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I got jealous seeing all these other threads with SG members' names in the thread title that weren't mine, so ..... yeah.


What yall think about porcupines? Nature's nasty little surprise, or bizarre random concoction which shouldn't waddle so bizarre all over the place?Q! Or talk about something completely different.


Note: I'm listening to The Spirit Of Radio by Rush right now, and I want to dance with everyone.

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The full moon is just ridonkulous tonight.


Automatic spellcheck can bite me, ridonkulous is totally a word.


My little girl turned 4 today (yesterday)!!!


My fantasy football team just DESTROYEDEDEDED today!!!


My new blog entry will be posted tomorrow on frontpage of DM (insert appropiate amount of exclamation marks, i.e. a loooooottttttt ofem)


And in case you couldn't tell, I'm drunk posting again. Viva La Revolucion!

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

ridonkulous sounds like a word to me, so...


i don't like porcupines and am glad that we don't have any here. but i like hedgehogs. they're cute and painful. yay!

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You're lucky you have points to give, because such other arrangement would not be available to you :P










I myself have been known to get in there and see some action once in a while. The next morning is usually pretty entertaining.


I'm not even sure what to do with this statement. So many options.

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