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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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this has been the longest game i've ever modded ... normally my games don't last more than a few weeks or a month at the most.  i had expected this game to go maybe 2 months, with it lasting abotu 12 phases.    but i shoulda had shorter deadlines from the get go, plus the DM down times didn't help at all.


seemed like each time it switched a cycle DM would crash. 




Tues, July 27th @ 2pm CST or when all Night Actions have been recieved


[glow=blue,2,300]Diagon Alley[/glow] - 2

[glow=purple,2,300]Around London[/glow]- 2



Boopsy, Harry Potter has been killed via Avada Kedavera Curse




Thurs, July 29th @ 7am CST;


Vote Count


No Vote (4): Mottlee, Taei, Dah, Elli


Daigon Alley was choosen.



Oh, wonderful! That means we have at least one Death Eater around.... I'm going to vote [glow=red,2,300]Elli[/glow] at the moment.


Why pick on me, when I'm innocent and have been this whole game?


Personally, I think [glow=red,2,300]mottlee[/glow] may have been recruited. She's hardly said anything the last few phases except to give alignment readings. This makes her look active, while pretty much never saying anything incriminating. Rather convenient cover to hide under.


Not sure about Taei or Dah really.


Elli, Madam Pomfrey has been killed by the Gemino-Flarentay Curse  (aka crsued by very hot treasue which multiplys on touch)



Game Over!!  Congrads Town & Siblings Dah & Lia!!


let me get my notes together and i'll start posting the background stuff.  i'm goign to lock the thread until i have it finished :)  you may continue any discussions on the Dead Thread, until i have everythign posted :)


Anti-Town Role PM’s

Mod: Ed




Character: Cornelous Fudge

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Aust, Aemon, & Nea

Role: God Father


Role Description



You are responsible for submitting the NK on time via PM.  If viewed by the finder your alignment will view as Town.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Percy Weasley

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Tigs, Aemon & Nea

Role: Recruiter


Role Description


You have the ability to recruit one person at any point during the game.  Recruited players will retain their ability.  **This is a one-time use ability unless otherwise specified.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 





Character: Deloris Umbridge

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Tigs, Aust, & Nea

Role: Blocker


Role Description


You may PM the DM handle of one person each night phase and block their night action for that night.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 





Character: Rita Skeeter

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Tigs, Aust, & Aemon

Role: Framer


Role Description


You may PM the DM handle of one person each night phase and change their alignment for that night.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Argus Filch

Alignment: Mafia aligned Town

Mafia Team: Tigs, Aust, Aemon, & Nae

Role: Political Symp


Role Description


You win with the Ministry.  You also have the ability to stop 4 separate lynch attempts targeting any members of the Ministry.


You may view their QT board but not participate in the conversation, the link is provided above.





Character: Lord Voldemort (aka Tom Marvolo Riddle)

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Mynd, Rose, Wombat & Pookie

Role: Silver Tongue


Role Description


If a Lie Detector is present and views you, you are able to fool them.  You’re also responsible for submitting the NK via PM.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Bellatrix Lestrange

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Jeran, Rose, Wombat, & Pookie

Role: Cruciatus Curser Caster


Role Description


You’re able to freeze one person for an entire day cycle, this includes Day 1.  The frozen  person is not able to vote, post or perform an action during the day cycle they are frozen.  The spell wears off once night falls and the same person cannot be frozen back to back.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Severus Snape

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Jeran, Mynd, Wombat, & Pookie

Role: Usurper


Role Description


Your goal is to get the Voldemort lynched and survive until end game.  If you are successful, you will assume Voldemorts role.  You lose if Voldemort survives until end game.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 





Character: Lucuis Malfoy

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Jeran, Mynd, Rose & Pookie

Role: Imperious Curse Caster


Role Description


You choose one person each Day, to include Day 1, and the person chosen is blocked from doing their action.  Instead the Mafia gains control of their action for the corresponding Day or Night.  The spell wears off once next day breaks and the same person cannot be Imperio’d back to back


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Draco Malfoy

Alignment: Anti-Town

Team: Jeran, Mynd, Rose & Wombat

Role: Ninja


Role Description


So long as you are alive, your teams actions are immune to Trackers & Blockers.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 





Character: Fenrier Greyback

Alignment: Anti-Town

Role: Serial Killer Cultist


Role Description


You are immune to nk’s on Odd 3’d nights, and have the ability to kill once every cycle.  Your kill can be submitted either during the Day or Night. 


Every 4th Phase you have the option to either recruit or kill a person.  If you recruit the person you will turn them into a vanilla cult and assume their power as an immediate onetime use power.  You will also be given the link to a Cult QT Board to talk off thread with all recruited individuals.





Character: Peeves the Poltergeist

Alignment: Town

Role: Jester


Role Description


You win if you can get yourself lynched.  However, there are a few conditions.


You will turn into a Vinilla Townie and lose your solo-win condition if you Role/ Character Reveal; or if you confirm/deny accusations of your Role/Character made by other players in the game.




Town Group Role PM’s

Mod: Sarah


"The Crusher"


Character: Albus Dumbledore

Alignment: Town

Team: Marta, Jessi, & Taei

Role: Finder


Role Description


Every night phase you can view one person and learn their Alignment and, if they have a Night Action, who they targeted.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 




"Marta Sedai"


Character: Harry Potter

Alignment: Town

Team: Crusher, Jessi, & Taei

Role: Invisibility Cloak


Role Description


You have a 50/50 chance of escaping a nk every night.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Ron

Alignment: Town

Team: Crusher, Marta, & Taei

Role: Elder Wand


Role Description


Your role protects you from 1 lynch or nk.  This is a one time use ability that is enacted automatically, once you are disarmed (once it is used) you will become a Vinilla Mason.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Hermione (Hermy)

Alignment: Town

Team: Crusher, Marta, & Jessi

Role: Resurrection Stone


Role Description


You have the ability to bring 1 person back from the dead.  If you still retain the stone and are targeted for a lynch or nk, your ability will automatically resurrect you as a Vinilla Mason. 


