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Leaving on a Jet Plane...


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Ok people, here's something I dont think I've seen on the boards before, if it has come up, too bad, here it is again.


The senerio is; You've been given two first class return tickets to anywhere in the world and you get to choose one of the characters from WoT to go with you. They can be any character you want, main or minor.


Who would you choose to go with you, and where whould you go?


An obvious example is taking Mat to Los Vegas (I mean, come on, Show girls, free booze and the gambling, it's his dream land! and you'd get seriously rich before being thrown out for cheating)


so here's mine.


I'd take Moiraine to Venice. Why? Well, aside from really wanting to go there some day, I believe she would be the only one who would truely appreciate the place... No disrespect to all the other "Ladies" in the series, but Mo seems to be the most down-to-earth (IMO) who would enjoy the culture, art, architechure and everything Venice has to offer.


Now, let's take these people on the holiday of their lives...



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Herid Fel. To Athens. Am I allowed to take him back in time? He'll probably enjoy it more if it was a couple thousand years ago.


Come to think of it, if I can go back in time, I'd like to hook up Ishamael and Nietzsche so they can have a chat. They should get along great.

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Herid Fel. To Athens. Am I allowed to take him back in time? He'll probably enjoy it more if it was a couple thousand years ago.


Umm... I think we'll keep it just to the modern age for now... Can't think of a plausable reason for an international flight going through time :P .



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Actually, I think Mat at Vegas is the best choice! Good thinking. My second would be either Lanfear or Min to somewhere romantic :) Though Lanfear is obviously the hottest women ever, I would go with Min because she's, you know, not crazy.

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i'd give my ticket to tuon and mat so they could consummate their marriage already, because i don't care how weird the empire is, a marriage can't count for long in absentia. and you couldn't pay me enough to get on a plane.


also nice thought about sending an ogier to the library.

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