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How old is the average WOT fan?

Leopoled Boothe

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Oh goody, yet another reason to visit Amsterdam :D

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*high fives Robert* hell yeah!! its TABAC!!

I think we must set up a dragonmount meet in Amsterdam!! 30,000!? you biatches....

Where tabac is totally legal like in the WoT, we will be so freakin high that when TG suddenly starts, we'll be doing shots with the trollocs!

Mainnn would that be a party...theres also that infamous lil district where vandersexxx gives free t-shirts! sh1t i'm getting so excited i'm going to roll one right now to celebrate.


I'd definitly be game for an Amsterdam meet, that'd be awesomeness in a can.


And for those of us who thinks the Dutch version of tabac is a bad idea, keep in mind that the Netherlands is neighbouring Belgium, which means the best beer in the world available pretty much everywhere for decent prices. And after all, the first question that arises when pondering the location of an eventual meet is always "Is there good beer?". :D


Forget the beer, Maj... remember.. CHOCOLATE :D


... so yeah, close to the Belgian border would be just fine :wink:


yo luckers how did you know i'm australian????? did i ever post it anywhere i don't know? but i am' date=' i'm from perth...do i know you? umm i started posting here like a few months ago, never did on any other WoT board.[/quote']


Spent a crazy three weeks in Perth. It was one of my more uh, fonder triumphs, er, memories.

Hello !


Was curious about this question too...I'm 33. A lot of fans around 30-something...good' date=' I'm not weird :lol: ..wouldn't care anyway..


Found my favourite character in the last few books: Tuon...feisty little thing..who gets to marry Mart (his 'Dutch' name) 8)


And Aussies....we have housepartys here (in Amsterdam, the Netherlands) twice a year with [b']30,000 [/b]people...its actually held in a soccer stadium. Come and party !


No, it is definilty not weird to be a 30 something WOT fan. I mean most of us were harldy 30 something when we started reading WOT. Hell, I wasn't even 20 something when I started. I was 18 and just barely that.


They allow talking in the army now? Gosh darn, discipline is certainly growing slack. What will come next, soldiers allowed to think? :lol:


I'm in my thirties too, 33 to be precise. Started reading the series about 3 years ago and haven't looked back :D

KOD was the first book that I've pre-ordered - ever.

Currently on my second read through, finished TPOD last night.


dimmu thinks talking in the third person is totally hip and that everyone in the world should do it from now on. He also thinks that posting stuff in a community full of adults is quite frightening especially when it comes down to arguing points of view. There are professionals, smart people, professors and all sorts on these forums and dimmu is only a freakin kid thats using time hes meant to be studying to get himself lost in the WoT world.

Hes also thinking that the high age average makes him appear to be more mature because hes so into something that even adults are into...unlike his previous encounters with Harry Potter and the 3 skinny goblins sort.

Dimmu now believes that actually going to a dragonmount meet might not be a good idea because he would be the only psychopathic stoner kid moshing to HIM.


I'm 26 now, started reading WOT 10 years ago. LOTR was one of the first books I ever read way, way back, and I had been looking to find something similar. After trying some other stuff (Dragonlance and R.A. Salvatore, *shivers* brrrrrrr), I was finally pointed towards WOT. Since then, Egypt has finally started getting some book stores, so I'm no longer starved of fantasy books :D


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