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Mungdungus

Alignment: Town

Team-mate: Amadine

Role: Graveyard Robber


Role Description


The ‘Graveyard Robber’ is a one time use role.  Anytime during the game you can pick a dead person and assume their role at 100%.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Sirius Black

Alignment: Town

Team-mate: Thorum

Role: Animungus


Role Description


Each night you transform into Sirius’s animungus form, giving you a 50% chance of evading a Dementor Attack.


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: Fred Weasley

Alignment: Town

Sibling: Summer

Role: Sibling 1


Role Description


You share the ability to assign a PR to one person for a single Day Cycle with George, you may not assign a PR to the same person for 2 consecutive Days. If George is killed, you cannot post for the corresponding Day Cycle but you will retain the ability to hand out the PR and is issued a special ability. 


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 






Character: George Weasley

Alignment: Town

Sibling: Lia

Role: Sibling 2


Role Description


You share the ability to assign a PR to one person for a single Day Cycle with Fred, you may not assign a PR to the same person for 2 consecutive Days. If Fred is killed, you cannot post for the corresponding Day Cycle but you will retain the ability to hand out the PR and is issued a special ability. 


You are able to chat off thread with your team mates on the designated QT board, the link is provided above. 




Town Role PM’s

Mod: Red




Character: Mad-Eye Moody

Alignment: Town

Role: Triple Shot


Role Description


Every night you pm me the DM handle of one person and whether you wish to Protect, Block, or Track that person.






Character: Remus Lupin

Alignment: Town

Role: FBI Agent


Role Description


Every night you pm me the DM handle of one person to view and I will inform you whether or not they are the Serial Killer






Character: Kingsly Schaklebolt

Alignment: Town

Role: Demi-God


Role Description


There is a list of 14 one use abilities, each night you pm me a number 1 through 14 and I will inform you of which ability you received for that night.


Once a # is chosen, it cannot be chosen again and the ability has to be used that night otherwise it is forfeited,






Character: Neville Longbottom

Alignment: Town

Role: Martyr


Role Description


You have the ability to sacrifice yourself for a person.  You PM me at the start of each Day Phase with a the DM Handle of the person you wish to protect from a Lynch or NK.


If the person you’re protecting is targeted for either a lynch or nk then you will die instead and a special condition will be unlocked for you.






Character: Ollivander

Alignment: Town

Role: Time Turner


Role Description


You have the ability to restart a Day Cycle at any point via Pming me before the lynch is made.  This is a One time use ability.






Character: Maddam Pomfrey

Alignment: Town

Role: Healer


Role Description


You’re able to protect one person each night cycle.  PM me with the DM Handle of the person you wish to protect




"Wayward_fool "


Character: Hagrid

Alignment: Town

Role: Bodyguard


Role Description


You choose one person each Night. If that person is targeted for a nk, you will kill the individual submitting the nk.






Character: Luna Lovegood

Alignment: Town

Role: Undertaker


Role Description


Upon the death of any player, I’ll PM you their Character Name, Alignment and Role.






Character: Arthur Weasley

Alignment: Town

Role: Day Finder


Role Description


You PM me the DM handle of one person each Day , including Day 1, and will receive a 75% chance of an accurate viewing of alignment.




"Blig Blog"


Character: Stan Shumpike

Alignment: Town

Role: Day Commuter


Role Description


You can choose to leave the game during the beginning of each Odd Day Cycle (including Day 1).  Your vote and ability to gain powers that day will be forfeited if you commute, but you will be unlynchable and immune to traps for that day. 


However they may still talk on the thread and can still answer questions in association with the Felix Felicous prize, yet once the choice to commute is made it cannot be unmade.






Character: Fluer

Alignment: Town

Role: Beloved Princess


Role Description


If you’re nk’d, all night actions are negated and game progresses onto the next Day; if you’re Lynched the next night cycle is skipped.






Character: Sybill Trelawney

Alignment: Town

Role: Tracker


Role Description


PM me the DM handle of one person and you’ll learn who that person targeted for the night.






Character: Flitwick

Alignment: Town

Role: Bodyguard


Role Description


Choose a person each Day, to include Day 1, and you have a 75% chance of preventing that person from being lynched.






Character: Sprout

Alignment: Town

Role: Doubler


Role Description


Each Day you pick one person and double their ability for that Phase.  You may also double yourself and pick two people 4 cycles after the last self-doubling.




"Charis al'Aslan"


Character: Viktor Krum

Alignment: Town

Role: Bomb


Role Description


If you’re chosen for a nk, you’ll kill the person submitting the NK upon your death.


If you’re chosen for a Lynch, you’ll kill the hammer on your vote.






Character: Collin Creevy

Alignment: Town

Role: Watcher


Role Description


PM me the DM Handle one person each night.  If the person you are watching is killed, then you snap a photo of them and are told who submitted the nk. 


The Photo will be left with the body come morning. 






Character: Aberforth Dumbledore

Alignment: Town

Role: Lie Detector


Role Description


PM me a quote each night of the following day phase from a single person to learn if what they is said is true or false.


•Please bold the sentence you wish to be checked.

•100% accuracy to the Mods best ability.

•If you reveal, you will lose your power; if players guess your role your accuracy will decrease by 25%.






Character: Molly Weasley

Alignment: Town

Role: Backup Role


Role Description


You have a back-up role.  Once the person with the original role dies, you role will be activated.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ once activated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

RE: Congratulations! Your role has been activated.


Character: Molly Weasley

Alignment: Town

Role: Healer


Role Description


PM me the DM Handle of 1 person every night and you will protect them from a NK





Character: Ginny Weasley

Alignment: Town

Role: Backup Role


Role Description


You have a back-up role.  Once the person with the original role dies, you role will be activated.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ once activated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Re: Congratulations! Your role has been activated.


Character: Ginny Weasley

Alignment: Town

Role: Undertaker


Role Description


Upon the death of any player, I’ll PM you their Character name, Alignment and Role.


Below is the information that the previous Undertaker has received.





Character: Minerva McGonagall

Alignment: Town

Role: Backup Role


Role Description


You have a back-up role.  Once the person with the original role dies, you role will be activated.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ once activated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


RE: Congratulations! Your role has been activated.


