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Prologue POV's


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So Brandon tweeted about adding a new short scene to the prologue, and it made me think a conversation on what you want to see in the prologue might be in order. Generally speaking the prologues tend to be secondary characters elsewhere in the world giving glimpses of whats going on and setting up the world for the story to enter--though of course not always--so that's sort of the line I was thinking about.


1. A random Aiel witnessing a Sharan army descending the Cliffs of Dawn. [i don't believe the Sharans will play a big part, if they play any, but that rather this will be an attempt by Demandred to draw off the Aiel from the true battle].


2. I reckon there will be a POV reguarding the Aes Sedai with the Borderland rulers--perhaps from one of them, or from the rulers, or Cadsuane. I still hold slight hopes of them being Black Ajah and slaughtering the rulers (I know, I know, they could look at Rand. But shhh.) But whatever they're about, it's time to touch on them.


3. A PoV from one of the Forsaken reguarding how the Waygate at Caemlyn was used despite the wards.


4. I think a PoV at the Black Tower is pretty much a given.

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1. Scenes of the red sailed ships from seachan encountering the sea folk and /or hammering the coast of the westlands.


2. A reveal of Alanna's state of mind.


3. a view of the battle of camylyn by a raken scout.


4. moggy planing her escape.


5. Demandred. Anything really.


I could hold out on a black tower point of view for something longer, but Taim's POV would be cool.


I want a borderlander monarch PoV about the devastation of their homeland


Good call Durinax, that would be a really strong scene. Can you imagine the emotions after being in the south all that time and then seeing what has happened while they left their countries without leadership. Think it was Agelmar who said "the Shadow never sleeps" and he was right.


POV of Moridin on the red veiled Aiel which would explain who they are, where they come from, what had been done to them and what they'll be used for. Could be that they're just more fodder for the Dark side, but I want some confirmation on this.


POV of Tam Al'Thor on the happenings of his son and the entourage. We've seen him react so far, but haven't seen a POV from him yet. I think it's time we do.

Also, involving Tam, I'd like to see an interaction between him and the Wise Ones and/or Maidens. Curious how that would be, seeing as he is the one who fathered their Car'a'carn.


POV from Elaida as damane.


POV from the Wise Ones made damane.


Loyal's Speech before the Great Stump and the Ogier's decision on what they'll do in the coming events, followed by them setting out to do it (but not finished, I want some Ogier action in the main story!)


A chance meeting between the Ogier Deathwatch Guard and a random Ogier from Randland and the beginning of the interaction between the two split off groups. Seanchan would not capture Ogier, they have too big respect for them (proof: Ogier aren't made da'covale even when they do join the DW guard). In fact, an explanation on why this is so would not go amiss either. Help us understand the Ogier's position within the Seanchan Empire better.


A Taim POV finally. A reveil on his activities till now and the reason behind them and what has been happening for real with both him and the Ashaman he's made 'his'.


A confrontation between the Tinkers and one of the Aiel who's thrown down the spear to try to return to the way of the leaf. The beginning of a reconciliation between those two halves of a people.


And as a personal favor: Elayne's bath tub breaking and none is found to replace it. Enough with the bath scenes already!


Moridin and Demandred talking about Rand. Moridin saying something like he has a 13x13 ritual prepared at the Black Tower ready for when Rand shows up-with Shaidar involved in the 13x13-and Demandred saying something like he has a mixed gender circle-and not a small one-ready to balefire Rand. End note being, Moridin thinks Rand being balefired would do the same to himself, so he plans some sort of trap for Demandred.


I actually hope we do not get a loial speech pov, I think they could not do it justice since ogier are supposed to be extemely good speakers, and in doing so we would probly see his mother debate against him (who is among the best speakers)


I actually hope we do not get a loial speech pov, I think they could not do it justice since ogier are supposed to be extemely good speakers, and in doing so we would probly see his mother debate against him (who is among the best speakers)


I think it's pretty unlikely given it's referenced offscreen in the header of TofM.




I think you may have missed this guess. The prologue is meant to "catch up" storylines that lag behind (among other things). I do think we are likely to see Loial, the Stump, and the rest. Many have theorized that Covril is a Darkfriend. Could be. If so, the reveal would logically appear there too.


I also like the theory that we will see a Two Rivers prologue piece. Tam is mobilizing the Two Rivers. It would be him, or no one, I would think.


Good topic. Are we going to have a contest to see who guesses the POVs and plots best?




I think you may have missed this guess. The prologue is meant to "catch up" storylines that lag behind (among other things). I do think we are likely to see Loial, the Stump, and the rest. Many have theorized that Covril is a Darkfriend. Could be. If so, the reveal would logically appear there too.


I also like the theory that we will see a Two Rivers prologue piece. Tam is mobilizing the Two Rivers. It would be him, or no one, I would think.


Good topic. Are we going to have a contest to see who guesses the POVs and plots best?


See, the thing is, we're not behind on this one. It happened, albeit briefly, in the header of TofM.


