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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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Because I know everyone else cares as much as I do...  ::)

Barring human error in my recording...

Person and # of posts in first 1000 responses (didn't count mod posts so this won't = 1000)

Adella 47

Aemon 40

Alanna 11

Amadine 24

Aust 8

Bela 0

Boopsy 19*

Charis 33

Crusher 12

Dah'mir 47*

Danya 7

Daruya 32

Ellianora 10

Jaren 30

Krak 9

Lia 12

Locke 10

Marta 6

Meesh 44

Mottlee 16

Mynd 79

Nae 29

Nyn 24

Pankhuri 2

Pete 29

Player 13

Pookie 9

Rojano 2

Rose 13

Som1else 30

Taei 4

Talya 57

Thorum 72

Tigs 15

Verbal 17

Wolfie 12*

Wombat 41


*These folks have their first character and second character posts counted together.

Strike throughs are dead.  


Soooo.... Thorum's inactive list:

Mottlee, Krak, Nae, Player, Pankh, Rose, Crusher, Lia, rojano, Pookie


First, I don't contest my position on there at all.  I tend to not post unless I have something specific to say and for the most part this game has had me confused, mostly due to its size.  In any game I start out slow and pick up speed as I figure things out.  I know that Alanna, Lia, Danya and Rose usually play this way as well -- posts have substance and little spam.  I'll try and post my thoughts more, but "I don't really know" and a big WIFOM as I try to sort out my thoughts doesn't really help the town.


But why is Nae on this list?  Anyone over 25 posts should not be considered inactive considering that's the number they should have if everyone was posting exactly the same.  And on the flip side of that, why are some of your "the rest" list not considered inactive?  (Bela, Som1, Alanna, Elli, Boopsy, Taei, Jeran, Meesh, Pete, Dar for reference.)  Bela hasn't even posted in the game.  Not even a day 1 "hey I'm here" post.  Alanna, Elli, and Taei have a number of posts similar to some of the people on your inactive list but they're not on that list?  And why are Dah and Wolfie questionable, but not Boopsy who also replaced someone?


Since numbers and percentages are being discussed so heavily in this game, it made sense to me to address this with numbers rather than just stating my opinions without proof.

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I would say that Bela, Rojano, Taei, Pank, are very much inactive. I know that Pank has been other places on DM, so she hasn't been off anywhere! I'm sure the Bela has too!


My only view on the Nae thing is that she may have posted 29 times (it does seem less) but she actually hasn't contributed much to the game.


Krak is low for him, I've seen you post a lot more. Alanna is low too. Thats what stands out on my list.


We are now on night 2 and Bela hasn't even posted... that annoys me big time. The chances are that she is innocent, the only use is that she is a number on the town side, that is it! I'm sure if she was mafia they would have nudged her to post at least a few times.


Mottlee didn't post much for most of the game, then game in in a splurge right after Mynd was killed. I beleive someone else mentioned that before.



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Rose. You can make yourself one of the 2 players.


@ Aemon: how does this make you more than 25% innocent?


This.  And Rose, if you can't use yourself, once you figure out a confirmed innocent (via lynching the other one in an odd scenario), then you hide that innocent and use them as your control point for scum hunting.  But like Thorum said, use yourself if you can - it's the only person you are 100% sure of.

Thorum's inactive list:

Mottlee, Krak, Nae, Player, Pankh, Rose, Crusher, Lia, rojano, Pookie


Nice post. I made the list out of what I remembered. I haven't checked all 1000 posts  :o



As to the boopsy replacing someone: I forgot that one. Sorry.


Wonderful post ;)


I know you all are getting tired of my excuses but I swear I wouldn't make this stuff up.  My youngest son Weston has broncitis, pneumonia, and a double  ear infection and I spent ALL DAY at the ER.


