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Hello, everyone!


With Memorial Day past us on this end of the pond, the unofficial start to summer has begun! (If you're upside down on the other end of the world, I guess you're about to start winter? boo-hiss!)


What's your favorite part of this season, whichever one you happen to be jumping in to?

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My favorite part of summer is... NOT WORKING! Yeah, I know, but it's one of the few perks of teaching these days. Sad, but true.


I always have a long list of things to do over the summer break and most of it won't be finished before I have to start working in my classroom again. This year, I have the added tasks of preparing for a Tadpole's arrival (writing lesson plans for being out and stuff) and moving into the Science Lab (WHOO-HOO!).

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I think my favorite part of Summer anymore is that it seems like work schedules are more flexible. So it's easier to plan family get-togethers, outings, vacations, ect.

My favorite part used to be that it finally got warm enough to have some fun outside. But then I moved to Texas. And now I have to wait until November for it to get cool enough to do anything outside. :tongue:

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My favorite part of Summer is the weather and being outside in it! It usually starts snowing here in about October and last snow is usually in April. So May is always soggy with melting snow and most of the year its just too cold or too wet to enjoy being out, but from June - September I could be outside all day everyday! Swimming, biking, hiking, or just laying in the grass. Summer is all about finally not wearing heavy pants, coats, hats, mitts and shoes!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite part of summer is.... the fact that most of the college students LEAVE TOWN! For two and a half blissful months, the streets are not crowded with crazy traffic, the restaurants don't have 3 hour lines on Thursday and Friday nights due to Frat and Sorority group outings. The rental houses in my nice, peaceful neighborhood are not swarming with partiers who leave beer cans in my yard.


Though really, I love summer more for the plethora of family birthdays, the fact that school is out, the joy of summer camps (even though I'm too old to go and my son isn't yet old 'enough'....can't wait til he is. I may see about working at one again. It'd be great).


Camping, Road Trips (definitely the road trips). There's a lot I like about summer.



About the only downer is that in Oklahoma in June it's already over 100 degrees and the heat hasn't even 'begun' to reach its peak.

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*waves* I am still living...even if this is a bit late of a sign in.


My favorite part of summer...well, I think it would have to be the change of pace. Everything is changing, what type of work I do, whether my daughter is home or away each week, how crowded the town is....and this summer air conditioning in my apartment. I am so blessed to be able to afford that this year. I can actually clean during the summertime again.

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