Probably a Fain or slayer POV. A revelation of why Murandy has been so silent. I like the sharan army as a diversion. There has to be a reason we were given that glimpse of Egwene going through Eliada's papers so none of her schemes bit them, the borderlander sisters 13 of them may be that scheme. A Tam PoV and on a personal note him being presented with a power-wrought heron mark sword. Black tower probably. Random borderland PoV, maybe that messenger from the ToM prologue bringing word to Tar Valon that the borderlands have fallen. Maybe a Seanchan seeing a hillside open and out come nightmare forms, maybe near Ebou Dar. A PoV of Lan getting the rest of his army. Maybe a PoV from Rand pre-FoM.


a PoV from a sister before and after she was turned.


a PoV from a sister left in the WT


a PoV from Demandred or Cydane


1. Taims PoV , we need at least one to understand is he a someones tool or his own player .


2. Alannas PoV , what Verin tell her in that letter and her reacion on it.


3. Lans PoV - Silence before the Storm at Tarwins Gup


4. Aviendha's PoV - Her thinking about what should she do to prevent Rhuidean visions .


5. Moridin's PoV - How he feels about current Light vs. Shadow situation .


Nakomi walking back to where here stasis box has opened saying "It is up to her now. I have done as they asked, as you planned, Sealdre."


I would be surprised if one of the POVs was not Perrin investigating the dreamspike at the Black Tower, roughly concurrent with Rand's dream in the TOM epilogue.


Aside from that, I definitely expect something from the Borderlands, but likely not Lan. Ituralde maybe, though he might be at Merrilor with Rand. It's not entirely clear. Probably another random previously-unknown character such as we've had in the last two prologues. Alternatively, we might get an 'average guy' POV from inside Caemlyn...or a channeler's POV to make it clear that the dreamspike has been extended to include Caemlyn.


We didn't see much of Tuon in TOM, so I would not be surprised to see her POV or another Seanchan POV in the prologue, maybe attacking the Tower. Then when it switches to Merrilor in the early chapters, we'll have that added suspense of knowing something the characters don't know (aside from Caemlyn).


Would not be surprised to see a Mat/Moiraine/Thom POV in the prologue, but I don't expect it. Perhaps Olver or Talmanes.


For the Forsaken POV, I'm definitely hoping for Demandred...but it may be that one of the others is more likely. We should get at least one Forsaken POV. It's been a while since we've had a Moridin one...or a Cyndane/Moghedien one, for that matter. I hope it's not Graendal. I'm tired of Graendal.


Fain is a possibility, but I think he'll be more likely to show up a little later in the book.


Androl is a good possibility, or Pevara. We might get a sight of how bad things have gotten inside the walls - it's likely many more will have been turned to the Shadow the next time we see inside the Black Tower.


But as I told Brandon, I'm really hoping for a Logain POV in the prologue. A Taim POV would be an acceptable alternative.


I'd like to see some reactions to the raising of the Golden Crane, either from the borderland rulers or the Aes Sedai.


Some part of Naeff's scouting expedition to the Black Tower would be fun to see.


Another Forsaken coffee hour would be fairly pointless, since only Demandred and Moridin are left mostly unfettered. I'd like to see Moridin's reaction to Rand's epiphany, though.


In lieu of the Forsaken, I'd like to see another Alviarin POV.


-- dwn


No thank you, Olver's POV was creepy enough as it was. Not as bad as Berelain's weirdo understanding of her relationship with Perrin, but creepy nonetheless.




I think you may have missed this guess. The prologue is meant to "catch up" storylines that lag behind (among other things). I do think we are likely to see Loial, the Stump, and the rest. Many have theorized that Covril is a Darkfriend. Could be. If so, the reveal would logically appear there too.


I also like the theory that we will see a Two Rivers prologue piece. Tam is mobilizing the Two Rivers. It would be him, or no one, I would think.


Good topic. Are we going to have a contest to see who guesses the POVs and plots best?


See, the thing is, we're not behind on this one. It happened, albeit briefly, in the header of TofM.


I wanted to check the brief Loial section before commenting. My memory told me that he was about to speak. Indeed, that is as far as the storytelling has taken us. With all of the buildup, I really do think we will get to view Loial on the Stump, and have the opportunity to see his big moment in the Wheel of Time (so far... I also believe that he has a contribution to the Song).


The only logical place to stick this is in the prologue, therefore I will stick to my original assertion. This is a part of my Prologue plot contest entry. And I look forward to it more than any other POV that we might see.


For that matter, I do believe we will see the following POVs as well:


Tam and the Two Rivers, or possibly (just thought of this) Gawyn visiting the Two Rivers to ask Bran for his daughter's hand in marriage.

The Black Tower, this time with Pevara as the POV. We may even see her bond Androl. I hope so.

The Field of Merrilor, with the POV one of the farmers. Almen Bunt? Honestly, I can't guess which one.

Padan Fain, with an army of undead Trollocs behind him. Doing what I have no idea... Maybe headed north to Shayol Ghul.

Demandred, and his reveal. Finally.

I only meant to name six, but I can't escape mentioning this one:

Teslyn reporting to Egwene upon her return to the Tower. Don't forget that the Tower openly has Travelling now and Teslyn could get to Merrilor if Egwene is there.


That's my Prologue entry, and I'm sticking to it.


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