Character: Minerva McGonagall

Alignment: Town

Role: Finder


Role Description


Every night phase you can view one person and learn their Alignment via PMing me their DM Handle.






Character: Cedric Diggory

Alignment: Town

Role: Double Voter


Role Description


You have two votes you can place on any lynch.  One vote will be a public vote, a normal vote.  The 2nd vote is private, you must PM me the DM handle of any player still alive before the Lynch is made that day; otherwise you forfeit that Day’s 2nd vote.  Your name will not be added to the list of voters for the private vote.




Scene Changes


1. Hogwarts Great Hall



•OWL Testing


Abilities & traps


1. Snape’s Task - player must pick a bottle below.




Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind.  Two of us will help you, whichever you would find.  One among us 7 will double your needs for the phase & another will make you a watchmaker for an entire day.  2 among our number hold only harmless things, the last 3 are dangers waiting hidden to deceive.  Choose at your peril unless your courage falters, to help you in your choice we give you these 4 helpers.


1. However slyly the danger tries to hide, it prefers to be on the left of that which is harmless.

2. Different are both who stand on either end, but if you would be doubled neither is your friend.

3. As you see clearly all are different size, neither dwarf nor giant holds danger in their insides.

4. the 2nd left & the 2nd on the right are twins once you taste them though different at first sight


1. lose ability for a day/night 

2. Butterbeer 

3. double voter or double ability gained

4. gain a PR

5. frozen for half a day cycle 

6. butterbeer

7. watchmaker abilitiy


2. PR: Sorting Hat Bewitchment – player must post a haiku in each post


3. Marauders Map – One-time Tracker Ability, expires once the cycle ends.  Doubles the ability if given to Moony or Padfoot.


4. Vk: Cursed Necklace – if touched by bare skin, results in an immediately painful and convulsive death


5. Trick Wand – given as a ‘present’ from one person to another (restrict NA). given to a player to "cast" on another player of their choice during the night phase preventing them from doing their Night action or makes their night action "faulty" in some way.


2. Hogwarts Common Rooms







Abilities & Traps


1. PR: Love Trick Chocolate – user is given a chocolate made by F&G, upon eating it, the person is overcome with the urge to say the words "in bed" at the end of every sentence. for the corresponding day phase, user must post "in bed" at the end of every sentence in their posts.


2. VK: Crumplehorned Snorkaxe – very unstable item which blows up if dropped.


3. Marauders Map – One-time Tracker Ability, expires once the cycle ends.  Doubles the ability if given to Moony or Padfoot.


4. Enhancement Elixer (Anti-Town) – boosts the NA.  Allows NK (if effected) to penetrate all healing defenses


5. Shield Charm (Town) – blocks all negative NA’s. all except DE NK



3. Hogwarts Classrooms







Abilities & Traps


1. PR: Dunce Potion – your potion blows up in your face, yet again. Snape decides to make you drink a potion he's dubbed the "Neville Longbottom" which causes you to respond in utter gibberish in each post.


2. Marauders Map – One-time Tracker Ability, expires once the cycle ends.  Doubles the ability if given to Moony or Padfoot.


3. Peruvian Darkness Powder - makes a person able to escape a lynch for the day its given or being target by 1 night action (first night action if targeted by more than one person)


4. Hand of Glory – allows the holder immunity to the effects of the Peruvian Darkness Powder.


5. VK: Basilisk Venom – a quick acting snake venom that is very poisonous. 



4. Explore the castle


•Room of Requirements

•Astronomy Tower


•Filches Office


Abilities & Traps


1. PR: Umbridge Hex – entire post must be in pink colored font and include the exact line "I must not tell lies".


2. VK: Fiend Fyre – a fire which consumes all and turns it to ash, it is uncontrollable and the flames themselves take the form and vicious monsters (Snakes, Chimera’s, Dragons, Spiders, ect)


3. Chief Mischief Maker – ability to hand out one pre-determined PR listed below to a poster of their choice (rebounds to the giver if they choose one of the twins, Padfoot or Moony)


Peeves - player must refer to people as "ickle wittle" when talking to them and blow raspberries and throw things at people in every post. in otherwise, must act annoying and chaos chaos (jester like symptoms)


4. Marauders Map – One-time Tracker Ability, expires once the cycle ends.  Doubles the ability if given to Moony or Padfoot.


5. Amulet - protects the person once from Greyback's bite. (works against both the recruitment bite and killing bite)



5. Hogwarts Grounds


•Hagrids Hutt





Abilities & Traps


1. PR: Lockheart Cures – player must sign & hand out autographs to the people they post after.


2. VK: Devil’s Snare – a plant which strangles the person to death, the faster you struggle the harder it constricts


3. Maurader’s Map – One-time Tracker Ability, expires once the cycle ends.  Doubles the ability if given to Moony or Padfoot


4. Elixer of Life (town) – resurrection ability for day, will be revived Next Day


5. Daydream Charm (anti-town) - freezing a person for half the day. or maybe it's given to a player to "cast" on another player of their choice during the night phase preventing them from doing their Night action.



6. Forbidden Forest


Abilities & Traps


1. Horocruxe – player must answer question correctly and will be reivied from one lynch or nk.


"How many does Voldemort have, & what are they?"


7. Diary, Resurrection Ring / Gaunt Ring, Slytherins Locket, Hufflepuffs Cup, Ravenclaw's Diadem, Nagini, & Harry Potter


2. PR: Quirrell Jinx – player must talk with a sever stutter


3. VK: Acromantula – user is dragged off and consumed by Arogog’s decidents.


4. Decoy Detenator (only to the groups) - group is protected from a lynch or nk


5. Amulet - protects the person once from Greyback's bite. (works against both the recruitment bite and killing bite)



7. Hogsmead Village


•Honeydukes sweet shop

•Zonkos’s joke shop

•Three Broomsticks



Abilities & Traps


1. VK: Rosemerta’s Mead – a nasty poison which causes the drinkers tongue to swell and them to suffocate


2. PR: Winky – must act drunk, cry over being dismissed and pine after your old master.


3. Love Sick - a chocolate that is filled with a strong love potion. Person gives it to another player and they become “Lovers” and retain their abilities.


