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How do you pronounce "Aust" anyway?


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Personally, I've always pronounced it as 'Aust', as in the Aurora Australis. Because, you see, wonderful, confused creatures who do evil things, we all should aspire to be beautiful things like the aurorae. So, step out from the shadows! Embrace your neighbour -not with your knife in your hand, though! That will hurt them- and tell them why you admire them. Come with me into the age of enlightenment where we love all creatures!  :-*


*Skips off*



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LOL I always think Aust as in Australia :)


Question; Do you pronounce Australia as 'Aus-tray-lia' or more 'Aus-trahh-lia'? ;D


If you reply I'll give you a HUG!

Nah, just joking, I'll give you a hug anyway. :)

*Hugs Amadine and gives her a beautiful flower that goes with her eyes*

*Creates a gateway to a meadow and brings a family of bunnies through it*

Awww, aren't they cute? ;D

Do the rain dance with me, Aust!

*Gets rejected* :P

*Uses compulsion*

Whoops, that was bad of me! >:(

*Uncompells Aust*


*Skips off, scattering flower petals everywhere* :) :) :) :)




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And the more pertinent question - why do you want to pronounce things online, anyway?



Certainly some online names like 'ftrp', 'bhtpnx', and 'LilyElizabeth' are very difficult to pronounce - how do you pronounce the 'yE' vowel? Is it different to the 'Ye' vowel? Then we take a name like "Moghedian" and trip over ourselves wondering whether she really meant it to be pronounced with an a.


'Pandy', of course, is excellently simple and approachable for people of all cultures.


As to the actual question, I tend to 'hear' words aloud in my head when I read them. I can't just look at the letters and not 'hear' the word - not without getting a headache, anyway.

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I just pronounce all names phonetically in my head. Thankfully no one ever asks me to pronounce fantasy names in RL so I'm all good. :D



Then we take a name like "Moghedian" and trip over ourselves wondering whether she really meant it to be pronounced with an a.



Seriously, that's the confusing part of the name? :P






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Guest BaLefireP

Uh... I should think it would be obvious. It sounds just like "eyjafjallajokull". But there is an accent on the 'u'.


XD That is good!

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