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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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Something tells me Talya was tasked with stuttering today! LOL!


Now comes the fun part . . . trying to remember everything after DM being down for so long . . . ARRRRRRGGGHHHH! 

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Anyone with a very long-term memory or plenty of time who wants to recapitulate what happened before the offlininess??


Heck.  No.


I don't even remember the first half of this game, now. Ugh.  Re-read time.

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You're not the only one who's forgotten where we are.


And I highly doubt Talya would incriminate herself by suddenly stuttering like Quirrel, I'm guessing it's a PR given by the mafia in order to cast suspicion on her.


Waiting to see what Rose says before casting my vote.

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Hopefully I can find time to refresh my memory a bit (I'm not sure how I can today though).


Thankfully Taei has helped me out. Once again she wanders in and votes for someone who already has votes with little to no reason. This gives the impression that she doesn't care who gets lynched (I.e. Scum or solo)

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due to DM being down i'm extending the game by 3 days :)  let me know if you guys don't think it's enough.  new deadline is in the vote count quote




Thursday, July 1st @ 1pm; 23 alive, 12 to lynch


Vote Count

Rose(3): Boopsy, Crusher, Taei


No Vote (20): Thorum, Jeran, Dar, Tayla, Alanna, Pookie, Ellianora, Wombat, Verbal, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Rose, Mottlee, Som1, Player, Pankh, Wolfie, rojano


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Hopefully I can find time to refresh my memory a bit (I'm not sure how I can today though).


Thankfully Taei has helped me out. Once again she wanders in and votes for someone who already has votes with little to no reason. This gives the impression that she doesn't care who gets lynched (I.e. Scum or solo)

Actually I have confidence in Boopsy's ability. Since it is known without a doubt that they are Harry Potter (they died and came back from the dead if you remember) my question is, why do you doubt them? Just curious, since Harry Potter is obviously town aligned.

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The exact mechanics of my role is that I target someone, he dies, I get the first person who targetted him.


I guess Pete and I were just unlucky in the sense I checked on myself when i was NKed. And he HAD targetted me. But while he was first he wasn't the only one. I'm sorry guys. I messed up. And the mafia are probably laughing now.

This is what is really making me wonder about this vote on Rose.  She's claimed a role where she TARGETS two people and gets an odd/even response concerning their innocence/guilt.  Sure, she could be lying about her role, but the role she's claimed does require targetting.  To me it just seems like a pretty scummy thing to go for a claimed investigator for a lynch on just the proof that she targetted someone -- of course she did or her roll wouldn't work!  We're a little shy on investigators at the moment, seeing as how they keep getting killed, so I'm not very inclined to kill off someone claiming investigator without better proof. 


Actually I have confidence in Boopsy's ability. Since it is known without a doubt that they are Harry Potter (they died and came back from the dead if you remember) my question is, why do you doubt them? Just curious, since Harry Potter is obviously town aligned.

There was at least one recruiter in the game, so it's possible for someone who clearly started the game town aligned to no longer be if there's another recruiter.  We know Harry was town when he died via Mottlee, but not if he came back town or stayed town after that.  Seems to me that Harry would be a pretty sweet recruit choice if there is another recruiter, so that's something to consider. 


At the moment I don't believe that's the case.  I think we're just looking at another Pete-esque mixup due to the mechanics of Boopsy's role and Rose's role.  It would also be pretty easy for the mafia to capitalize on Boopsy's role by holding off their NK until almost deadline and hope someone else targetted their tartet first.  Easy lynch of an innocent if so.  Personally, I'd trust the results more if they gave a random person who targetted the dead player so that the mafia couldn't benefit from waiting.

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Forgot to add...


Aemon claimed Player as one of the people he roleblocked, saying it was night 2.  Player came back and said he was blocked night 1.  This looks to me like a poorly executed cover job, considering we know Aemon was not town.

