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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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i see it *shakes head*  thanks for pointing it out.  i think it's just getting excited for the first night and for the true fun to begin *evil grin*



*snuggles tayla*  i haven't been keeping up with yer LoTR's Mafia, but i see the number of pages and the player list.  i bet it's a great game :)

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It's finished, lol..was over and done within 5 days, pretty good considering there were 28 players.


It does get exciting when you know that day is coming to an end, or night for that matter. You're doing a fab job btw. Plus the Ass Mods ;)

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As the Hogwarts Epress pulled up to Hogsmead Trainstation and students began to unload, a fimilar loud voice was heard calling in the near distance.


"First Years!  First Years over 'ere! First Years this way"


Rubeus Hagrid stood near the edge of a lake, next to boats that seemed all too tiny compared to his size.  Slowly and timidly a sizable group of young children made their way toward him; a broad smile broke over his face, though some what hidden by his tangle of a beard.


"Right, then.  Into the boats with the lot of ya and we'll be on our way to 'ogwarts in no time."


The group glanced nervously around, apperantly not sure if they could trust this giant of a man.  Hagrid chuckled lightly, steppign into the nearest boat.


"Now then, I'm Rubeus Hagrid, er.. Professor Hargrid to you lot, that is.  Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and the Care of Magical Creatures Professor; we'll need to be getting onto 'ogwarts now, or will be later for the sorting.  You lot wouldn't want to be late on yer first night, now would ya?"  The uneasiness in the group started to disperse and a few of the kids shook their heads in unison, Hagrids smile widened exposing slightly yellowish teeth, and his black beetle eyes twinkled with amusement.


"Didn't think so, into the boats then, and we'll be on our way."


As the last of the children boarded the boats a loud CRACK sounded in the air.  An offical looking wizard in Ministry robes appeard with two Arurors flanking him.  The squat little man looked around, spotting Hagrid he nodded curtly and the trio made their way toward the boats.  Hagrid's smile faultered, concren erasing any amusement he was feeling.


"You are Rubeus Hagrid, Game keeper of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry."  It was more of an assertion than question, Hagrid swolled slowly as he nodded his head.


"Aye, that be me."


The man withdrew a rolled up piece of parchment from his pocket as the Auror's moved forward, each placed a hand on hagrids arms as the wizard read from the parchement.


"By order of the Ministry of Magic, in accordance with magical decree #870 issued by the Department for the Rgulation of Magical Creatures; Rubeus Hagrid, is wanted for questioning and conviction in regaurds to the unlawful obtainment, breeding and housing of creatures deemed illegal by the Ministry.  He is therefore to be detained and await his trial in Azkaban.  Signed, Minister of Magic, Cornelous Fudge."


Hagrid stood up quickly, rage filling him; to boat rocked violently as it threatened to turn over and the 3 ministry officals jumped back in alarm, withdrawing their wands out of instinct.  Hagrids voice boomed through the darkness.


"Now wait just one moment!  I aint never..."  However, he never finished that sentence, the Aurors made quick work of him.


"Stupify!"  All three yelled the same curse and it hit hagrid with full force in the forehead, he landed in a heap on the floor of the boat unconcious.  The children gasped in fear and attempted to huddle together. The Ministry wizard composed himself and looked meaningfully at the two Arurors.


"Get him to Azkaban, I'll esscort these children to Hogwarts and inform the Headmaster of this occurence."  They nodded once more; once again each of them grabbed hold of Hagrid, they Apparated away with the still unconcious Hagrid at their side.


Boopsy; Rubeus Hagrid has been lynched.



Summer, Ollivander & Koujin, Luna Lovegood have been modkilled and their roles have been replaced due to not checking in.




Friday, June 4th @ 2pm CST or when all Night Actions have been recieved




[glow=Blue,2,300]Hogwarts Great Hall[/glow]  or [glow=purple,2,300]Hogwarts Commonrooms[/glow]

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[glow=blue,2,300]Hogwarts Great Hall[/glow]


I'd say Hagrid would be town. As would Luna and probably Ollivander, but what does it mean that their roles were replaced? The roles are still in the game?

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It does get exciting when you know that day is coming to an end, or night for that matter. You're doing a fab job btw. Plus the Ass Mods ;)


thanks tayla :)  honestly i couldn't do it without my Ass Mods :)



Friday, June 4th @ 2pm CST or when all Night Actions have been recieved




Great Hall - 8

Commonrooms - 1


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Hagrid?  Oh, we really shouldn't have done that....


[glow=blue,2,300]Hogwarts Great Hall[/glow]


I would like the Mafia to target me tonight.  Please do.  ;)


It does get exciting when you know that day is coming to an end, or night for that matter. You're doing a fab job btw. Plus the Ass Mods ;)


:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


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oh FYI.  once all NA's are recieved the game will enter whats called a "Dawn Phase", at this point 3 things will happen.


- Vote for Opening Scene will be locked.

- The Game Thread will be locked, and i will post informing you it is now Dawn Phase.

- Results from all NA's will be sent out to the proper owners.


once the results are sent out via PM's, i'll unlock the thread and edit my "Dawn Phase" post to inform you guys of the Nights events.


i'll add this to the OP incase anyone needs to referrance it later on ;)



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