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Who can Bond Asha'man


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I'll get Camigwen to bond Skechid, we ALL know he's the hottest Ashaman there is around. *nods firmly*


Okay, maybe not.


There REALLY aren't any other Ashaman tho. Skechid's the only unBonded one, and he won't be interested to Bond anyone. He told me that last night. While we were... *ahem* Nevermind. So... yeah. Not sure where we go with this.


Anyway... like I said before, Camigwen would probably be interested to Bond an Ashaman, if only so she can study the effects of a Bond with a male channeler. And the Taint and all that. Regalia is out. She won't do Tainted Ashaman. She's gonna do real Warder doods. Maybe a Wolfkin. Or the Creator. You know she's ambitious. *nods*

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Boopsie, I'm not asking you what your personal or character preferences are. I'm wanting a decision from you as Ajah Head on Yellow Ajah policy on this. Asap, please.

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The only reason I see Yellows doing this is to use it as a means of studying the physical aspects of Bonding a channeler. How it affects the mind and body of those Bondmates. *shrugs* And there DEFINITELY will be a few of us who will want it. Myself included. Unfortunately, there really isn't anyone to Bond with at the moment.


There MIGHT be a sudden influx of BTers, but they'd have to go thru the usual routine of being Promoted...etc. It's definitely not gonna happen anytime soon.


I like the rules and have no problems with them. My only concern is in terms of how the decision of who holds the Bonds and stuff are decided.


I already said it on the first page. The Yellows are open to either being Bonded or Bonding. The whole reason being we thirst for understanding of how such Bonds work. That's how the Yellows go about it. Experiencing it themselves and from there work out how to deal with the bad effects of it. I'm leaving it up to the Yellows if they wish to bond or be Bonded. I will not put a hard and fast rule up. However I am AGAINST any Yellows Bonding more than one Warder. It is just not in their personality. And there's no point us working with so many Warders. If se Bonds or is Bonded by an Ashaman she gives up the right to have a normal Warder, until she releases the Bond. And Yellows who already have a warder will not be allowed to Bond an Ashaman.


So for the Yellows... only one Warder either way.

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So far we have this (correct me if I misunderstood you) (and this is a rough draft - we can pretty up the language once we are agreed on the details):


Bonding Rules (data to be changed in this link:  http://whitetower.aliciawilkerson.com/?page_id=32):


No permission is required for an Aes Sedai to bond someone from the Warder's Yard, but in order for the bond to become official you must send an email of notification to the Division Leader with your handle and your warder’s name. This is for the purpose of record keeping and record keeping alone.

-Please note that your warder needs to contact his/her DL as well for this bond to be official.


A PSW Admin brought this to my attention a while ago, which should be added in: Always keep in mind that Dragonmount is a PG-13 site, and that romantic relationships are supposed to be approved by the DL.



To add for Bonding Asha'man:


It is preferable to first see if anyone from the Warder's Yard is available. Should none be, or none whom you wish to Bond, then you may approach the Black Tower. No Aes Sedai, except Reds, may bond more than 1 Asha'man. See individual Ajahs for other specific Rules.


Bear in mind that there should be a balance between Aes Sedai being bond holders, and Asha'man being bond holders.



Blue Blues are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Asha'man, but they must have 1 Warder before they can bond an Asha'man


Gray If a Gray wants to bond an Asha'man she must have bonded a warder already, and a good IC reason for wanting/needing a second warder.

Green Greens may bond up to 3 people, but only 1 of them may be an Asha'man ....

Red Reds may only bond Asha'man. She may bond up to 3.


Yellow Yellows are allowed to bond only 1 Warder OR 1 Asha'man.

then procedure:


If anyone other than a Red wants to bond an Asha'man, they have to apply to their Ajah Head, the WT DL, and the Warder DL. The Warder DL will have veto right.


Ok could each Head please post her official decision on this?

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Ummm...when did romantic relationships need DL approval? As in, when did this ruling come about? It was never ever a rule before when I was on DM. If it was changed in my absence no worries, but was it ever announced? If so, we shouldn't take it for granted that everyone knows this. I certainly didn't. It was always spelled out on the WT site that it wasn't common practice for Aes Sedai, that essentially saidar is more addictive than sex anyway, and that they belong to the tower and must put if first etc etc, but it was never ruled out as something you must have permission for first.


The only rules on the warder site basically says you can't have relationships that are unbalanced - ie trainee + guard, trainee + Aes Sedai, guard and novice etc - wait until you are both raised.


