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Minor Spoilers From Later in ToM + Glossary


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Slayer is not looking likely because of the comment Larry made about the question of whether RJ's comments about the murder being solvable at the time of the murder. Larry said some might find it so, but some would point to clues from the next couple of books.


That pretty much narrows it down to Graendal and Taim, or maybe Sammael or Moridin (though the latter doesn't show up until book 7, and the former seems to exonerate himself in POV in book 6). Slayer is not mentioned at all in books 6 and 7, beyond a brief mention of Luc when Dyelin told Rand about Tigraine. Aviendha is in those books, but most of the clues pointing to her are in book 5. We get two short POVs from her, one in each book, but not much in the way of pointing to her being the killer. Lanfear is mentioned in connection to her disappearance and/or death several times, but nothing to really shed light on her being the killer (all of the evidence for her is from books 4 and 5). Same goes for Moiraine.


So, this is a major narrowing down. Better than what we would have gotten from Brandon if he'd eliminated a minor suspect.


Not that I care who killed him. I am excited that it will finally be over with, though. NO MOAR ASMODEAN!


I don't know if we should read too literally into the next couple of books comments. People can easily use the word 'couple' liberally. If we extend couple to 3 or 4 books out then we see the resurgence of Cyndane and a few new revelations about Slayer. These same kind of debates go around in circles, that's why I can't wait too find out who killed Asmodean.

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I don't know if we should read too literally into the next couple of books comments. People can easily use the word 'couple' liberally.

People can, but it's generally understood to mean 'two'. That is what the word means, and you don't typically find educated people using it otherwise. The correct word to imply '3 or 4' would be 'few'. And despite Cyndane's appearance in book 8 (three books later), there still aren't really any clues that point in her direction, besides her continued existence. Her new body makes it clear she died. Revelations about Slayer in book 9 (four books later), and Cyndane revealing she was held by the 'Finns. That's really stretching 'couple'.


One good thing about the fact that I don't care who killed Asmodean is that I can be a voice of reason. My favored suspect (which was always more or less a joke) was Aviendha. She seems to have been disqualified. :(


It'll be great now to have such an action-packed book. It does seem like Asmo's murder may indeed have been part of something far larger in scale. Can't wait...

I don't know if we should read too literally into the next couple of books comments. People can easily use the word 'couple' liberally.

People can, but it's generally understood to mean 'two'. That is what the word means, and you don't typically find educated people using it otherwise. The correct word to imply '3 or 4' would be 'few'. And despite Cyndane's appearance in book 8 (three books later), there still aren't really any clues that point in her direction, besides her continued existence. Her new body makes it clear she died. Revelations about Slayer in book 9 (four books later), and Cyndane revealing she was held by the 'Finns. That's really stretching 'couple'.


One good thing about the fact that I don't care who killed Asmodean is that I can be a voice of reason. My favored suspect (which was always more or less a joke) was Aviendha. She seems to have been disqualified. :(


I re-read the first nine volumes this spring for the first time in 10 years. I might have implied something too specific; there's some clues through at least the ninth volume.


Now to stop the chattering, as I'm not going to be entrapped here! :tongue:


I have added some more quotes to the OP, including one from Theoryland, the one from this thread, and a clarification on the detail from TDR that Larry mentioned.


Quote From Larry: ''It's a surprising book in many ways...And I think Sanderson could have said a small thing from The Dragon Reborn has repercussions in one major subplot in this book ."


Terez Asked: ''Does this refer to Brandon's 'small unnoticed detail in books 4-6'? Do you think it is more open to interpretation than we previously believed, or are you talking about something else?''


Larry's Answer: ''Something else. But it completes a major character's arc spanning several volumes.''



Ok. Fish Here. Regarding the above exchange: If we wanted to play detective on THIS tantalizing tidbit, then I think there are two questions for starters that may be helpful in solving the mystery:


1 Which ''Major Character'' (as Larry called him/her) seems ripe to have their story arc wrap up in TOM?



2 What were any interesting or ''Foreshadowy'' events that occured involving a Major Character in TDR that we can recall?