4. Enhancement Potion (Anti-Town) – boosts the NA.  Allows NK (if effected) to penetrate all healing defenses


5. Shield Charm (Town) – blocks all negative NA’s. all except DE NK



8. Diagon Alley




•Leaky Cauldron

•Borgin & Burkes


Abilities & Traps


1. VK: Gemino-Flarentay Curse – a cursed treasure which is very hot to the touch and multiplies if touched.  Person is burned and crushed to death


2. PR: SPEW (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) - user must preach the greatness of SPEW and complaining about the mistreatment of house elfs, as well as try to convert others to SPEW.


3. Extendable ear – track ability


4. Daydream Charm – given as a gift, freezies a person for half the day.


5. Amulet - protects the person once from Greyback's bite. (works against both the recruitment bite and killing bite)



9.Ministry – Atrium


•Auror Office

•Office of the Minister

•Improper use of Magic

•Detection & confiscation of spells & objects

•Office of misinformation

•Apparition test center


Abilities & Traps


1. VK: Bella’s Dagger - a dagger flings through the air and stabs the person in the back


2. Taboo’d - persons to speak the name Voldemort will have their power revealed to the DE's.


3. PR: Wizard’s Fear - must use either "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "You-Know-Who" in every post


4. Shield Charm (Anti-Town) – blocks all Investigative NA’s.  Prevents DD from seeing Character.


5. Enhancement Potion (Town)– boosts the NA to penetrate all defenses



10. Ministry – Dept of Mysteries


•Hall of prophecies

•Death chamber

•Thought chamber

•Time chamber

•Love chamber


Abilities & Traps


1. Vk: Death Veil – user is pushed through a curtain and never seen again


2. Hall of Prophecy – group is told something about the game & its mechanics


3. Time Turner – Watchmaker ability


4. PR: Thought Chamber – player can’t talk on the thread, they can only talk by acting out thoughts and body language for a response.



11. Godrics Hallow


•Bagshot’s house


•Potter House/memorial


Abilities & Traps


1. VK: The Grim – a person see’s this and dies from a heart attack 


2. PR: Dursley’s Rudeness – due to bad manners, a cup of madam Romserta's best Mead will follow you around for the rest of the day, knocking you on the head due to your refusal to drink. each of your posts for the remainder of the day must reflect this


3. Polyjuice Potion – lynch immunity.


4. Shield Charm (Town) – blocks all negative NA’s. all except DE NK


5. Amulet (Town) - protects the person once from Greyback's bite. (works against both the recruitment bite and killing bite)



12. Little Hangleton


•Gaunt House


•Riddle Manor


Abilities & Traps


1. VK: Silver Hand – causes the users right hand to turn silver and strangle themselves


2. PR: Dobby – player must hold Harry potter in high esteem and talk of themselves in the 3rd person. they must praise and adore harry potter in each post


3. Veritaserum - Lie Detector Ability


4. Enhancement Potion (Anti-Town) – boosts the NA.  Allows NK (if effected) to penetrate all healing defenses


5. Spell-O Tape - given as a ‘present’ from one person to another (restrict NA). given to a player to "cast" on another player of their choice during the night phase preventing them from doing their Night action or makes their night action "faulty" in some way.


13. Around London


•The Burrow

•The Cave


•St. Mungos

•Malfoy manor

•Grimauld Place


Abilities & Traps


1. VK: Nefeari – a dead body, re-animated by very dark magic


2. PR: Longbottom Malady – player must hand out bumble gum wrappers


3. Music Box - in your attempt to help clean Grimauld Place you unearth a music box which makes you drowsy and weakens your ability for the cycle. **accuracy of ability decreased by 1/2**


4. Extendable ears - track ability


5. Shield Charm (Anti-Town): blocks all Investigative NA’s.  Prevents DD from seeing Character.





Town Groups




1. Dumbledore – Elite Finder – pm’s mod 1 persons DM handle every night cycle to learn the alignment & who they target.

•Protected from being recruited or imperio’d.  

•Recruit attempt will only be denied; recruiter will retain recruiting ability but will not be informed of why the recruitment failed.

•Caster of the imperio curse will be frozen for one entire day cycle.


2. Harry - Invisibility Cloak – 50/50 chance of escaping a nk.


3. Ron - Elder Wand – is protected from one day lynch or night kill.  This is a one use ability.  Once used they are disarmed and become a vanilla player.


4. Hermy - Resurrection Stone - has the ability to bring one person who has been killed back to life.  If she is nk’d or lynched before using this power, resurrection ability will automatically be used on her.  This is a one use ability and person resurrected will lose their power and return to their original team.




5. Fred - Sibling 1 – If George is killed, Fred cannot post for the corresponding Day Cycle but you will retain the ability to hand out the PR and is issued a special ability**.  If one is recruited, then both are recruited. They share the ability to assign a PR to one person for a single Day Cycle, they may not assign a PR to the same person for 2 consecutive Days.


6. George - Sibling 2 – If Fred is killed, George cannot post for the corresponding Day Cycle, but you will retain the ability to hand out the PR and is issued a special ability**.  If one is recruited, then both are recruited. They share the ability to assign a PR to one person for a single Day Cycle, they may not assign a PR to the same person for 2 consecutive Days.


** Vengeful Retribution - the surviving twin is issued 4 vig kills to be used at any time. if one of those kills hit the person who killed the first sibing, then the remaining Vig kills are negated and the Siblings obtain a Solo Win. However, if all 4 vig kills miss, then the remaining sibling commits suicide.




7. Cedric - Lover 1 – immune to day lynches. If Cho is nk’d, Cedric will be killed as well.  If one is recruited, then both are recruited.


8. Cho - Lover 2 – immune to night kills. If Cedric is nk’d, Cho will be killed as well.  If one is recruited, then both are recruited.




9. Sirius – Animungus Miller – when viewed, shows an anti-town alignment.  Each night he takes his animungus form, this gives him a 50% chance of evading a nk from the Ministry.