Anyway, I voted Meesh because I had thought we were all still undecided on what to do about the rest of the "finder results".  I have not revealed my character or role because I think it is very hurtful to the town for the most part.  If I would have revealed thus far, would it have convinced anyone that I was telling the truth after Mynd?  Can we believe any of the reveals that we have had?  I'm not trying to stir the pot but we have a lot to work through.  Mynd done a great job @ sowing confusion IMO. 


Meesh-that makes sense to me (concerning your reasoning behind following Mynd)


I am just like Pookie in the sense that I dont wanna post crap just to be posting something because it is not helpful to the town.  When I have suspicions, I share them.  I'm not gonna post mindless posts just to be saying something.


My "list of evilness". I've corrected Boopsy2 and the 'inactivity' list (less than 15 posts out of the first 1000). Please make further corrections:


1) Aemon. Why would we discard a 75% chance of catching a mafia?


2) Dah2, Boopsy2, Wolfie2 for being inactive & replaced


3) Locke for being inactive & voted for someone else than Aemon or Charis


4) Alanna, Bela, Crusher, Ellianora, Krak, Lia, Pankhuri, Player, Pookie, Rojano, Rose, Taei for being inactive


5) Wombat for probably being connected to Mynd (what are other peoples' opinions on this?);


6) Tigs, Adella, Talya, Verb for voting someone else than Aemon or Charis after Dah was revealed as Arthur Weasley.


7) Daruya, Jaren, Meesh, Mottlee, Nae, Pete, Some1, Verbal : the rest


8) Amadine for being on a team with me. At least in the beginning;


9) Thorum.


I counted 31 characters in Pookie's list and I hope I don't have any doubles...


Amadine is not much below the 'rest' group.


She hasn't posted on the QT since May...

Still, she's not at the top of the to-lynch list.




Do you have these listed in order of evilness as you see it?  Or is there some other method to your groupings?


Really Thorum, you grouped me in #2 for being evil and coming back into the game replacing someone. And how have i been inactive. Tell me. I just learned last night or i forgot today that Danya was being replaced by me due to RL stuff.


Ummm... you REALLY can't accuse me of being that inactive. Consider the fact I was lynched on DAY ONE. And was ONLY just given the replacement notice.


I told you guys I have a massive time difference due to the fact I live on the other side of the planet. I was asleep when the deadline came through BOTH TIMES. Which is why I hardly posted, coz by the time I got here it's night phase. I try not to post spam. And you're gonna hate this, but weekend is looming. And I'll be EVEN MORE INACTIVE then. Every Mafia game I play, I tell people that.


So far, I see people fishing for roles, revealing for roles and stuff. I don't see why we should even believe role reveals unless there's proof. I also have my suspicion list people who are fishing for roles. It's weird how noone feels it scummy at all that there are role fishers all over the place. We're instead lynching for weirder reason. Post counts aren't really useful considering people who post one line spams all over the place. I'm still VERY wary of people like Som1else and Dar. But I'll leave it till day phase.

Guest dragonsworn1991

Ummm... you REALLY can't accuse me of being that inactive. Consider the fact I was lynched on DAY ONE. And was ONLY just given the replacement notice.


I told you guys I have a massive time difference due to the fact I live on the other side of the planet. I was asleep when the deadline came through BOTH TIMES. Which is why I hardly posted, coz by the time I got here it's night phase. I try not to post spam. And you're gonna hate this, but weekend is looming. And I'll be EVEN MORE INACTIVE then. Every Mafia game I play, I tell people that.


So far, I see people fishing for roles, revealing for roles and stuff. I don't see why we should even believe role reveals unless there's proof. I also have my suspicion list people who are fishing for roles. It's weird how noone feels it scummy at all that there are role fishers all over the place. We're instead lynching for weirder reason. Post counts aren't really useful considering people who post one line spams all over the place. I'm still VERY wary of people like Som1else and Dar. But I'll leave it till day phase.


I agree that the rolefishing is scummy, I said as much in my suspicion against Aemon, which caused him to get my vote.


Oh, god, for the last time - Wolfie is a girl. WOLFIE IS A GIRL. Let's say it all together now, and maybe we'll actually retain it this time.


