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Happy Birthday Nyn!


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Thanks for showing me where I rate Aust. I don't know that I even got a happy birthday from you much less you jumping out of a cake. -pouts that Aust don't love me and vanishes back to my secret lair-

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*jumps out of cake*


(I only jump naked out of birthday cakes for the very best of friends - it's just an added personal touch to show you how much I care)


Points incoming for the continuation of a simple order from me....you've carried this on for months, and I love it. Keep it going.




Also, points incoming to Ed for the great zing. Nice work, hehe.

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Points incoming for the continuation of a simple order from me....you've carried this on for months, and I love it. Keep it going.


See, I think this went beyond your initial request. WAY beyond >.>



And thanks Kraky






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I said it on FB the day-of, but had to comment on a couple of things here...


Thanks guys! :) And yes, yes you did, ed. You were a very good boy.








Thanks for showing me where I rate Aust. I don't know that I even got a happy birthday from you much less you jumping out of a cake. -pouts that Aust don't love me and vanishes back to my secret lair-

*joins Nae in the pout-ness*

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Thanks for showing me where I rate Aust. I don't know that I even got a happy birthday from you much less you jumping out of a cake. -pouts that Aust don't love me and vanishes back to my secret lair-

*joins Nae in the pout-ness*



Look ladies, it's not kinky if he jumps out of everybody's birthday cake. Let's just say that there's plenty of Aust to go around.


"But Krak, how could you know that?"


That's a good question Adella. Someone had to rinse Aust off after he jumped out of the cake. Let's just say it was a sticky situation and leave it at that.




The moral of the story is that there's plenty to share, so don't worry, you'll get your shot at the icky soon enough.

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Morals? O_o


Someone please remove Krak to the nearest latrine and proceed to shove his abnormally shaped face into the pit until his arms stop flailing around. And even then, leave him a little longer because he could just be faking it.







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