10. Mundungus – Graveyard Robber Miller – when viewed, he shows an anti-town alignment.  The ‘Graveyard Robber’ is a one time use role.  Anytime during the game he can pick a dead person and assume their role at 100%. If person is resurrected after Dung has stolen their role, the resurrected person comes back as a vinilla.




11. Moody - Triple-Shot – every night they pm mod the DM handle of one person whether they wish to Protect, Block, or Track the person chosen.


12. Lupin - FBI Agent – pm’s mod the DM handle of one person each Night Cycle inquiring if that person is the SK Cult Leader.  If they find the SK then the SK is turned into a vanilla townie, recruited people return as vanillas to their groups (if applicable) and the FBI Agent wins.  FBI Agent will plays as vanilla townie in game and game continues until Town and/or A mafia group wins.


13. Kingsly - Demi God – they have a list of 14 one use abilities, though the user doesn’t know which ability corresponds to which #.  Each night they pm the mod a number 1 through 14 and are told which ability they have received.  Once a # is chosen, it cannot be chosen again and chosen ability has to be used that night cycle otherwise the ability is forfeited, with the exception of #12 & #13.


1.Finder – learns the alignment of one person.

2.Healer – able to protect 1 person, including themselves, from a nk.

3.Blocker – picks one person and blocks their night action.

4.Tracker – picks one person and see’s who they target for the night.

5.Thief – able to steal a persons night action for one night.

6.Doubler – doubles anyone’s ability he picks, excluding himself.

7.Vig – given a choice between remaining a Demi-God or being turned into a Vig.  # of kills = # of choices left.

8.Commuter – can choose to leave during that night or the following day phase.  If chosen at night, he will be immune to all night actions directed at him; if chosen for the Day, * same as Stan.

9.Lie Detector –. * same as Aberforth.

10.Reviver – able to bring one player back to life, player retains alignment but the revived player loses their power.

11.Triple-Shot *same as moody.

12.Phoenix – brings user back to life if he is nk’d or lynched yet he becomes a vanilla townie.

13.Amulet – gives immunity to one attack by Greyback.

14.Memory Loss – your memory is wiped clean and you become a vanilla townie.


14. Neville - Martyr – has the ability to sacrifice themselves for a person.  This person pm’s the mod at the start of each Day Phase with a name if they wish.  If the person they choose is targeted for either a day lynch or nk then they will die instead.   However, what isn’t told to the player is this:


•If they are sacrificed then they will be resurrected.  

•If they protected a mafia, then they will come back as a member of that mafia team.

•If the person was an innocent, they would return as an innocent.

•If the person was a cult member, they would become part of the cult.

•If the person they are protecting leads a lynch against them, and they are lynched; the Martyr then turns suicidal and takes him/her out with him.  Ex:  John is sacrificing himself for Jane, but Jane leads a lynch against him and succeeds; John kills Jane and then himself.

•If they are lynched or nk’d then they are not resurrected.

•Nothing happens to the Martyr if the person chosen has an immunity to being killed at that time.


15. Ollivander - Time Turner – has the ability to restart a Day Cycle at any point before the lynch is made.  This is a One time use ability.


16. Pomfrey – Elite Healer – healer is able to protect themselves and one person each night.  The healer also blocks all actions directed at or attempted by the protected person unless the ability is assisted by a special item.  Unknown to healer is:

•Roblocker ability

•Healers own immunity

•Why their protection failed

•DE nk’s are immune to Healers protection; if healer is targetd then both themselves and the player being protected will die.


17. Hagrid - Elite Body Guard – chooses one person each Night Cycle. If that person is targeted for a nk, the bodyguard will kill the individual submitting the nk; yet there will be a 65% chance of the Bodyguard being killed as well.

•unknown to the player, if he is nk'd the person he is protecting has a 25% chance of being killed as well


18. Luna - Undertaker – upon the death of any player, they are pm’d the alignment and role.


19. Arthur - Day Finder - pm’s mod the DM handle of one person each Day cycle, including Day 1, and they receive a 75% chance of an accurate viewing of alignment.


20. Stan – Day Commuter – he can choose to leave the game during the beginning of each Odd Day Cycle (including Day 1).  Their vote and ability to gain powers will be forfeited, but they will be unlynchable and immune to traps and vig kills for that day.  However they may still talk on the thread, yet once the choice to commute is made it cannot be unmade.


21. Fluer - Beloved Princess – if she is nk’d, all night actions are negated and game progresses onto Day; if she is Lynched the next night cycle is skipped.


22. Sybill - Tracker – PM’s mod the DM handle of one person and learns who that person targeted for the night.


23. Flitwick - Bodyguard – Chooses a person each day cycle, to include Day 1, and has a 75% chance of preventing the person they are protecting from being lynched.

•unknown to the player, if he is lynched the person he is protecting has a 25% chance of being killed as well


24. Sprout- Doubler –  picks one person and doubles their ability for that cycle.  They can double their selves 4 cycles after the last self-doubling.


25. Krum – Bomb – if this person is chosen for a nk, he will kill the person submitting the nk upon his death.


26. Creevy - Watcher – Picks one person each night and watches them.  If the person they are watching is killed, then the watcher snaps a photo of them and is told who submitted the nk.  

•Unknown to player, this excludes any DE nk’s while Draco is still a Ninja.


27. Aberforth - Lie Detector – PM a quote each night of the following day phase from a single person to learn if what is said is true or false.


•Please bold the sentence you wish to be checked.

•100% accuracy to the Mods best ability.

•If you reveal, you will lose your power; if players guess your role your accuracy will decrease by 25%.


28. Cedric – Double Voter – 1st vote is made public via normal day voting.  2nd vote is made privately via submitting a PM to the mod with the DM Handle of the person they wish to cast their 2nd vote for.  # of votes on the person will increase visibly on the thread vote count.

•If they are frozen, they may still submit their 2nd vote.


29. Molly - Alt Healer – receives ability upon Pomfrey’s death; ability is reduced to only being able to protect one person per night from only nk’s.


30. Ginny - Alt Undertaker – receives ability upon Lunas death, they also receive all information Luna has been given thus far.