SO...I know this is slightly off topic but since I saw it it makes sense to clear it up. If it is a rule that you need DL approval, you'd also need to mention that to the warders and have all the rules match up. Same for the BT now I suppose. See where this is going? :)

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Ummm...when did romantic relationships need DL approval? As in, when did this ruling come about? It was never ever a rule before when I was on DM. If it was changed in my absence no worries, but was it ever announced? If so, we shouldn't take it for granted that everyone knows this. I certainly didn't. It was always spelled out on the WT site that it wasn't common practice for Aes Sedai, that essentially saidar is more addictive than sex anyway, and that they belong to the tower and must put if first etc etc, but it was never ruled out as something you must have permission for first.


The only rules on the warder site basically says you can't have relationships that are unbalanced - ie trainee + guard, trainee + Aes Sedai, guard and novice etc - wait until you are both raised.


SO...I know this is slightly off topic but since I saw it it makes sense to clear it up. If it is a rule that you need DL approval, you'd also need to mention that to the warders and have all the rules match up. Same for the BT now I suppose. See where this is going? :)

I can answer this... well I can't answer when the decison came down but the rest of it I can.


I actually found the relationship form on the Warders part of the Wiki site. Here is the link for that if you want to see it. http://digitalglitch.org/drpsw/index.php?title=Warder_Relationship_Form The form looks like it was made up in 2008. So the Warders anyway are ahead of the game since the Aes Sedai don't have such a form anywhere. Elgee also found a comment from a former RP admin and it said that the relationships needed to be approved.


So Elgee asked me to write up a form for it, which I have done. If you are currently in a relationship we decided that it would be odd for you to have to fill out the form, since neither Elgee or I was aware of this rule till the other day, so we are going to let the current ones slide. Elgee I believe was going to chat about this after the Asha'men thread was all figured out. Hopefully that answered your questions.


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  • 1 month later...

For White's I would say that they are allowed to bond one Warder or one Asha'man. If they wish to bond a Warder and an Asha'man they must have already bonded a warder in the past and have a good reason IC.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
So far we have this (correct me if I misunderstood you) (and this is a rough draft - we can pretty up the language once we are agreed on the details):


Bonding Rules


(data to be changed here: http://whitetower.al...com/?page_id=32 and here: http://whitetower.al...com/?page_id=26)


No permission is required for an Aes Sedai to bond someone from the Warder's Yard, but in order for the bond to become official you must send an email of notification to the Division Leader with your handle and your warder’s name. This is for the purpose of record keeping and record keeping alone.

-Please note that your warder needs to contact his/her DL as well for this bond to be official.


A PSW Admin brought this to my attention a while ago, which should be added in: Always keep in mind that Dragonmount is a PG-13 site, and that romantic relationships are supposed to be approved by the DL.



To add for Bonding Asha'man:


It is preferable to first see if anyone from the Warder's Yard is available. Should none be, or none whom you wish to Bond, then you may approach the Black Tower. No Aes Sedai, except Reds, may bond more than 1 Asha'man. See individual Ajahs for other specific Rules.


Bear in mind that there should be a balance between Aes Sedai being bond holders, and Asha'man being bond holders.



Blue Blues are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Asha'man, but they must have 1 Warder before they can bond an Asha'man

Brown Browns are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Ashaman but must have a warder before being allowed to bond an Ashaman and there must be a good reason IC for wanting to bond an Ashaman.

Gray If a Gray wants to bond an Asha'man she must have bonded a warder already, and a good IC reason for wanting/needing a second warder.

Green Greens may bond up to 3 people, but only 1 of them may be an Asha'man ....

Red Reds may only bond Asha'man. She may bond up to 3.

White Whites are allowed to bond one Warder or one Asha'man. If they wish to bond a Warder and an Asha'man they must have already bonded a warder in the past and have a good reason IC.

Yellow Yellows are allowed to bond only 1 Warder OR 1 Asha'man.

then procedure:


If anyone other than a Red wants to bond an Asha'man, they have to apply to their Ajah Head, the WT DL, and the Warder DL. The Warder DL will have veto right.


We only need the Black and Brown rules now - Eqwina and Myst?

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I like the Blues rule, so I'm stealing their idea.


Browns are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Ashaman but must have a warder before being allowed to bond an Ashaman and there must be a good reason IC for wanting to bond an Ashaman.





How are we going to monitor this?

