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I'm moving

Al Jenn Mael

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This sounds wonderful for you guys! I'm so happy for you. Now, if I could just figure out how to get to Portland..... My cousin just invited me to stay with them in Vancouver, so that's no problem. (She's actually the only blood family I claim, other than my mom.) Is it wrong of me to be more excited to meet Adella (and the rest of you, if you were there, too) than to see my cousin? I wish I could do this. *sigh*





Like you could keep me away from Portland...


p.s. Lily - ;D It's funny you should stop by seeing as how me and Al Jenn were just talking about how since me and you are bonding soon, that we will have to come visit you. :D Which will be easy since me and him will prolly switch between Cali and Here. ^^


Lily google Map Travis AFB and tell me how far away you are!


I'll be about 7 hours from Ed, 9 from Adella, and 16 from Limi. I'll be x hours from TMD... definitely need to find the shadows lair and clean that out.


Anywhosits Led when we go to Yellowstone it will be by the north gate (I think it is north). Gardner Montana will be the place right outside. Ugh how I loath that city...


Thanks everyone! I'm excited.


Edit:Hmmm, so convergence at Portland


If we do plan this far out enough in advance I'm sure we could get more people *Smiles and thinks about shipping in a couch*


Edit 2: Ugh you people! *Hugs Limi fondly*


He has like already planned out all the September trips places we are going to visit. :D That trip includes the parents, the lovely blonde souvra, his dad and Pete & Lexie... at least. :D


I would love to meet you all in portland. Only problem is im married and my wife would have a cuhniption fit if i even mentioned it. Maybe when we get divorced......


When?! :(


And Led, this is kind of loose planning/hopeful thinking methinks. *hopes really hard, cause this is ALL too convenient* But at the same time I would love for you to come!


Well Lissa I'm in Japan, you could always come and visit and knock off one thing of your list *Cough Disney cough*


Although it is pretty expensive... *Shrugs*


You could always Kayak!


Well, seeing as how you"eyed [him] with and arched eyebrow", you obviosuly want him to shave your unibrow.















:D :P


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