31. Minerva - Alt Finder – receives ability upon DD’s death; ability is reduced to only learning a characters alignment.





Ministry – Night Kill will be the Dementor’s Kiss.


1. Fudge – God Father –  If viewed he will come up as innocent. Responsible for submitting nk via PM.


2. Percy - Recruiter – has the ability to recruit one player during the game, this can be done during any phase.  Recruited player retains their role/ability.  This is a one use ability.


3. Umbridge – Blocker – picks one person and blocks their action for that phase.


4. Skeeter - Framer – picks one person and changes their alignment for that night.


5. Filch – Political Symp – wins with the Ministry Mafia and may view their QT board but not participate in the conversation; the Mafia isn’t informed of the Symps presence.  He also has the ability to stop 4 separate lynch attempts targeting members of this Mafia; on the 4th time, he will be lynched instead.



Death Eaters – Night Kill will be the Avada Kedavera Curse.


1. Voldy – Silver Tongue – He is able to fool the Lie Detector. Responsible for submitting nk via PM.

•Voldemort is un-recruitable.  If a recruit attempt is made on him, the recruiter will be killed and Voldemort will obtain the ability to recruit one person to the DE’s.


2. Bella - Freezer – able to freeze one person for an entire day cycle, this includes Day 1.  This person is not able to vote, post or perform an action during the day cycle they are frozen.  The spell wears off once night falls and the same person cannot be frozen back to back.


3. Snape - Usurper – his goal is to get the God Father lynched and survive.  Assumes God Fathers role if they are successful. He loses if the God Father survives.


4. Lucuis - Imperio – chooses one person each day, to include Day 1, and the person chosen is blocked from doing their action.  Instead the Mafia gains control of their action for the corresponding Day or Night.  The spell wears off once next day breaks and the same person cannot be Imperio’d back to back.


5. Draco - Ninja – so long as Draco lives his team is immune to Trackers and Blockers.  Draco is also immune to the Hider.



Cult/Serial Killer


1. Greyback - This is like a normal SK with one condition.


• Immune to nk on odd #’d nights.

• Able to kill every 1 time Cycle (either during the day or night phase).

• If viewed alignment comes back as anti-town.

• MO: throat ripped out.



However, every 4th Cycle he has the option to forgo a kill in return for the ability to recruit a targeted player.  


• Player is linked to him and dies if Greyback dies.

• Recruited player loses their ability; instead Greyback assumes their ability as a one time use ability to be used immediately when the player is recruited.

• Recruitment will happen during the night phase.





1. Peeves – he is a solo winner with a town alignment when viewed.  He wins if he is able to get lynched; however if he role/character reveals, or if the town guesses his role/character and he confirms or denies the accusation he will become a vanilla townie and lose his solo win condition.  



Effects of Being Doubled


1. DD – able to view 2 people.

2. Harry – 100% chance of escaping all nk’s.

3. Ron – protection extends to that night and the corresponding day.

4. Hermy – freebee resurrection ability.

5. F&G – able to give two separate PR’s to 2 separate people.

6. Lovers – immunity extends to corresponding cycle depending on which one is doubled.

7. Sirius – 100% ability to escape Ministry nk.

8. Dung – able to choose one dead person and use their role as a onetime use ability.

9. Moody – able to choose 2 people.

10. Lupin – able to choose 2 people.

11. Kingsly – able to choose 2 #’s.

12. Neville – able to protect 2 people.

13. Ollivander – can only be doubled once, allows them to reset two days.

14. Pomfrey – able to protect 2 people.

15. Hagrid – 100% survival chance if person they’re protecting is targeted.

16. Arthur – 100% accurate reading and is informed of it’s accuracy.

17. Stan – can choose to take someone on his next commute.

18. Sybill – choose 2 people.

19. Flitwick – 100% ability to prevent the lynch.

20. Sprout – doubles 2 people.

21. Creevy – watches 2 people.

22. Aberforth – can choose 2 people the next phase.

23. Cedric – is able to cast a 2nd private vote.

24. Molly  – (Pomfrey alive) one time protection abilty.

          -(Pomfrey dead) protect 2 people.

25. Minerva  - (DD alive) one time finders abilty.

            - (DD dead) veiw 2 people.

26. Fudge – nk two people.

27. Percy – freebee recruit ability.

28. Voldy – nk two people.

29. Bella – prevents person frozen from using their night action.

30. Lucius – allows mafia to direct the imperio’d persons vote choice.

31. Greyback – freebee recruit or kill.



Action Tracker


Day 1 – Platform 9 & ¾’s & Hogsmead Trainstation

•VK (100th Post): Might of the Ministry – Thorum => Wolfie


Verbal – Verbal

Dah’mir – Mynd => True Alignment

Thorum – DV Mynd

Mynd – Locke

Wombat – Danya => received Time Turner ability


No Day Action Submitted – Adella & BligBlog


Day 1 Game Info

•Mottlee’s back up Under Taker role is activated; Koujin is Mod Killed

•Wolfie replaces Jessi

•Thorum assumes Double Voter Role.

•Wombat uses Time Turner to reset Day  

•Danya  replaces Summer and becomes George; Summer becomes Ollivander and is Mod Killed.


Day 1 (Re-Boot)


Verbal – Verbal

Dah’mir – Charis => False Alignment

Wombat – Aust => received recruit ability; recruited Aust & failed.


No Day Action Submitted – Adella, BligBlog, Thorum & Mynd


Night 1


Ministry NK – Marta (failed due to invisibility cloak)

DE NK - Aust

SK NK – Mynd (Failed due to Healers Protection)


Crusher – Mynd (blocked)

Lia/Summer – Tayla


Let's go with Tayla. If we're supposed to pick the PR as well let's have her Rhyme like the Sorting Hat.


Player – Track Mynd (blocked)

Dar – Mynd (blocked) & Pete

Pete – #6: Doubled Dar

Elli - Mynd

Som1 - Mynd

Meesh – Adella: Truth

I have no connection to Wombat, or any other player, in this game


Nae – Mynd (blocked)

Aemon – Pankh


No Night Action Submitted - Locke & Rojano


Night 1 Game info

•Austs recruit ability is transferred to Tigs; will expire by end of Day 2.