I don't contest that I've been a bit inactive; however, I've been a little more inactive than usual all over DM, mostly just because I've been working a lot. Also in a game this size, I'll admit I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up. I'm hoping to do an entire read-thru tomorrow because I have the whole day off (YAY).


I agree all the rolefishing is scummy, and I think it's weird that a lot of peole are equating revealed role with innocence. In this game, we don't even know who, of the dead people, are innocent or not. And of course, Mynd had successfully revealed, and we pretty much know how that turned out. So we should probably rely less on role reveals and more on behavior and interactions. Of course, I feel this way about all mafia games, so I'm pretty much just standing on a soapbox here ;D


I'm curious as to whether Stan would've been mafia or not. I kind of see him as more of a miller, considering the Ministry locked him up for being a DE, when he was innocent. Even later, when he was a DE, he was Imperiused, as Red pointed out.


And, [glow=blue,2,300]Common Rooms[/glow]


ok guys i'm back i'm really sorry for the late notice on my LOA but one of the teachers had to pull out and they nneded a replacement to go. i only found out the day before we left. i'm going to go back and read through all i've missed later tonight as i to tyed now to do it. need to catch up on some sleep.


Alanna you beat me to it.


Thorum its been posted at least 5 times in this thread.  Wolfie is a girl, as in female, as in a her not a him. 



Friday, June 11th @ 6pm CST; or when all Night Actions have been recieved


Common Rooms - 10

Class Rooms - 5





My "list of evilness". Please make corrections:


1) Aemon. Why would we discard a 75% chance of catching a mafia?


2) Danya=Dah2. For being in both categories 3 & 4


3) Mottlee, Krak, Nae, Player, Pankh, Rose, Crusher, Lia , rojano, Pookie: inactive people.


4) Wolfie2: replaced person


5) Wombat for probably being connected to Mynd (what are other peoples' opinions on this?);


6) Tigs, Adella, Locke, Talya, Verb for voting someone else than Aemon or Charis after Dah was revealed as Arthur Weasley.


7) Bela, Som1, Alanna, Elli, Boopsy, Taei, Jeran, Meesh, Pete, Dar: the rest


8) Amadine for being on a team with me. At least in the beginning;


9) Thorum.


I hardly am confidant with a 75% viewing. No offence to Dah or anything, but it irks me to not be sure. I went after Mynd because I saw scummy stuff in his posts, and then I saw scum in Pete's post. I am NOT going to vote for someone who I have no reason to think of as scum except that everyone else says so. Unless, of course, we are really close to a lynch. I would prefer to avoid random kills 9 times out of 10.


- 75% you're mafia.


- Why would we have another finder? Arthur Weasley is the main possible finder, and he was Dah. Or Dah was he. Or whatever.

And what does that have to do with your second quote?

Uh, idk, maybe because this is a HUGE game and there is likely to be some overlapping of roles, or even a backup. And Arthur is NOT by FAR the only character who would be a finder! Honestly, have you READ the books?!


Charis was innocent. I am innocent. Why do you want to lynch an uncontested revealed character_ I think you are just trying to take out as many innocents as possible. As I mentioned before, Mynd was the one that pretty much started and finished the whole Miller Mason thing. The only thing that stops me from voting for you is that Amadine is uncontested as Sirius Black. I think Mundungus is kind of a stretch and the fact that you sent dementors after Wolfie makes me think you are scum.

Mynd was also uncontested in a major role. This carries no weight until we have less inactives IMO.


I thought Mynd was contested, she was just frozen so we didn't know!

No one contested his Lupin claim. We questioned it but no one else claimed it I thought... I am 97% sure, unless I missed a lot... Although I am about 99.8% sure I have read every single word of this game.


Taking a break from my task at work; I've hit a frustrating dead end.


I don't really remember Dar gunning for Mynd nearly as much as she's trying to make it sound.


Pretty defensive behavior going on, plus what seems to me a huge attempt at distancing herself from Mynd now that we all know he was scum. 


