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The Bashing Thread


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i ... HATE ... Sky


(as a company)


Absolute idiots that they are, they install a Satelite Dish - whats wrong with that you say? - well they havent weatherproofed the wires, so in every little bit of drizzle, Sky (insert expletive) shorts out!


so they come back and "fix" it - 2days later it happens again - they fix it again, and the same thing happens

Tommorrow the repair man is coming back - for his sake, i hope hes finished by the time i get home :x


come on, i live on the Isle of Man - we suffer Gale force 11 and all! - and yet they install a satelite that cant even deal with drizzle!



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i will take this chance to bash terry goodkind for being half the writer that ann rynd is. and trying to copy her without bothering to make an arguement, and just jamming his philosophy down our throats. also he makes things up after writing himself into a corner without any warning.


I hate the fact that starting at least five years ago, all tv stations began syncronizing their commercial breaks. Now when you flip through the channels during commercial times you get 200 channel worth of commercials!




Also now, since everyone has a DVR of some sort and no one watches commercials, we're forced to watch shameless plugs for products DURING the tv shows. The worst of which, during Treasure Hunters, a banking firm chose to use CG to place their company logo on floorboards, traffic signs, you name it.




And finally, it suks that some tv shows start at 9:02pm or 8:29pm, invariably screwing me and my DVR(who I've named Precious) from recording either the preceding or upcoming shows.


Whew! I'm done.


:twisted: :twisted: YEAH BASH!!! :twisted: :twisted:



First im gona bash australian cricket for being unbeatable..and the home of the under arm bowl.


then im gona bash religious zealouts..hard, :twisted: :twisted:

for putting the rest of us "willing to listen to the other side" kinda people on the back foot.


and finally{till i can calm down long enough}im gona super bash nuclear war, carpet bombing,flying planes into buildings and other f**ken cowardly ways

of hitting the enemy..killing civilians aint f**ken cool. :twisted: :twisted:


I agree about women rockers, female growling doesn't work. Luckily not many do it though. Not that fond of male growling, come to think of it, Mercenary do sometimes, I can deal with that. And I adore Cradle Of Filth. Other than that, though...


I shall bash cyclists and speed bumps, the bane of my existence. I hate them.


I shall also bash fender telecasters. Hideous things that call themselves guitars. No.




Nice. I like Strats, Mustangs, Jaguars etc, just not teles. I really don't like them! Particularly when they're wood coloured. I have an acrylic B.C.Rich, an all-black Flying-V and an SG-Extreme.


This time around I shall bash MP3s, I don't like them. I much prefer CDs. But I shall also bash CDs and DVDs because they always end up getting scratched.




This is my fav thread,i bash not finding it earlier :lol:


and..oooh i wana bash the klan, yeah hardout mega bash those pricks :twisted:


um...oh yeah pink polo shirts for guys! and being overly p.c,that deserves a thorough bash, people get far too upset these days.


Thanks for letting me vent :lol:


I can't stand: June Jones, the fact that Liliha Bakery doesn't accept debit cards, tourists (the pushy, irritatingly rude kind)...in fact, rude people in general suck...50 Cent and Cam'Ron can both take a long walk off a short pier with a tiger shark waiting at the end of it...I hate Britney Spears, I hate her husband, I hate Paris Hilton. I hate that VH1 creates shows that attempt to make the not fabulously wealthy population feel bad about themselves (it hasn't worked on me yet, b!tches!). I can't stand that Justin Timberlake is no longer being as lame, so now it's hard to remember that I used to hate him and the boy band phenomenon he represented. I hate Bobby Brown for what he did to Whitney (I hear they're finally getting a divorce!). I hate people who don't watch where they're going when they're paddling for a wave, and then brain innocent victims and get mad at the victims...LoL, I hate law school...I love this thread.


sometimes i do stupid things...id like to bash myself for all the times i havent been a nice human :wink:


ah*feels vindicated,cracks open cold one and scratches himself* :lol:


Hey Details I completely agree with you about June Jones. God he's over-rated. "Let's throw the football. Hey they it didn't work. let's throw it again. Still not working? Hmmm I know let's keep throwing it. Gotta work one of these times. Oh and defense. Naw who needs that? We just need to score more than they do right?"


Hmm who else to bash... I know! How about all those fake @$$ celebrities who try to save the world. Sure there are a few that actually do care about trying to save it, but the rest of them are just trying to make themselves look good.

I agree about women rockers, female growling doesn't work. Luckily not many do it though. Not that fond of male growling, come to think of it, Mercenary do sometimes, I can deal with that. And I adore Cradle Of Filth. Other than that, though...


Meh, I'd say Angela Grossow in Arch Enemy outgrowls a lot of the male growlers.

Guest Winespring Brother

Some things i really hate, and I'm quite a hateful person, are:


Shaving - hair and beards are natural, so why does society force me into dragging a lethal razor over my face every morning when I can barely see straight


Trucks that say stupid things when they reverse, lIke "Satnd back! This vehicle is reversing!" AAaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgh


People who get in the elevator after me and press the button I just pressed. It's on already you muppet!!!


People who snipe me with 2 seconds left to go on ebay


And last but by no means least, I hate Chavs. All Chavs need to be forced into 2 years national service just to teach them that there is more to life than fake burberry hats and seeing who can be the single mother with the most kids.


I hate chavs too! chavs and neds! hate them both with the fury of a thousand suns... suns of PAIN and DHOOM.


I also bash with a heavy and blunt... check that, heavy and SPIKED beam-of-bashing, people who refer to Canada as "the fifty-first state." I hate you all with a hate that causes mountains to fall in to the sea.


I admit, I am very confused about this whole thread. *walks away concerned*

Guest Winespring Brother

Wohoo! Go Yveva! Bash 'em all :twisted:


I would like to bash the author Robert Newcomb. Never has money spend on a book be such a total waste as when I bought 'the fifth sorceress' :evil:



i think all the english people here will join me when i bash the french. why can't they speak english like everyone else?

and why do they put rosemary on lamb? curry is sooo much better!

and why do they keep huge (7 million gallons) quantities of wine in giant vats, letting it spoil, instead of injecting it into my liver the way god intended.


i would also like to bash canada. canada is like the bastard child of england and america. but a dutch farmer and his teenaged love slave with webbed feet raised it. canada is up to something. i just know it.


Hi! Long time reader, First time basher!


ANyways... I want to bash the people that stand at the train station everyday and want me to buy things for their charity. I hate them cause they make me feel bad.


I also hate itchy toilet paper, people that think my husband it hot, not having enough money for cigarettes the day before payday, people who have birthday parties at expensive resturants, comedowns and hangovers.


alright joey, you called down the thunder...


*casts down gauntlet*


england is north america's senile, green-toothed great uncle, the one who eats pickled liver with onions and then tells you stories from way too close, where you can't avoid the halitosis.


ha! en garde!


but yeah, those french...... ugh. 8)


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