Day 2 – Hogwarts Great Hall

•Snape’s Task: Verbal => #3 Black: DV Ability

•PR: Sorting Hat Bewitchment - Mynd

•Marauders Map: Charis =>

•VK (700th Post): Cursed Necklace – Dah => Mynd

•Trick Wand: Player => n/a


Verbal – Verbal (Martyr) &  n/a (DV)

Dah’mir – Aemon => True Alignment

Wombat – Krak (SK) => Dah

Mynd - Dar


No Day Action Submitted - Thorum, Adella, Pankh, & Lia


Day 2 Game info

•Pankh receives Day Commuter role from BligBlog

•Boopsy replaces Marta

•Dah replaces Danya

•Charis receives Back-Up Finder role from Nyn

•Tigs recruits Alanna; Alanna forfeits solo-win condition

•Lia receives DV ability

•Verbal receives DV ability via “Snapes Task”


Night 2


Ministry NK – Meesh

DE NK – Amadine


Crusher –  Nae

Dar –  Verbal

Pete – #11: Tiple-Shot => Track Aemon (Blocked)

Elli - Pete

Meesh –  Aemon: Lieing


Charis was innocent. I am innocent. Why do you want to lynch an uncontested revealed character_ I think you are just trying to take out as many innocents as possible.


Nae – Aemon

Aemon – Meesh

Locke – Aemon


No Night Action Submitted –  Lia/Dah, Player, Som1, & Rojano


Day 3 – Hogwarts Common Rooms

•PR: Love Trick Chocolate - Pookie

•VK (1100th post): Erumpant Horn – Locke =>Aemon

•Marauders Map: Boopsy => Pete

•Enhancement Elixer: Alanna

•Shield Charm: Adella


Verbal –  Aemon (Martyr) & Aemon (DV)

Wombat – Alanna

Thorum – Aemon

Tayla – Aemon


No Day Action Submitted – Adella, Pankh, & Lia


Day 3 Game info

•Tayla prevented Lynch on Aemon

•Verbal sacrificed himself for Aemon via VK; assumed Anti-Town alignment & Aemons Role.


Night 3


Ministry NK – Boopsy

DE NK – Adella


Crusher – Elli

Dar –  Elli

Pete – #3: Blocker -> Boopsy (blocked)

Elli - Pete

Nae – Pete (blocked)

Verbal –  Pete (blocked)

Locke – Boopsy

Lia/Dah –  Wombat


Let's do Wombat and let's say he must begin and end each post with a Disney lyric. ;D


Player – Track Krak


No Night Action Submitted: Krak, Rojano, & Som1.


Day 4 – Hogwarts Grounds

•PR: Lockheart Curse => Dah

•VK (1250th post): Devils Snare – Charis => Nae

•Marauders Map: Dar => Pankh & Tayla

•Elixer of Life (Town): Crusher => Boopsy

•Day Dream Charm (Anti-Town): Krak => n/a


Wombat – Krak


No Day Action Submitted: Verbal, Thorum, Pankh & Lia  


Day 4 Game info

•Wombat recruited Krak.

•Crusher revived Boopsy, Boopsy is turned vanilla mason.


Night 4


Ministry NK – Locke

DE NK – Charis


Crusher – Rose

Dar –  Tayla

Elli - Elli

Verbal –  Charis

Locke – Player

Lia/Dah –  Charis


Alright. I'm going to give the PR to Charis. And the PR is that she has to post in every sentence that she looks like she is munching on Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans.  :P *is making self hungry*


Player – Protect Boopsy


No Night Action Submitted: Rojano, & Som1.


Day 5 – Forbidden Forest

•PR: Quirrel Stuttering Jinx => Tayla

•VK (1360th post): Acromantula – Crusher => Rose

•Decoy Detonators (Group): Masons’s 1 per living member

•Horcruxe => Mottlee (answered correctly)

•Amulet -> Elli


SK – Crusher (Failed)


Verbal –  Player(DV)

Wombat – Thorum => DV on Crusher

Thorum – Player (blocked)


No Day Action Submitted – Pankh & Lia


Day 5 Game info

•SK attack fails due to Crusher’s Decoy Detonator.

•Mottlee receives a Horcruxe

•Mmeesh replaces Pankhuri.

•Adella replaces Rojano.

•Locke replaces Som1else.


Night 5


Ministry NK – Dar

DE NK –  Dar


Crusher – Dar

Dar – Wombat (Blocked)

Elli - Boopsy

Verbal – Wombat

Lia/Dah –  Wombat


Target: Wombat

Post Restriction: Must act like he's a secret agent but make it somewhat obvious or cheesy and must post a link to his secret agent theme song (whatever he'd like) with the word "secret".


Adella –  Boopsy (Blocked)

Locke -  Crusher


Day 6 – Explore the Castle

•PR: Umbrige Hex => Alanna

•VK (1500th post): Fiend Fyre - Lia => n/a

•MM: Pookie -> Tigs

•Mischief Maker: Meesh => Verbal

•Amulet -> Tigs


SK – Crusher


Wombat – Taei => Nothing (Stone had already been used)


No Day Action Submitted – Verbal, Thorum, Meesh & Lia


Day 6 Game info

•Taei resurrected Crusher; Crusher is Vanilla Mason.


Night 6


Ministry NK – Jeran

DE NK – Elli (Blocked)


Elli – Elli

Verbal - Jeran


No Night Action Submitted:  Lia/Dah, & Adella


Day 7 – Class Rooms

•PR: Dunce Potion=> Adella

•VK (1635th post): Basilisk Venom – Meesh -> Wombat

•MM: Taei -> Verbal

•Peruvian Darkness Powder -> Ministry

•Hand of Glory -> Wombat


Wombat – Elli -> himself & Krak (to begin at Night)

Thorum - Meesh


No Day Action Submitted – Verbal, Meesh & Lia


Day 7 Game info

•Imperio is negated due to Vig Kill.


