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PLEASE NOTE: This sign in for old members who have been removed from the Band's usergroups between the move from DM7 to DM8, which happened during August 2010 and September 2010. You will be able to see these boards, The Travels of Jain Farstrider, some of The Arena, and The Matrim Awards. These boards are public for all of DM. In order to see The Campfires and our other private boards, you will need to sign into this thread.


Firstly, a big welcome back if you are an old returning member!


There have probably been many changes since you last saw the Band of the Red Hand. But it is great to have you back amongst the ranks of the greatest fighting machine there is in the whole of Randland! After your many travels, there will be a refreshing Battle Brew waiting for - and maybe a M-G Battle Brew as well!


The Band of the Red Hand Social Group has remained DM's music and travel social group, and has since added eating out to our themes. There are many regular weekly and monthly activities to get involved in, which are linked to roll calls and points for promotions. Our dice game remains, though needs a bit of life breathed back into it after the move. Once you see our private boards, it should be explained. Do not hesitate to send me (Marshal-General/Social Group Leader), Jeannaisais (Under-Commander/Band's 2iC) or VACANT (Executive Officer/3iC) a PM since we are the Band's Senior Staff.


It is quite likely you can't remember you Regiment, your rank or points you have. Do not fear! Somewhere in the Band's admin system, we will be able to find it. Unless you want to switch Regiments or go through the Raw Recruit Scheme (currently suspended until further notice), all points and rank will be returned to you (except Regimental command ranks!).


Since you probably left, we introduced the Raw Recruit Scheme to help new members get acquainted with the Band of the Red Hand. This is currently suspended until further notice. At the moment, you will be allowed to switch your Regiment of you rejoin, but it does incur the penalty of requiring 10 additional promotion points to name your new Regimental weapon (bow/daggers, horse or sword). Further detail can be found out from the Band's Senior Staff.


Please note that there is now a fourth Regiment - The Masons. This has been created to bring the Band more into line with the Band in the books. Switching to the Masons currently has no repercussions.


Having read all of that, and you are still interested in signing up again, please could you post the following information in this thread for us:


Old and Current Username: You may have switched username since you last signed in. If you can remember it, we will reinstate points and ranks. If not, you will have to start at the bottom of the pile again.

Old Regiment: If you can remember your Regiment, and want to be readded to it, please state it here. It does not matter if you can't.

Regiment to Join: Do you want to switch Regiments when rejoining? Please state which of the Band's four Regiments (Archers, Cavalry, Infantry or Masons) you want to join.

Email Address: Please post the email address that you check most regularly, so that when I email the Band, my email will get through to you!

MSN: What is your MSN address, just in case you or someone else from the Band wants to talk to you!

Twitter: What is your Twitter name, just in case you or someone else from the Band wants to follow and chat with you!

last.fm profile: Post a link to your last.fm profile (music listening website) so fellow Banders can see what you are listening to!



This will allow me to add you to the Band's various usergroups, and get any important information to you.



One last thing to say...




  • Replies 79
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Old and Current Username: Formerly Adrian44 now AMD44 (Minor change I know...)

Regiment: Cavalry

Email Address: AdrianD44@att.net


Skype: N/A

Twitter: N/A

last.fm profile:N/A


Glad to be back!


Ninte calichniye no domashitsa.


Cavalry member AMD44 has already been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki


Old and Current Username: Cairos

Regiment: Cavs

Switch Regiment: Do you want to switch Regiments when rejoining? NO

Email Address: tongseng318@gmail.com

MSN: tongseng318@hotmail.com

Skype: N/A

Twitter: N/A

last.fm profile: N/A


Cavalry member Cairos has already been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 2 months later...

Hello there folks, it is I. Yes, that lovable character that everyone knew well. It is I, the Eternal Raw Recruit! Math the Gambler a.k.a. Gambit has returned once more! Seriously though, it's good to be back and see everyone around. I was a little disappointed to see that the Raw Recruit feature was down, after trying to complete it a dozen times (every time I losing my net or getting caught up in school or some other mishap forcing me to start over) I was hoping to try and actually finish it this time round. Well the Eternal Raw Recruit eventually had to choose I suppose. I am in fact a little sad to see my title leave. XD


Anyways glad to be back and hope that I'll actually be staying for awhile this time round. To bring this heart felt return to a closing let me just say CARAI AN SHEN AN CALHAR!



Old and Current Username: MattheGambler (current and previous)

Regiment: N/a (Never decided on one before I disappeared)

Switch Regiment: No

Email Address: xVoracityx@hotmail.com & Ross_Bryan@ymail.com

MSN: xVoracityx@hotmail.com

Skype: N/a

Twitter: N/a

last.fm profile: N/a


If I must choose then let it be known that I've decided on the Infantry. Sorry to the Cavalry and Archers, but I'm just the type of person who wants soil beneath my feet and a blade at hand. ^_^


The Eternal Raw Recruit MattheGambler has already been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey band members an archer has returned! :tongue: its rodelle i just cnt remember my blasted password for it so i made a new login name. will yall take me back? *sets out a line of flaming shots and FmN (forget me not) for the bum rush of archies*

tbm05b@gmail.com is my email..

err lastfm? nope sorry

twitter? nope...


MSN negative.



Archer member rodelle and muggles has been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Old and Current Username: JR (AKA JimRaynor)

Regiment: Infantry

Switch Regiment: Are you kidding? Mud, beer, and latrines, Infantry is my dream job.

Email Address: bigmouse1828@yahoo.com

Skype: Mouse.1828



Howdy, glad to be back, surprised I still reckognize a lot of names here. CARAI AN SHEN AN CALHAR!!!!!