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Thursday, July 1st @ 1pm; 23 alive, 12 to lynch


Vote Count

Rose(3): Boopsy, Crusher, Taei

Player(1): Pookie


No Vote (19): Thorum, Jeran, Dar, Tayla, Alanna, Elli, Wombat, Verbal, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Rose, Mottlee, Som1, Player, Pankh, Wolfie, rojano



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Actually I have confidence in Boopsy's ability. Since it is known without a doubt that they are Harry Potter (they died and came back from the dead if you remember) my question is, why do you doubt them? Just curious, since Harry Potter is obviously town aligned.

There was at least one recruiter in the game, so it's possible for someone who clearly started the game town aligned to no longer be if there's another recruiter.  We know Harry was town when he died via Mottlee, but not if he came back town or stayed town after that.  Seems to me that Harry would be a pretty sweet recruit choice if there is another recruiter, so that's something to consider. 


At the moment I don't believe that's the case.  I think we're just looking at another Pete-esque mixup due to the mechanics of Boopsy's role and Rose's role.  It would also be pretty easy for the mafia to capitalize on Boopsy's role by holding off their NK until almost deadline and hope someone else targetted their tartet first.  Easy lynch of an innocent if so.  Personally, I'd trust the results more if they gave a random person who targetted the dead player so that the mafia couldn't benefit from waiting.

Actually, I can tell you that it has been cross checked by a second player. They got an anti-town reading from Rose. I am on the same team as Boopsy, which I'm sure he'll confirm for me. Another person on our team has already gotten killed, plus Boopsy has already gotten killed and resurrected, so I'm sure that you'll understand why I didn't want to just come out and say from the beginning who's team I was on and why I said what I did. I was backing up a teammate and the findings that the team as a whole came up with. There, said. *awaits the impending doom of a possible night-kill now*

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Severus Snape stalked towards the Forbidden Forest in the noon day sun, cloak billowing behind him and a glower of distaste on his face.  It was his one free period between potions classes, he had hoped to spend it catching up on grading papers; though that task was easy enough in itself, few students received high marks in his classes.  Instead he had found a note on his desk in his personal study, in hand writing he didn’t recognize; it requested that he meet the person some way into the Forest away from prying eyes.


His instincts screamed to ignore the message, to take it straight to Dumbledore; yet he knew it was better to meet this unknown person as requested.  With the Dark Lord in Hogwarts, it might have been on his orders that this meeting was set up; running to Dumbledore would only confirm most of the other Death Eaters suspicions and ruin his hard earned trust from Lord Voldemort.


His hand traveled to the Dark Mark concealed under his robes of its own accord, as it often did when he contemplated what the Dark Lord’s plans with him might be.  He remembered well the day he had earned the mark, among what he had had to do to get it; he could still feel the pain and smell the burning of his flesh as the Dark Lord branded him with the mark.  He remembered the pride that swelled in his chest when all his friends had gathered to see it, and the slightly sick feeling in the pit of his stomach at what it had cost him.


Now his outlook on that mark was different, he was disgusted with it; it only reminded him of the sacrifice and loss it had led to.  Every time the mark burned when the Dark Lord called him, every time Snape glimpsed it when the sleeve of his robes fell back, he was haunted by the memory of her.  It only served to remind Snape that he was the reason Lily Evans was no longer alive, that it was his words alone which caused the dark Lord to choose the Potter boy as his equal; had he thought before acting, kept what he heard to himself, Lily might not only be alive today but also be his.  


The muscle in his cheek twitched as he walked further into the woods, and he clenched his teeth together; yet the thoughts kept coming, as the always did when he thought about her.  Lily’s long auburn hair, the way her smile would light up the entire room, the way her green eyes sparkled in the light.  Only one other person had those beautiful green eyes, her son Harry Potter.  He held no affection for the boy, a sneer came onto his lips at the mere thought of Potter; as far as he was concerned, any likeness Harry had with Lily ended with those green eyes.  Yet every time he looked into those green eyes there was a conflict deep within him; one of hatred, because it was James’s face, James’s attitude, James’s arrogance, and that of longing, because they were Lily’s eyes.  


