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The Horn of Valere

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Apology upfront if this has another tread already, but i couldn't find it.


Will the Horn of Valere be revealed in TOM? I've always been facinated with this Horn since book 1, and i understand why it had to be removed temporarily (too powerful, like the Choedan Kal)

But it seems time for it's return, although it think it will be AMOL.


The Horn would be ideal for making peace with the Seanchan, since it spawns out Arthur Hawkwing. Imagine Mat calling AH forth and have him serve Mat: eat this Tuon!! In your face.  ;)

I'm afraid this will not happen, but it would have been nice.


But with Eggy in control of the Tower, i think the Horn will be dug up pretty soon. She knows it's in the Tower, right?


What do you guys think? Will we see the Horn soon, and what will they do with it?


I think we will and it will be revealed in Verins letter to Mat. I dont think it will be used in the  last battle though as the heroes of the horn were killed off by Slayer in the world of dreams(my opinion)


this has had to be discussed before, but anyone can sound it the horn now and be bound to it since mat died right? maybe not by the hanging but certainly from rahvins lightning ... or did rands balefire time travelling effects nullify rahvins 1.21 gigawatts bolt?


I agree Mat is still tied to Horn thanks to Balefire (stuff never happened that a balefired person did)

RJ also agreed Mat didn't die when he was hanged by Finns.


Seems a bit lame to use the Horn only for Falme, there should be some more uses for it. But since Mat will probably go into the Tower of Ghenji this book, he has no time to sound the Horn. Last book then, hopefully.


Maybe Perrin learning about Tel'aran'rhiod & his showdown with Slayer will save the Heroes tied to the Horn.


Siuan should know where the Horn is, and Egwene would be a fool not to ask her, so I'm pretty sure it'll be mentioned in ToM. Now, whether or not they could get it to Mat, I'm not sure (though he'll spend some 30 days in Caemlyn, so it should be possible).


As to whether Mat's still tied to the Horn, I think we don't know enough of how it works to decide either way. If it works similarly to human memory, then it should be 'aware' that Mat died regardless of Rand's use of BF. Nevertheless, almost everyone of note knows by now that Mat is linked to the Horn, so I wouldn't expect anyone else to try blowing it.


Siuan may know where she and Verin put the Horn back in TDR, but given the current scrambled internal georgraphy of the WT, it may not be so simple to find it now.


I don't think Siuan knows where it is.  I believe that Verin hid the Horn somewhere and told Siuan and the Black Ajah where it was then moved it a week or two later to a new hiding place that only she knew.  I believe she could do that without violating her oath not to betray the shadow as long as she did not tell anyone who was not a darkfriend what she had done.  It would explain Mat's letter.


I agree Mat is still tied to Horn thanks to Balefire (stuff never happened that a balefired person did)

RJ also agreed Mat didn't die when he was hanged by Finns.


May be a bit off topic, but the majority of folks seem to interpret this event both ways. Which should be.


First, they don't count it as dying with relation to the Horn (else Mat wouldn't be bound by it).


Second, they DO count it as dying in relation to the Finn's answer that Mat will die and live again. In that, Mat won't die again during the books (and subsequently live).


We'll, which is it? Can't have it both ways.



Guys, it doesn't matter if where Siuan thinks the Horn is turns out to be the current hiding place. Either way we'll hear from Egwene about it (I can't imagine her finding out that the Horn has been taken off-screen, or at least that she won't mention it afterwards).


Guys, it doesn't matter if where Siuan thinks the Horn is turns out to be the current hiding place. Either way we'll hear from Egwene about it (I can't imagine her finding out that the Horn has been taken off-screen, or at least that she won't mention it afterwards).

she will bring it to mat during the first big meeting in discussion of an alliance, mat will blow it and Artur Hawking will come up and be like WTF are you seanchan doing, you profess to follow me yet you treat people like animals, and have slaves?



Guys, it doesn't matter if where Siuan thinks the Horn is turns out to be the current hiding place. Either way we'll hear from Egwene about it (I can't imagine her finding out that the Horn has been taken off-screen, or at least that she won't mention it afterwards).

she will bring it to mat during the first big meeting in discussion of an alliance, mat will blow it and Artur Hawking will come up and be like WTF are you seanchan doing, you profess to follow me yet you treat people like animals, and have slaves?