Infantry member JR has been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki


Old and Current Username: Damon Devilkin/same

Regiment: Not quite sure if I made it past recruit, if so, probably picked infantry

Switch Regiment: See above

Email Address: matthewgarrison1990@hotmail.com

MSN: See above

Skype: matthew.r.garrison

Twitter: No twitter

last.fm profile: No last.fm


Raw Recruit Damon Devilkin has been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 2 months later...

Straith...commander of the sex crazed cows is returning after multiple deployments, moving to Maryland, then to Colorado, and then back to Maryland....and just generally being busy as all @#*@, so...what's new?


Old and Current Username: Straith.

Regiment: Infantry

Switch Regiment: no

Email Address: Bickelski@gmail.com

MSN: bickelski@hotmail.com

Skype: axis37

Twitter: no twittery tweets for me

last.fm profile: last.fm?



Infantry member Straith has been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki


Hey everyone


Old: Pyro

New: Kothorg

Regiment: Infantry

Switch Regiment:NEVER!

Email Address: blackheartshell@yahoo.com

MSN: requiemofalostsoul@hotmail.com

Skype: N/A

Twitter: N/A

last.fm profile: N/A


BTW: I havn't been on since 07 so i guess im a REALLY OLD member...


Infantry member Kothorg has been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 4 months later...

*Snuggles old memberinos*... it's been a looooong time since I've signed in to DM so much so I can't get into my old account! So here are my specifics...


Old and Current Username: OLD - taluka_sedai NEW - taluka

Regiment: Cavalry now and for EVER!

Switch Regiment: Do you want to switch Regiments when rejoining? NO FREAKING WAY!!

Email Address: tamaralukewells@bigpond.com


Skype: TBA

Twitter: TBA

last.fm profile: I have no idea what this means!!


Cavalry member Taluka has already been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 3 weeks later...

Old and currnet username - nocturne

Regiment - can't remember (I think it was the cavs)

Switch regiments - nope.

Email address - my old one is no longer active thanks to some abusive emails from a then friend, my current one is scotcat@hotmail.co.uk


Cavalry member Nocturne has already been added to the BotRH Usergroup. Corki

  • 2 months later...

Old and Current Username: Goldeneyes05 same as before

Old Regiment: Calvary

Regiment to Join: Calvary

Email Address: Goldeneyes05@live.com

MSN: Goldeneyes05@live.com

Skype: brad.burnett231


as for my former ranking and all i dont exactly remember that was a long time ago.

  • 1 month later...

I do be Katiora same name as always

Old reg: cav, now I might wanna change. I'd like to keep my options open.

Email: emjunk@hotmail.com

Msn: same as above


Ranking: #1 pain :)

  • 4 months later...

I'm here .. kinda/sorta .. in a more or less piratical in port today on a cruise tomorrow kind of being around


Old and Current Username: Auld Manriva (Some used Riva, some scurrilous louts, like my Bandeds used Manny )

Old Regiment: Calvary

Regiment to Join: Calvary

Email Address: Dawgriver2@gmail.com

MSN: I rarely use it anymore..

Facebook: ummm... Kat? Do YOU know? OH .. billy.martin I think that'll work.

Skype Name: biiware (will show up as Billy/Manny)

Rank? I have no idea what you're using now but I know that when I went on my last double secret cruise I had more points than anyone in the HISTORY of this Rock circling the Sun had ever DREAMED of accumulating!

Now, however, I don't even show on the Deserters List! I think I must be Croaked.


Well, well, well! Who'd a thunked it? You wait for ages for a dirty low down bum to turn up, then two come along at once!



Old and Current Username: Still Demonspawn, or Demon for short

Old Regiment: Infantry

Regiment to Join: I'm Infantry through and through, don't think any other regiment would be able to put up with me

Email Address: mickrj@o2.co.uk


Old and Current Username: Goldeneyes05 same as before

Old Regiment: Calvary

Regiment to Join: Calvary

Email Address: Goldeneyes05@live.com

MSN: Goldeneyes05@live.com

Skype: brad.burnett231


as for my former ranking and all i dont exactly remember that was a long time ago.

I'm here .. kinda/sorta .. in a more or less piratical in port today on a cruise tomorrow kind of being around


Old and Current Username: Auld Manriva (Some used Riva, some scurrilous louts, like my Bandeds used Manny )

Old Regiment: Calvary

Regiment to Join: Calvary

Email Address: Dawgriver2@gmail.com

MSN: I rarely use it anymore..

Facebook: ummm... Kat? Do YOU know? OH .. billy.martin I think that'll work.

Skype Name: biiware (will show up as Billy/Manny)

Rank? I have no idea what you're using now but I know that when I went on my last double secret cruise I had more points than anyone in the HISTORY of this Rock circling the Sun had ever DREAMED of accumulating!

Now, however, I don't even show on the Deserters List! I think I must be Croaked.

Well, well, well! Who'd a thunked it? You wait for ages for a dirty low down bum to turn up, then two come along at once!



Old and Current Username: Still Demonspawn, or Demon for short

Old Regiment: Infantry

Regiment to Join: I'm Infantry through and through, don't think any other regiment would be able to put up with me

Email Address: mickrj@o2.co.uk



Quick question - what boards can you all see? I want to make sure you can see the boards necessary and don't want to send in any requests unnecessarily. So, let me know if you can see your regimental private boards and the campfires! You can do so on here or by PM :)


Yes we do Kat .. Jea, I think I have access to everywhere I need to. I'm not sure why exactly, but I've never lost them.. I've posted in Cav Private board, and I of course cannot see the Infants nor Archers Boards.



It figures my bro' would turn up like a tarnished brass chamber pot! And just when I thought I'd ditched 'im in that Isle of Madmen Bordello! Sufferin' Sheep Swallop .. he's harder to shake than a silicone sisters maraca's!!


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