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Added - thanks, Myst :biggrin:


The new database Mat is making for us will go a LONG way towards simplifying this, but until then, we're just going to have to post the rules, announce them, and bitch slap anyone who doesn't follow them.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry still need to add in there that Aes Sedai who have a Warder/Warders (either "normal" or Asha'man), may NOT be Bonded by an Asha'man. Ie if they want to bond one, they have to be the bondholder, or it would not be fair on their Warder.

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I'm ok with them having to come through us to bond one. It looks good to me. :) I always thought having to come up with a reason weeded out the "bored" folks from the "that would be awesome for X-character!" ;)

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Sorry still need to add in there that Aes Sedai who have a Warder/Warders (either "normal" or Asha'man), may NOT be Bonded by an Asha'man. Ie if they want to bond one, they have to be the bondholder, or it would not be fair on their Warder.


Good catch Elgee!


I like what I've read so far. I think it's fair that they have to provide us with a good reason in order to bond an Ashy.


I've been thinking about the Blues rule though. While I think it's good to have the Warder yard thought of first, I mean they are part of the WT and all, in my head, I think of the Blues a little differently. I think a Blue would just as soon bond an Asha'man as a Warder if it suits her cause. I think I would like the rule to be a Blue can be bonded to 1 AM and 1 Warder, in whatever order, but no more than that. For some reason I picture in my head her sending one of them off to do her bidding elsewhere and keeping the other to guard her arse *laughs*. They do still have to provide a good reason though.


But, regarding Elgee's comment above, that will throw a wrench into the bonding of multiple people, so the Sister must be careful who she bonds when and who does the bonding.

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Going once ... going twice ...



Bonding Rules


(data to be changed here: http://whitetower.al...com/?page_id=32 and here: http://whitetower.al...com/?page_id=26)


No permission is required for an Aes Sedai to bond someone from the Warder's Yard, but in order for the bond to become official you must send an email of notification to the Division Leader with your handle and your warder’s name. This is just for the purpose of record keeping.

-Please note that your warder needs to contact his/her DL as well for this bond to be official.


Always keep in mind that Dragonmount is a PG-13 site, and that romantic relationships are supposed to be approved by the DL.


To add for Bonding Asha'man:


  • Aes Sedai may either bond, or be bonded by an Asha'man. Bear in mind that there should be a balance between Aes Sedai and Asha'man being bond holders.
  • Aes Sedai who have a Warder/Warders (either "normal" or Asha'man), may NOT be bonded BY an Asha'man; ie if they want to bond an Asha'man, they have to be the bondholder.
  • No Aes Sedai, except Reds, may bond more than 1 Asha'man.
  • Reds who want to bond with an Asha'man (either as bonder, or bondee) have to apply to their Ajah Head and the BT GL.
  • All other Aes Sedai must apply to their Ajah Head, the BT and the Warder GLs, giving good IC reason.
  • The Warder GL may veto, if there are too many unbonded Warders, and the BT GL may veto if too many AS become bondholders as opposed to Asha'man.
  • An important fact to keep in mind is that the Bonding Weave used now by the Black Tower does NOT contain the strong compulsion component of the Watchers era or in the Books, though it does have a small bit more than the normal Aes Sedai Bond contains.

See individual Ajahs for other specific Rules.

Black Blacks fall in with the rules of their "original" Ajahs.

Blue Blues are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Asha'man.

Brown Browns are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Ashaman, but they must have 1 Warder before they can bond an Asha'man.

Gray Grays are allowed to bond 1 Warder + 1 Ashaman, but they must have 1 Warder before they can bond an Asha'man.

Green Greens may bond up to 3 people, but only 1 of them may be an Asha'man.

Red Reds may only bond Asha'man. She may bond up to 3.

White Whites are normally allowed to bond only 1 Warder OR 1 Asha'man. If they wish to bond a Warder and an Asha'man they must have already bonded a warder in the past and have a good reason IC.

Yellow Yellows are allowed to bond only 1 Warder OR 1 Asha'man.

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Little side note from the BT side.


Only Asha'man can hold a bond, but both Asha'man and Dedicated are available to be bonded.


Also, I've read over this thread, and talked with Elgee a bit, and it seems there's a little confusion over what the Asha'man bond entails. Specifically the compulsion factor.


There are two versions of the Asha'man bond. The first is their regular bond, used on wives and such, which functions more like a regular warder bond, compulsion aspect included. Incomplete, and heavy handed. The 'Watchers' bond is a modified version of the bond which specifically adds a heavy compulsion factor to the assist in control. It is not the version which will be used on future bonds.

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