Lost in his own daemons, Snape wasn’t paying attention to how far he was traveling into the Forest.  Had he been listening to his surroundings, instead of his own thoughts, he would have heard the quiet rustlings of six legged creatures scurrying toward him.   By the time he heard the clicking of their pincers it was already too late.  Snape stopped in his tracks, biting back the raising terror he felt creeping in on him; enormous spiders of various sizes stood before him, every eye fixed unblinkingly at him.  He withdrew his wand, controlling his urge to run, and began to back away slowly; the hair on the back of his neck stood on end, yet he knew that cursing them or running would only end in his death.  


Hearing leaves rustle behind him, he turned around quickly and regretted it as soon as he did; in front of him stood a Spider which made the rest appear as if they were dwarfs, it was old with milky like cataracts in all 8 eyes.  Instinctively Snape took a step backward and, to his growing sense of dread, felt his back slam into the hairy leg of one of the spiders behind him.  They had encircled him, yet remained from attacking; the clicking of pincers died down and the largest spider spoke in hoarse voice.


“Is that you, Hagrid?”


Snape blinked in surprise; not only could the giant creature talk, but it was asking for Hagrid by name.  This some how eased a bit of the tension in Snape, yet he still held his wand directed toward the giant Spider.   He cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully.


“No, it is I, Porfessor Severus Snape; Potions Master and Head of Slytherin At Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry; I am sorry to bother you, but if you don’t mind …”


The spider clicked it’s pincers, its voice holding a whist of mournfulness in its hoarse tone.


“Sorry indeed.  Good bye Professor Severus Snape.”


Snapes eyes opened in wide eyed panic, acting without thinking he called out for the spider to wait; yet this action was to be his last.  At Aragog’s words or farewell, his daughters and son’s acted without hesitation; pouncing on the stunned Wizaard before he could defend himself and feasting on his remains.


Rose; Severus Snape has been killed





Thursday, July 1st @ 1pm; 22 alive, 12 to lynch


Vote Count

Player(1): Pookie


No Vote (21): Boopsy, Crusher, Taei, Thorum, Jeran, Dar, Tayla, Alanna, Elli, Wombat, Verbal, Krak, Tigs, Lia, Dah, Mottlee, Som1, Player, Pankh, Wolfie, rojano




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WHOOOHOO!! Well at least I made up for my mistake with pete. *bounces* I TOLD YOU I SAW HER IN THE MIRROR!


Weird why Snape's anti town in this game tho. Anyway...


I have no idea who to lynch now since she's gone. *twiddles thumb*

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Well usurper kind of makes sense for Snape.  I myself was wondering how the hell Red would handle him.  A usurper is mafia and wins with the mafia but only if the Godfather is dead.  I'm guessing Rose had to get Voldy killed.  It makes some sense as Snape wasn't necessarily a good guy so much as he wanted to avenge Lily.  Personally I might have made him a lyncher or a miller, but usurper makes sense too.

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Wombat hit the nail on the head.  Snape wasn't a good guy, the only reason he "worked" for Dumbledore was because of his overwhelming guilt for what happened to Lily.  he aligned himself with people like Lucuis and Bella while stil attending Hogwarts, and joined the DE's on his own.  in fact, he felt no remorse for harry growing up without parents, and joy at the fact that James was killed; his only remorse was for the loss of Lily.


the only reason why he agreed to help DD was to avenge Lily, because he was too spineless to go rouge like Regulous; the only reason he protected Harry was A) because DD guilted him into it directly after Lily's death and B) he did owe James for saving his life and saw it as repayment.


had it not been for Voldy's lack of willing to not make a clean job of it, Sanpe would be whislting a different tune.


atleast, this is my opinion of his character.


What on earth is a Usurper role?  I can't find that listed anywhere.  


Have you been creative Red?  ;)


Usurper is a Mafia aligned person whose goal is to get the God Father of their team lynched; the Usurper woudl then assume the God Father Role among other things



did i get creative with this game *grins evilly*  you might say that hehehe



*hogties Boopsy and takes him to Red's room*


She might like the gift. I hope. :D


*grins and does naughty things to Boopsy*

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