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ToM Review from Jason - a Petition


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I think I'm alone is saying that I'd rather not have his review right now. I'd say let us mull over the [just-released] prologue and review first, then maybe after a week or so release another review, then a chapter two weeks after, review the week after that, etc.


Otherwise the more casual (comparatively speaking) fans who check for information on a semi-regular basis and don't actually engage into any depth of discussion would likely lose interest, or at the least find the gaps detrimental to their sense of suspense.

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Assuming that I've read ToM (and I'm not confirming or denying that I have), I am not planning to write a review this time. Jason and Leigh's reviews should be enough for you.


If you have read ToM, in place of your thoughts on the book in a review format I would gladly accept your copy of the book/manuscript instead. I mean, normally I'd choose the review but since you're not writing one...


Assuming that I've read ToM (and I'm not confirming or denying that I have), I am not planning to write a review this time. Jason and Leigh's reviews should be enough for you.


Considering your name is on the freaking dedication page, I would have a hard time believing you don't already have a copy. If not, you should :wink:


I know this is crazy but the book is probably north of 700 pages long (about 25,000 words longer than tGS) and with everything Jason has had to do with the ToM Trailer, getting DM8 going, and the Cons, has he even had time to read it?


This is in contrast to Leigh whose only extracurricular activity I see is run a Wheel of Time re-read and blog on Tor.com.


The review doesn't exactly have to be Pulitzer prize winning material here. It is non-spoilerish so really will just focus on the emotional reaction to the book and whether he feels it is going to be good or not and whether he feels Brandon has done a better job with the Wheel of Time voice than before . . . especially as it applies to Mat.


I'm thinking it's not up because he either hasn't read it all the way yet or it is so mind-blowing and soul-crushingly good that he has to read it twice to get his true thoughts in order.


Anyway, just my two cents








Does anyone have a link to Jason's tGS review? I can't find it, and I was sort of wondering what to expect.


Basically, I don't want it (the ToM review) to be too spoilery, so I want to read his tGS review to make sure that what other people call "minor spoilers" are minor spoilers to me. If I feel too much is revealed in the tGS review, I won't read the ToM one.


Ok, now I feel kinda bad. I know Jason's been busy, but I've recently been much more busy at work, and I think I would get really annoyed if people kept (even in a friendly way) bugging me to get them something.


For all we know, Tor wants him to wait to post his review until the excitement of the free chapter, the Prologue, and Leigh's review has died down.


Sorry Jason. Get it to us when you can. On your time.


If you don't care for Leigh's writing--she can be rather foul-mouthed (foul-fingered?)--the important things to take away from her review are that she liked it a lot, and lots of stuff happens, none of which she was able to reveal.


After TGS, where there was an understandable level of anxiety over whether BS would screw it up or not, at this point, assuming you're not one of the few who didn't like TGS, ToM can't get here fast enough.


I'll admit it, even if Jason reviews it and says "Worst WoT EVAR", I'll be there on day one. I was sad when Harry Potter was over, and I invested very little of my life into that series. When WoT is over, I think I'll cry, curled up around a WoT calendar or poster collection of the new, good covers (if they ever release one).


I've been reading WoT over 15 years myself, read it through High School and then College. It's been a big part of my life and I feel sad after each finish of the re-reads I do. I'll probably be depressed as hell once I know I've read the very last book.


Edited the review for readability and reposted it. I've not asked Jason, but it should be fine - I haven't actually changed what he said. As long as you are using DM8 without any browser modifications, this one should be safe for avoiding the spoilers - you need to highlight the spoiler section to read it.


It looks like the part below the signature might not have meant to be posted due to a bug with the new forums perhaps? Might want to check with jason to make sure this is OK being up.


Edited the review for readability and reposted it. I've not asked Jason, but it should be fine - I haven't actually changed what he said. As long as you are using DM8 without any browser modifications, this one should be safe for avoiding the spoilers - you need to highlight the spoiler section to read it.


It looks like the part below the signature might not have meant to be posted due to a bug with the new forums perhaps? Might want to check with jason to make sure this is OK being up.


Looking back now, that's my thought, too - I think I was just too excited with the review and wanted to collect it into a more readable format. But now that some DM members have already read it, is it really fair or effective to stop others from doing so? Sadly, damage control on the internet is nigh impossible, so the best thing to do is learn a lesson from it and move on.


Edited the review for readability and reposted it. I've not asked Jason, but it should be fine - I haven't actually changed what he said. As long as you are using DM8 without any browser modifications, this one should be safe for avoiding the spoilers - you need to highlight the spoiler section to read it.


It looks like the part below the signature might not have meant to be posted due to a bug with the new forums perhaps? Might want to check with jason to make sure this is OK being up.


Looking back now, that's my thought, too - I think I was just too excited with the review and wanted to collect it into a more readable format. But now that some DM members have already read it, is it really fair or effective to stop others from doing so? Sadly, damage control on the internet is nigh impossible, so the best thing to do is learn a lesson from it and move on.


I think it is completely fair that nobody else should get to read it. If there happen to be some spoilers in it that Team Jordan decides they don't want us to know yet, then you best not mention them until after the book comes out. Just wait for the real review to come out, and we'll go from there.


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