMoL against a wall. Only briefly, but still. :tongue:


Mat humbling her would be even better, but that's probably too much to hope for.


Realistically, I'm inclined to agree with Mystica's assessment; incontrovertible proof of a massive army of Shadowspawn would probably be enough to convince even the utterly intractable Seanchan that there might, maybe, be a teensy-weensy problem with an imminent apocalypse. And given how much "we've got to keep these out of the hands of the Seanchan" has been said re: the dragons, I can see them somehow popping in to Caemlyn.


Quite honestly? I'm rooting for Rand to balefire the entire Seanchan continent out of existence. I find them interesting, but I simply can no longer tolerate their utter and abject stupidity. World clearly ending? Ancient prophecies of the lord of all evil rising being fulfilled? Yup, sounds like a good time to attack the other humans. Bleh.

Isn't that ecxactly what Rand has been up to? The Seanchan think they need to be the ones to unite all countries under their leadership to have a chance to win the LB. I think that's pretty clear from Tuons PoV at the first meeting with Rand.


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