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a decade


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Ten years ago today I was sent the following email:




Dragonmount.com Membership Application



Congratulations!  Your application has been processed.  You are the newest member of the largest Wheel of Time community on the internet!


Here is the information you entered, for your records:


Name: Rachel Lott

Handle: Marce Dalfor


Secret Info:


Organization: White Tower

Age: 23

Gender: F

Location: WA,



Most of this information can be changed at any time in the Edit Profile section at Dragonmount.  Thank you for visiting and joining Dragonmount!

Please come back often and browse our Art section, Books section, read and post to our message boards, and even participate in our Wheel of Time based ongoing role-playing game!  There are always new and exciting things going on at Dragonmount.  Don't miss a thing!



Dragonmount Staff



A little over an hour later I was reading a welcome letter written by Serafelle, the Keeper and RP coordinator of the White Tower, and sent to me by Lorelia (a White), head of the WT welcoming committee.  Over the next three days I had my Novice quiz approved by Phrygiana (the MoN, a Gray), my Bio approved by Emmilith (a Brown), and was assigned Chalinda (a Gray) as a mentor.  Novices with me at the time were Taya, Tania, Kaylan, Calliste, Arette, and others I'm fogging on due to time elapsed and the sheer craziness of Taya, Tania, and Kaylan as Novices.  :)  Dragonmount looked like this: http://web.archive.org/web/20000816170510/http://www.dragonmount.com/


I thought since I was feeling nostalgic maybe a few other "ancient ones" would like a bit of it as well.  I came to DM by accident when I was failing at searching for the WoT theory site my brother used.  I stayed at DM (minus my 3 year self-imposed time-out) because ya'll are awesome.  :)


I do wish I still had a copy of the Intro to Saidar lesson where Phryg had us shaving our legs using Saidar.  It was epic.



OMG. Serafelle! *lol* I wrote a silly story about her and BenT. Somewhere. Somehow. Dunno where it went to.


Aww... I miss those people.


Wow, cool beans.  I don't recognize your name, but I'm terrible with them.  :-\  Serafelle was my mentor, sort of.  The mentor system wasn't really in yet.  Then Kathana became my official mentor when it was.


Haha, Skech... Sera and BenT... now that is a long time ago.  I was the flower girl in some silly story of their wedding I think...  *chuckles*

  • Moderator

I remember when you were my favorite Accepted OF ALL TIME!!!! for working on this massive research project to catalog all the Aes Sedai in the series for us. And then you were Gray Head and you were just awesome. And when you came to Dragon*Con, Robert Jordan thought your husband was awesome and you were a Tinker.

Guest BaLefireP

Congrats on Ten years! :D


I have only been here almost a year...


I totally forgot Pookie was the Grey Head.  *facepalm*  I was thinking you were relatively new - must be the influence of mafia.


Hehe.  :)  I just found a closet to crawl into for a while and got lost.  I'm really an old crone masquerading as a spring chicken.


*clucks unconvincingly*

  • 2 weeks later...

<3 10 is a big number. I'll be coming up on that in.. *thinks* january I believe. So serious congrats, even if you have faded in and out since then. ;)




<3 10 is a big number. I'll be coming up on that in.. *thinks* january I believe. So serious congrats, even if you have faded in and out since then. ;)




Nope - I come up on 10 years in the Tower on 19th January, 2001 (though I half-assedly had joined the site a month before).  I was already an Aes Sedai when you joined, so it had to be after April 2nd, 2001. ;)


Jhae - Pookie's old character name was Marce Dalfor, if that rings and more bells (and if I'm not completely crossing people somehow ><).  Heck, even have <a href="http://www.digitalglitch.org/dmwtlibrary/graphics/sig_pic/aessedai/grey/marcesig.jpg">ye ancient sig</a> stashed away still. ;)


*goes back to lurkylurk*

  • 1 month later...

copied from DM7:



Title: Re: a decade

Post by: Ladria Damin on 12-08-2010, 10:44:43


Congrats, Pooks. :)



Me myself, I joined in .. like. Septemberish 1999. Thanks for makin' me remember that, Pooks. XD


*hugs and hands a cup of Super Special Mint Tea*




Title: Re: a decade

Post by: Aubrey on 15-08-2010, 08:16:46


I think you are mistaken, Raeyn. :) I didn't Join the WT right away, I was still part of DM on the old old white boards before the WT.







  • 2 weeks later...

I remember you Marce! :) I think we raised around the same time...brain is getting old. I think I have all the old classes archived somewhere around my house. I should dig around and pull out some of the old ones..they would be good for laughs! :)




Sabine Sedai

Brown Ajah


I dug around and found my old Tag Pic...lol!




Marce....check out the below link. ;) I would say this was from late 2002, maybe early 2003.




SABINE!!!! :D *hugtackles*


Do you remember me?!?!? (I prolly should have asked that before the hugtackle >.>)








SABINE!!!! :D *hugtackles*


Do you remember me?!?!? (I prolly should have asked that before the hugtackle >.>)








*hugs* Yes, I do remember you. :)



*passes around the plate of special brownies*


Wow, Pookie, I had no idea you've been around for 10 years! I thought you were relatively new :biggrin: Forgives me, I've only been around about a year and a half.


I remember when you were my favorite Accepted OF ALL TIME!!!! for working on this massive research project to catalog all the Aes Sedai in the series for us. And then you were Gray Head and you were just awesome. And when you came to Dragon*Con, Robert Jordan thought your husband was awesome and you were a Tinker.


No way. I've been wanting to do that on my last reread of the series, because for once I actually tried to pay attention to who was who among the Aes Sedai, only I still got confused. Only, I wish I had actually done it as I was doing my reread, because that would've been a lot easier than going back through everything lol. Oh well. Maybe next time.


*growls* We oldbies gotta stick together. Dem young'uns dunch know nuffink. *growls more*


*chews on some pig's ears*


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