It depends on his definition of 'major'. Maria defined 'major' as 'any character who is never missing from more than one book in a row', but we have no reason to think Larry is using this definition.


Quote From Larry: ''It's a surprising book in many ways...And I think Sanderson could have said a small thing from The Dragon Reborn has repercussions in one major subplot in this book ."


Terez Asked: ''Does this refer to Brandon's 'small unnoticed detail in books 4-6'? Do you think it is more open to interpretation than we previously believed, or are you talking about something else?''


Larry's Answer: ''Something else. But it completes a major character's arc spanning several volumes.''



Ok. Fish Here. Regarding the above exchange: If we wanted to play detective on THIS tantalizing tidbit, then I think there are two questions for starters that may be helpful in solving the mystery:


1 Which ''Major Character'' (as Larry called him/her) seems ripe to have their story arc wrap up in TOM?



2 What were any interesting or ''Foreshadowy'' events that occured involving a Major Character in TDR that we can recall?






1. Perrin maybe? his story line has been going on for a while now and he still has to face his "demons".


2. TDR isnt when perrin started using his wolfbrothe ability to help find Rand?


of course assuming the major character is perrin


Quote From Larry: ''It's a surprising book in many ways...And I think Sanderson could have said a small thing from The Dragon Reborn has repercussions in one major subplot in this book ."


Terez Asked: ''Does this refer to Brandon's 'small unnoticed detail in books 4-6'? Do you think it is more open to interpretation than we previously believed, or are you talking about something else?''


Larry's Answer: ''Something else. But it completes a major character's arc spanning several volumes.''



Ok. Fish Here. Regarding the above exchange: If we wanted to play detective on THIS tantalizing tidbit, then I think there are two questions for starters that may be helpful in solving the mystery:


1 Which ''Major Character'' (as Larry called him/her) seems ripe to have their story arc wrap up in TOM?



2 What were any interesting or ''Foreshadowy'' events that occured involving a Major Character in TDR that we can recall?






When Perrin sets the wolf dude free comes to mind - Perrin comes to terms with his wolf nature (finally)


Quote From Larry: ''It's a surprising book in many ways...And I think Sanderson could have said a small thing from The Dragon Reborn has repercussions in one major subplot in this book ."


Terez Asked: ''Does this refer to Brandon's 'small unnoticed detail in books 4-6'? Do you think it is more open to interpretation than we previously believed, or are you talking about something else?''


Larry's Answer: ''Something else. But it completes a major character's arc spanning several volumes.''



Ok. Fish Here. Regarding the above exchange: If we wanted to play detective on THIS tantalizing tidbit, then I think there are two questions for starters that may be helpful in solving the mystery:


1 Which ''Major Character'' (as Larry called him/her) seems ripe to have their story arc wrap up in TOM?



2 What were any interesting or ''Foreshadowy'' events that occured involving a Major Character in TDR that we can recall?






1. Perrin maybe? his story line has been going on for a while now and he still has to face his "demons".


2. TDR isnt when perrin started using his wolfbrothe ability to help find Rand?


of course assuming the major character is perrin


I agree that Perrin seems the most likely candidate to fill the criteria mentioned.





It depends on his definition of 'major'. Maria defined 'major' as 'any character who is never missing from more than one book in a row', but we have no reason to think Larry is using this definition.


Very true.






A small thing sounds like an object to me.


A small object from tDR, that probably has something to do with Perrin. Maybe the tiny Ter'angreal that was shaped like a hedgehog and trapped him and Faile in The World of Dreams? It broke when Perrin set the falcon free. Maybe it did something to him...


I wanted to add something. A thought I had regarding Terez's post above concerning Maria's definition of a Major Character being a character that has not gone more than one book in a row without screen time.


This is of course subjective, but I personally disagree as I can think of several exceptions to this.


Fain, for one. I mean, he hasn't been scene/seen since WH but I think he is pretty universally considered to be a Major Character.


Tam and Elyas are also two that I would consider to be Major Characters that went SEVERAL books without appearances.






Tam and Elyas are only really major because of their connections to major characters. Fain is, of course, an exception. He has been cloaked in mystery for a reason.