Well, let's hope his Ishi-led hatred of Aes Sedai has passed too  ;D - Falme didn't show one way or the other...

Another thing - Are there ANY channelers amongst the hero's?




Guys, it doesn't matter if where Siuan thinks the Horn is turns out to be the current hiding place. Either way we'll hear from Egwene about it (I can't imagine her finding out that the Horn has been taken off-screen, or at least that she won't mention it afterwards).

she will bring it to mat during the first big meeting in discussion of an alliance, mat will blow it and Artur Hawking will come up and be like WTF are you seanchan doing, you profess to follow me yet you treat people like animals, and have slaves?


Well, let's hope his Ishi-led hatred of Aes Sedai has passed too  ;D - Falme didn't show one way or the other...

Another thing - Are there ANY channelers amongst the hero's?

LTT, I think channellers have less chance to get to be heros, because its easier for them with training and such. Lots of opportunity etc. Just a personnal feeling though



It's a nice idea, but a tad anti-climatic, isn't it? I mean, Mat sounds the Horn, thinking only of salvation, the mist rises, the Heroes ride down on it, ready and willing to fight the Shadow. Then Rand politely asks everyone other that Hawkwing to go back, then sets him hard at work on... negotiations with the Seanchan.


My hunch is Verin did something sneaky because she like few others seems to be out for the Light.  Others, most AS, including Egwene, seem to think of the AS position controlling not helping the Dragon.  Moiraine after the middle of tSR, Cadsuane, Nyneave andd I don't think anyone else.  Verin of the Black Ajah was Aes Sedai, what the words mean not what they've become.


i also believe the letter may speak of this....it may be hidden in camelyn....egwene and others in the books have proven the ter'angreal storeroom is easily penetrable...... he is tied to the horn , though....it has 2 be blown again.....what could be more important than THE LAST BATTLE??????


i hope he does anyway.......  nov. 2 here we come......


Well, its interesting that the Horn is never mentioned in the Karatheon cycles, but the inscription on the side seems to suggest it will be blown at TG.


With the way the Tower corridors are just randomly changing Verin would probably find it logical to hide it somewhere else, which is probably what's in the note.


the only mention of the horn and the prophecies together is that the horn will be found before TG, so technically it has no further role, but obvviously something willl happen with it


I think it may play a role in the Tower of Genjei. Or in helping resurrecting Rand.


More with the first one though. Has anyone read Browning's poem? Or King's series 'The Dark Tower'? A legend claims that a knight, a Child would rescue 3 brothers and a sister from the Dark Tower, carrying a horn and a sword.


On a totally different note, I want Rambo to be a Hero of the Horn.


I think it may play a role in the Tower of Genjei. Or in helping resurrecting Rand.


More with the first one though. Has anyone read Browning's poem? Or King's series 'The Dark Tower'? A legend claims that a knight, a Child would rescue 3 brothers and a sister from the Dark Tower, carrying a horn and a sword.


On a totally different note, I want Rambo to be a Hero of the Horn.

eh i wouldnt want rambo, I would rather a real person like Fidel Castro


got a question..........


in book 2 , artur hawkwing referred to rand as 'lews therin'..........


if rand died, would he or lews therin show up in tel'a'rhanriod(DUH!!).....


i know the dragon will appear, but who will it be?


the latest incarnation turns up.  Thers a quote from RJ about it, internet is slow, so i cant get it atm, but go onto theoryland's quote database and look under "heroes of the HOrn"


thanks barid!!!!


it gives me something to go on....rereadin now, on book 3, WOW its been awhile......and egwene wondered then if she was black ajah?????


god i hope this series ACTUALLY gets completed!!!



I think it may play a role in the Tower of Genjei. Or in helping resurrecting Rand.


More with the first one though. Has anyone read Browning's poem? Or King's series 'The Dark Tower'? A legend claims that a knight, a Child would rescue 3 brothers and a sister from the Dark Tower, carrying a horn and a sword.


On a totally different note, I want Rambo to be a Hero of the Horn.

eh i wouldnt want rambo, I would rather a real person like Fidel Castro


Nothing like naming a mass murder a hero.


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