I'll give you that, meesh.  I did mention my suspicion of him and voted for him but most of my "gunning" for him was done while I was frozen.  I was pretty hot about that, actually.  So while I was jumping up and down screaming (silently) on the sidelines that Mynd was a LLL, you all were wondering where the heck I was.  Let's just say I knew for a fact that Mynd was NOT who he was claiming to be. 'Kay?


Also, IIRC, you did a role reveal already so I'm not going to vote for you even as a OMGUS because if you are telling the truth about who you are, that would only help the mafia. 


This is the post Talya's referring to when she says there was someone contesting Mynd's claim of Lupin.


I'm terrible at names and genders and faces and all those. Sorry for that. But you'll all have to live with it. I'll try remembering wolfie ;)




Do you have these listed in order of evilness as you see it?  Or is there some other method to your groupings?


Of course that's my opinion. The method is quite clear, I think: it has been stated at the end of every row why everyone is in it. The ordering is mine, but I haven't seen much contestation about it.

Adella, please quote the corrected version.


Really Thorum, you grouped me in #2 for being evil and coming back into the game replacing someone. And how have i been inactive. Tell me. I just learned last night or i forgot today that Danya was being replaced by me due to RL stuff.
It is mainly Danya having been inactive.


Post counts aren't really useful considering people who post one line spams all over the place.


Who has? The list is not set in stone. I'm not forbidding you to make one yourself, or showing me where it needs correction.


I'm still VERY wary of people like Som1else and Dar. But I'll leave it till day phase.
So we loose another potential way for town to try things out during the night phase? This sounds a lot like "I have a theory, but don't want it to be tested".


I hardly am confidant with a 75% viewing. No offence to Dah or anything, but it irks me to not be sure.

Who else are you more than 75% sure of, and why?


I would prefer to avoid random kills 9 times out of 10.

Agreed. But they don't occur in this game.


- Why would we have another finder? Arthur Weasley is the main possible finder, and he was Dah. Or Dah was he. Or whatever.

And what does that have to do with your second quote?

Uh, idk, maybe because this is a HUGE game and there is likely to be some overlapping of roles, or even a backup. And Arthur is NOT by FAR the only character who would be a finder! Honestly, have you READ the books?!He's the most likely finder. Or, as I stated in my original post, the "main possible" finder.


Thorum, sorry, I didn't quote the corrected version cause I grabbed the original quote, and didn't see a change to the part about me, so I grabbed that one and figured it didn't matter, since the part I was addressing didn't change.


And you are implying that you now don't think Arthur was is the only finder? Make up your mind.


- Why would we have another finder? Arthur Weasley is the main possible finder, and he was Dah. Or Dah was he. Or whatever.


Read further than the bolded part.


I'm implying I don't know whether or Arthur was the only finder. Nor did I at that time. The post I referred to back then suggested we could be sure we had another one.


My final response to that question is going to be another question. Why would you think there wouldn't be another finder-type of role?


I'm curious to know why Thorum puts me a number 4 for being in-active? I've been a lot more active than some other people here. If it's in relation to how active other players are, well, a number of you in this game are on a lot more than I am.


I do have a life outside of DM y'know. Not that I'm saying everyone else doesn't have one. :)

I'm curious to know why Thorum puts me a number 4 for being in-active?

Because you only have made 10 posts according to Pookie's list.


Inactivity = escaping attention. Deliberate or not?


IF we have another finder do you think they'll be willing at this point to put their heads on the chopping block? I mean, really? The first finder was killed off. Claims are just claims, but to risk being killed as well and with the possibility that there might not be anymore would be kind of irresponsible for someone in that role actually.


As for being inactive, I can see that unless we spend all day arguing with you Thorum we're going to be counted as inactive, so I'll deal with it. My lack of rapid posting all day long has been explained as has most of the people on your inactive list. I agree with what Alanna said, it makes sense to post when you have something to add rather than just to make your activity meter. After all we still have over thirty people in the game.


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