I think it was meant to be a general definition; these things are hard to pin down, which is why I brought it up.


Seems likely that whatever that thing is, it has to do with Perrin's wolf storyline. If I remember right, TDR was the novel that really framed the duality crisis of Perrin's nature, so it could be a variety of different things from that book.


Sure hope Perrin's storyline is good, because at this point I find the disjointed events for Perrin's story following book 6 to be perhaps the only example of truly badly writing in the series. Egwene's was drawn out, and Elyane's was boring a lot of the time, but the way Perrin's main storyline was pushed to the rear for 5 books to tackle a largely pointless plot only to return jarringly back to the wolf crisis in TGS and maybe ToM is just poor writing.


Interesting other tidbits of news. I think it's a little too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube though Larry. While there have been other murders in the series, not too many of them would be referred to as "the" murder mystery :wink: Hopefully we'll finally get to see a definititve answer. I pretty much fall into the "don't care, but Slayer would make me giggle" category.


I honestly don't think it was pointless. Not very well written, perhaps -- I think Perrin's plot could have been written in at most one or two books if done right, but nevertheless. The whole plot ended up with him showing himself to be a great general in his own way, if not like Mat -- not tactics, but great with /people/, and drawing personal loyalty instead of loyalty of his 'men'. Even the Seanchan liked him. This is going to be important in the future, I think, with the Broken Crown stuff.


I think that, loony theories aside, that Perrin is the most likely candidate here. I'm trying to think of a consequence and not finding one for something that happened here. But Perrin's the most likely for the ongoing story arc. All I can think of other than this, is Mat and Rand being in *Finn space at the same time. Everything shook or something, right? Then Mat a second time. If he comes again, there could be consequences there.


@ Cyf:


It may not be in TDR, but Rand and Mat being in the rings at the same time with Moiraine always bothered me too.


And about Perrin's storyline: it was hammered into the reader that he was methodical, thought his way through everything, made the cautious decision.

That was why his storyline took ages and ages. Because he sat and waited while his wife almost got "taken" by a brotherless dude.




Also, if it hadn't dragged on forever, it wouldn't have shaped him as it did.


Perrin's and Elayne's dragged out plots and COT were, in part, the fans fault I think - although Elayne's is the only one that really was filled with unnecessary 'intrigue'. What did all the game of houses accomplish? She had the throne that as Daughter Heir RJ could have just had her claim without all that - and still be in the same position.

If you read Perrins plotline from ACOS through KOD without reading other plotlines, or the same with Egwene/Tower or Mat/Tuon they aren't bad. Only Elayne's I couldn't do that without wanting to pull what's left of my hair out.


RJ copped a lot over no Perrin in TFOH and even more for no Mat in a book and it's after those that the plot is spread too thinly. If he'd ignored that criticism I think we would have had another book minus Perrin - but on the flip side more resolved in the books he was in. Similarly Elayne (and possibly even the Tower split plotline) could have been re-arranged to be the same length, but absent from 1 or more books, to get resolved more quickly in the ones they were in. There was minimal plotline crossovers from when Rand sends Perrin away until Tam showing up in TGS. And that's fairly minor plotline crossing (not meaning it was a minor story element). It's not until TOM that the threads cast wide in LOC/ACOS come together again.


/End off topic


Hopefully Perrin is good in TOM. The first 4 books he was one of my favourite characters until every second thought/line was 'Faile is jealous, why is she jealous, Faile is everything. The answer is not 42, it's Faile'.


3 personalities of Slayer. Or Slayer is 3 people.


Slayer is 2 people.


Isam and Luc, thats the only two.


Could be three. He might have a different personality in another world.


3 personalities of Slayer. Or Slayer is 3 people.


Slayer is 2 people.


Isam and Luc, thats the only two.


Could be three. He might have a different personality in another world.


are you high?




Posted Today, 05:10 PM

Slayer is the Dragon Reborn in a Mirror World I went to once.


Indeed, he is also Shaidar Haran and Demandred there. I think i also went there :biggrin:


I seem to recall Pat mentioning (on Westeros) that Perrin really sucks this book, also.


Yeah, here's link to it.


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