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its been 24 hoursish since I said I would wait for Vanion to post and let him defend himself. Since its evening here and I dont think ill be awake for that now and the deadline is looming Im gunna

UNVOTE (I think this is the first time ive remembered to do that)



mate I gave you as long as I could


*sign* I love pie. Its just so great

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Ok first off wth is up with you constantly talking about pie so far Player?

Also Red is pointing fingers at a ton of people, and after one post of explanation on Vanion, a huge lynch built up.

I think that we need to watch Red, because even if she is innocent, it is extremely likely that 4-7 vote range contains scum.

AJ you posted a bit back trying to make Locke look bad for NOT voting Tigs for dumb reasons. That looks fairly scummy to me.

Also Aemon, your lack of ability to figure out what Ed was talking about seemed a bit feigned to me. I mean he spelled it right out.

Also, considering I am just now getting to this game, there is no way I am going to hammer, especially since Vanion hasn't even gotten a chance to defend himself, unless there is no other option. I might be forced to however, if I cannot make it back before the deadline. Although I'm not comfortable with how this bandwagon came to be, I am not stupid enough to cause a Random Lynch, instead of a controlled one.


That is all for now, I'm quite busy, and only had time for a quick read through, so I probably missed some stuff, but oh well.


Ok so after checking, apparently the deadline is 7am my time, and there is no way in hell I will be up that early, so, as not to take a chance,

Vote Vanion


And where is MY chocolate...grrrr...


Anyway, I'm not sure who said they didn't think this was a controlled lynch. Time is running out and for Day one, we have a situation where we may beable to get some information on it in the future. It doesn't matter that there is not another lynchee so to speak. It's not perfect, it never is. But it is rare to get something with this potential on Day 1. Other days will be better. On it's own it may not be much, but later on it may help the bigger picture. I think it was wombat...but you still voted anyway.


As for time I think the original 1PM GMT was meant to be 1pm wherever TMD is, by the sounds of things. GMT is my time. TMD you may want to be a bit clearer on that please! *smiles sweetly at the Mod*



  On 1/27/2011 at 6:35 AM, Talmanes said:

Also Red is pointing fingers at a ton of people, and after one post of explanation on Vanion, a huge lynch built up.


yeah i did FOS alot of people, if you don't agree with them then thats fine to each there own. but after Vanions post, i FOS'd things i thought were scummy.



  On 1/27/2011 at 6:35 AM, Talmanes said:

I think that we need to watch Red, because even if she is innocent, it is extremely likely that 4-7 vote range contains scum.


why watch me? i have no control who does or doesn't jump on a wagon. all i did was point out a post i thought was scummy and others agreed was scummy. this makes no sense and even smeels like your attempting to set up grounds to push a lynch on me tomorrow.


your saying that i need to be watched because theres most likely scum on Vanion's vote, even if i'm innocent. or am i reading this wrong :unsure:




also another thing that i noticed with you Talm, you voted Vanion only to get a controlled lynch; you have yet to tell us your thoughts on Vanions post other than to leave it open ended. which is a scum move tbh, becuase if he flips scum your in the good and if he flips town your in the good as well.




I stop paying attention for a bit and the bandwagon rears it ugly head.


You all talk about making excuses for jumping on the bandwagon, and then a post later, you do it yourself.


No, I didn't read the posts before casting my vote.


Yes, I used random.org to make my vote.


Guess what? It's called "Day 1". You aren't going to learn anything from how people are posting. There is no information. And the first 2 pages of posts in a Mafia game are pretty much always "Checking in". Do I really need to read 20 posts that say "Just checking in!" or "I'm here"?


No thanks.


You can go ahead and vote me if you'd like, but you're making a mistake. Best to see who instigated the bandwagon.


I find that those who are mafia, are normally the quickest people to scream "That persons starting a bandwagon!! Lynch 'em!"


Anyone who's played Mafia with me knows better. Vanion doesn't bandwagon. I'm a statistical analyst. I go by how people react to situations and vote based on that.


As such...




Vote: Talya


Since she was the quickest to scream bandwagon, and I've seen how she plays Mafia before, I'm pretty happy in my choice here now.