Night 7


Ministry NK – Tayla

DE NK – Mottlee

SK - Tayla


Elli – Elli

Adella – Mottlee


No Night Action Submitted:  Lia/Dah, & Verbal


Day 8 – Hogsmead

•PR: Winky=> Dah

•VK (1700th post): Rosemerta’s Mead– Adella => n/a

•Love Sick: Crusher -> Pookie

•Enhancement Elixir -> Krak

•Shield Charm -> Meesh


SK – Elli (recruit)


No Day Action Submitted – Verbal, Meesh & Lia


Day 8 Game info

•Krak recruited Elli, she retains her power but her alignment changes to Anti-Town

•Mottlee is resurrected via Horcruxe, her power is limited to only Alignments.


Night 8


Ministry NK – Adella

DE NK – Wolfie


Elli – Pookie


No Night Action Submitted: Lia/Dah, Adella & Verbal


Night 8 Game info

•Wolfies power is negated due to lack of activity and NK is allowed.

•Meesh is the winner of the Felix Exam

1.She will receive all of Day 9’s goodies

2.She is immune to both the lynch, & NK’s for Phase 9


Day 9 – Atrium

•PR: Wizard’s Fear=> Meesh -> Lia

•VK (Felix Winner): Bella’s Dagger – Meesh -> n/a

•Taboo placed on the name Voldemort

•Enhancement Elixir (Felix) -> Meesh

•Shield Charm (Felix) -> Meesh


Verbal – Pookie

Lia – Tigs


No Day Action Submitted – Meesh


Day 9 Game info

•Due to not using her VK, offered Meesh the opportunity to trade her Felix Night Immunity in return for keeping the VK to use at any point further in the game.  Meesh accepted.


Night 9


Ministry NK – Meesh

DE NK – Lia


Verbal – Pookie (Blocked)

Elli – Pookie

Lia/Dah- Meesh


I'd like to have Meesh go on and on about how she's a Pretty Pretty Princess and she should get ANYTHING SHE WANTS RIGHT NOW! etc ;D


Night 9 Game info

•Lia’s death unlocked “Vengeful Retribution” for Dah; he is issued 3 VK’s to be used before or by Day 11 Lynch.


Day 10 – Dept. of Mysteries

•PR: Thought Chamber => Crusher

•VK (nth post): Death Veil – n/a

•Time Turner -> DE’s

•Hall of Prophecies -> Ministry


Day 10 Game info

•Dah’s kills (Submitted all at once)




•Meesh’s death causes game to go directly to Day 11.

•Crusher dies due to Lovers bond with Pookie.

•Pookie’s death allows Dah & Lia a solo win.



Night 10


•Phase is skipped due to Meesh’s Death


Day 11


•No scene was choosen due to Meesh’s death


Night 11


DE NK – Boopsy


Elli – Elli


Day 12 – Diagon Alley

•PR: SPEW => Mottlee

•VK (1850th post): Death Veil – Dah => Elli

•Day Dream Charm - Elli =>Taei

•Extendable Ear – Taei => Elli


Day 12 Game info

•Dah’s VK choice resulted in End Game.  Town & Siblings win.


Yay! That was awesome, Red! I cant wait to join your next game!!  ;D


well i have a 23 player game taking signups in the Aiel Social Group.  heres the link  but its also in my sig



it's called "jukebox Mafia"  and it's scheduled to start after Pete's awesome Zelda themed game concludes.


once 23 players are signed up i'll post the game thread with the Artist Selection which. much like a Jukebox, thsi list is predetermined.  


players will select an artist from this list and that will determine your role; the song attached to each artist is also predetermined, as the song represents the Role/Ability i've assigned to that Artist.  in your Role PM's, sent after all the artists are chosen, i'll PM you your ability, lyrics and music video link. Every Artist has a role of some type. 


instead of a story, the juke box will play the dead persons song  (i'll post the lyrics and a link to the music video).  


all Artists are on a first come, first serve basis



It was a good game and Jeran's right Red, I did mean that it just felt like the items were after us.  ;)  I know you mod a fair game.  I think the town just had instincts that were much too good for the mafias to hide through.  *shakes fist*  Oh wait, I was Draco... *pouts and whines for Mummy*

  • Moderator
•Meesh is the winner of the Felix Exam


1.She will receive all of Day 9’s goodies

2.She is immune to both the lynch, & NK’s for Phase 9



Day 9 – Atrium

•PR: Wizard’s Fear=> Meesh -> Lia

•VK (Felix Winner): Bella’s Dagger – Meesh -> n/a

•Taboo placed on the name Voldemort

•Enhancement Elixir (Felix) -> Meesh

Shield Charm (Felix) -> Meesh


Verbal – Pookie

Lia – Tigs


No Day Action Submitted – Meesh


Day 9 Game info

Due to not using her VK, offered Meesh the opportunity to trade her Felix Night Immunity in return for keeping the VK to use at any point further in the game.  Meesh accepted.



Night 9


Ministry NK – Meesh

DE NK – Lia


Verbal – Pookie (Blocked)

Elli – Pookie

Lia/Dah- Meesh


Did Meesh receive a NK immunity and a shield charm?  In other words, you offered her the opportunity to negate the NK protection, but she kept her shield charm....so she had two different NK protections from the Ministry?


Was the offer to keep the VK part of the game design, or was that on-the-fly?  I only ask because that's what killed me.


the way the Felix Potion worked is it allowed 2 things


1. Allowed the drinker to obtain all the goodies for the scene chosen after the potion was won.

2. gave the drinker an immunity to all types of kills for the cycle (both Day & Night) after it's won. (Lynch, VK's, SK, & both NK's)  this is becuase of the nature of the potion itself.


this is why i made the questions for it so hard; because the prize was basically to be a God for a Phase.


the items that Meesh obtained were basically chosen by the players alive at that point (another form of randomness).  majority of you guys selected the Atrium, so thats the scene whcih was chosen.



Meesh hadn't used her VK so i decided to give her the choice between keeping the VK's and her items or losing the items and retaining the night time immunity.

  • Moderator

Meesh hadn't used her VK so i decided to give her the choice between keeping the VK's and her items or losing the items and retaining the night time immunity.


I see.


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