So, lynch me if you want to, but lynch Talya next, because she IS Mafia. I'll take the Day 1 hit if I have to. Someone's gotta. But again, you're mistaken on my role.


"yes i can, yes i will and have done so on many occasions. in fact this is the first post i've seen from you and guess what, it screams scum to me."


So a hunch?


"if i can't say someoen is scummy from a single post, especially when said post is scummy and said person isnt posting much; then how am i supposed to find out if that person is scum or not and get the reactions i want?"


That's the point.. How indeed can you just say someones mafia by a single post on day 1. Not posting much? Doesn't have time? Hence random.org.. Doesn't automatically make you a prime suspect in my opinion anyway.


  On 1/26/2011 at 9:52 PM, Tiinker said:

Its day one


"and?? would you rather us have continued with meaningless joke votes that woudl give us next to no info and result in a ranom lynch?"


No but again he's posted ONCE.



"it has nothign to do with an educated guess Tinker, and everything to do with the fact i think his post was scummy. i've already explained why i think his post is scummy, it has nothign to do with an educated guess.


not reading the thread is somethign scum do, whcih is something he admitted to doing. his "random" vote happened to end up on the person with the most votes there for making it likely that a bandwagon would form since Day 1 usually ends in a rush of votes on the erson with the most votes and not much info."




Educated Guess: a guess value based on experience or theoretical knowledge


How is saying "I think his post is scum because of this" not an educated guess?

Anyway, there's minimal information and the probability of it being right at this point in my view isn't close to high enough to be able to just run him out. All i'm saying.



"i'm a bit confused where that part of your case comes from. what attention did i have on myself before i FOS'd Vanion and placed myself center stage?? please explain this so i can understand cause i dont think i even had a vote on me before you."


Maybe that came out wrong. Rephrase: Make yourself look like one of the good guys. And actually Locke voted you and Tig was thinking of it.



If this happened to anyone else i'm pretty sure I'd defend them as well it's got nothing to do with Vanion. Seeing as he couldn't for some odd reason I figured i'd just voice how ridiculous i thought it was.


Sorry about that. I forgot when GMT was haha. I will use my time from now on. GMT-7.


Vanion has been lynched. I'll have the bio up in a few minutes.


After a long day of debating about who was who and which person is the most likely suspect. Someone screams VANION! It's HIM! LETS GET HIM! With Limi defending him until the end it seemed that Vanion didn't have a chance, with only a little bit of resistance (Talmanes) grabbed the rope and hung Vanion onto the Deserter's Tree next to Kingslayer.


Vanion, AKA Chillimous, the role-less townsman is dead.


It is now NIGHT. If you have a night action please send it in. You have until Sunday at 1pm GMT-7 to send them in. (If I get all the night actions before that, we will go ahead with the next day phase.)


Well we have a little info to go on, which will come in handy later on.


Limi, I don't think we are supposed to make much of the write ups, they usually are just for effect, rather than anything to do with the game!


i still think admitting to not read the game is scummy, not to mention where his vote ended up. it was coincedence, and i don't buy coincedence in Mafia which is why i went after him. and his "defense" post at the end wasn't much of a defense at all cause he even admitted to not paying attention again. personally a player whose not going to pay attention in a game is a hender to the town, what if later on we needed his vote and he wasn't paying attention, it could have cost us a controlled lynch when we really needed it.



not defending myself, cause i'm pretty sure i'm the lynch candidate for tomorrow seeign as i lead the lynch, but someone had to get the ball running and throw the first serious vote on him *shrugs* atleast he was vanilla.



  On 1/27/2011 at 10:46 PM, Red2111 said:

i still think admitting to not read the game is scummy, not to mention where his vote ended up. it was coincedence, and i don't buy coincedence in Mafia which is why i went after him. and his "defense" post at the end wasn't much of a defense at all cause he even admitted to not paying attention again. personally a player whose not going to pay attention in a game is a hender to the town, what if later on we needed his vote and he wasn't paying attention, it could have cost us a controlled lynch when we really needed it.



not defending myself, cause i'm pretty sure i'm the lynch candidate for tomorrow seeign as i lead the lynch, but someone had to get the ball running and throw the first serious vote on him *shrugs* atleast he was vanilla.




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